Читайте также:
You are going to hear train information being relayed over a loudspeaker system at a station. Pick out information to a specific journey. Fill in the details of the trains on the grind below. (Two listenings.) Go through the list of words given below before you start listening to the train information.
to cancel - отменять
derailment - сход с рельсов, крушение
Destination | Platform number | Time | Other information |
Southhampton | |||
Coventry | |||
Plymouth | |||
Paddington | |||
Cardiff | |||
York |
Writing Based on Listening Recognition. Recognition Accuracy Check
Tape Dictation
Listen to the recording about the underground in London. Now listen to the text once more and write it down in the pauses provided. Check your dictations by listening to the tape again. (Three listenings.)
Text Title: The lamb who couldn’t sleep
Cassette: From Recordings for Children
Pre-Listening Vocabulary
Before you listen study the vocabulary given below to avoid any difficulty of understanding.
marsh [mAùS] - болото
snore [snù] - храп
yawn [jùn] - зевок
fleece - овечья шерсть
thistle [TIsl] - чертополох
doze - дремать
leap - прыгать, скакать
nibble - щипать
spin - крутиться
snuggle - устроиться поудобнее
stagger - идти шатаясь
stumble into sth - наткнуться на что-либо
bump into sth - налететь на что-либо
flutter - колыхаться
pant - часто и тяжело дышать
bound [baUnd] - прыгать, скакать
sigh - вздыхать
bleary [ÈblI«rI] - затуманенный
puffed up - запыхавшийся
with a wink - подмигнув
Listening Exercises
Listen to the fairy tale and identify the following statements as True or False. Correct the false ones.
1. Every morning began the same way.
2. The lamb’s friends suggested that he should count sheep at night.
3. The lamb stumbled into a big oak tree because he was in a hurry.
4. The owl gave the lamb her special sleeping mixture.
5. The mixture helped the lamb a lot.
Arrange the suggested subtopics according to their order in the text.
1. One night the lamb took his mother’s advice and began counting sheep.
2. The next morning the lamb was completely refreshed.
3. The young lambs had a lot of fun in the fields, except one.
4. The lamb was asked to bring the owl a particular kind of thistle.
5. The sleepy lamb with unsteady legs stumbled into an oak tree.
6. The lamb raced after the crow to bring a feather.
7. The owl decided to help the lamb.
Дата добавления: 2015-09-11; просмотров: 63 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав |