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TEXT 2. A day in my life

Pre-Listening Vocabulary

Make sure you know the meaning of these words and word combinations.

physiotherapist turn up

furious give smb some heat treatment

injure put on some weight

crash take off some weight


Listening Exercises

Listen to the recording and match the proper names in the left-hand column with their descriptions given in the right-hand column.

1. Mrs Walker 1. Margaret’s favourite patient

2. Mrs Callan 2. a nurse

3. Steve Bell 3. the physiotherapist

4. Edie 4. a boy who hurt his knee

5. Margaret 5. the head physiotherapist

Identify the following statements as True or False.

1. Margaret got up later that day.

2. The weather was cold and wet.

3. Margaret’s first job was to take her knee class.

4. The boy hurt his knee in a motor-bike crash.

5. Margaret didn’t need the boy any more as his knee was a lot better.

6. Margaret had a big lunch.

7. Edie likes to talk to Margaret.

Listen to the recording again and complete the statements below by choosing the right alternative.

1. Normally Margaret gets up

a) at six o’clock

b) half past seven

c) seven o’clock

2. Today she didn’t have to start work until

a) a quarter to nine

b) half past eight

c) nine o’clock

3. She stayed in bed for another

a) quarter of an hour

b) hour

c) half-hour


4. Today Mary made herself a proper breakfast:

a) a cup of coffee, some cereal, toasts with marmalade

b) orange juice, a boiled egg, tea and toast

c) corn flakes and milk, bacon and eggs, coffee and toasts

5. One of Margaret’s patients hurt his back because

a) he had got in a crash

b) he had lifted a bag of potatoes

c) He had slipped in the street and fallen down

6. Margaret’s favourite patient is

a) 75

b) 85

c) 65

Language Focus

3.1. Listen to the tape again. Pick out and note down the words which mean:

a) very nice b) how often something happened

make stronger

get better

very angry

in the last few weeks

Give the English equivalents for the following sentences.

1. Сегодня Маргарет приготовила себе настоящий завтрак.

2. Летом Маргарет иногда ходит на работу пешком, а когда погода плохая, она ездит на работу на машине.

3. Первой работой Маргарет в это утро было посещение больного, который повредил себе спину.

4. Маргарет сделала ему прогревание и велела отдыхать как можно больше.

5. Они – замечательная группа, и мы интересно проводим время вместе.

6. Стиву уже намного лучше, но ему все еще нужно посещать занятия.

7. Маргарет немного поправилась за последнее время, и она хочет похудеть до лета.

8. У любимой пациентки Маргарет болезнь легких.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-11; просмотров: 73 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

INTRODUCTION | SECTION 1 | Language Focus and Auditory Memory Check | Language Focus | Answer the questions. | Language Focus and Auditory Memory Check | Go through the vocabulary list given below and clear up any difficulties. | Listening Exercises | Now listen to each of the six parts of the recording separately and answer the questions that follow. | Study the list of words given below. |

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