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Disk Drive are Mechanical devices that read and write disks

Читайте также:
  1. A and B. Floppy drives, if present.
  2. ACT 1. Preview (with sound on). Watch the preview to complete the sentences below. Choose your answers from the Word Box. Write the correct word on each blank line.
  3. An international travel magazine has asked its readers to describe a famous city. Write your description.
  4. Bandits killed villa immaterial headquarters convenient alive drive sum divide
  5. C) Write a covering letter applying for the job.
  6. CHAPTER 59 Dietrich-Munoz Strips For A Fight With Cotton-Mallory; Murphy-Shackley Writes A Letter To Sow Dissension.
  7. Click Add to SkyDrive.
  8. Console.WriteLine(com.CommandText);
  9. DDT (Demand Driven Techniques)
  10. Discuss & Write

Loren Granberry


CMAP 106 Key Terms

1. Hardware: Physical computer parts

2. Software: A computer program that typically performs a specific activity.

3. Apps: Short for applications, which perform, use tasks for the user.

4. Operating System: Also known as (OS) is the interface software that enables a user to work with system hardware and other software installed on the computer system.

5. Gestures: Windows 8 actions that enable you to manipulate items on touch-screen devices with equivalent mouse actions for traditional computers.

6. Mouse: a device on which you roll and then press buttons to control a desktop or notebook computer.

7. Mouse Pointer: The on-Screen graphical indicator whose movement of the mouse so that you can select objects.

8. Touchpad: A built in control device on a mobile computer that you can use instead of a mouse.

9. Point: Drag the mouse or drag your finger on the touchpad until the mouse pointer is over the button, command or other objects you wan t to select or manipulate. Often when you point to an icon or button, a pop-up description of the items appears. (Some applications call these Screen Tips or Tool Tips.)

10. Click: After pointing to an on-screen item, press and release the left mouse or left touchpad button once, or tap once on the touch pad with you finger. You typically click to select a command from a menu or a choice in a dialog box. In some cases you also click to select from an on-screen object.

11. Double Click: After pointing to an on-screen item, press and release the left mouse twice quickly. Double-clicking typically opens an item; for example, double-clicking an icon might start a program

12. Right Click: After pointing to an on-screen item, press and release the right mouse button or right touchpad or the right touchpad button once. Some touchpads offer a special “hotspot” area, typically located in a corner, where you can tap to right-click. Right clicking often displays a shortcut menu such as the one that appears in Figure 1.1 on page 5.

Drag; You often drag to move or resize an on-screen item. With a mouse, point to the item, press and hold the left mouse button, move the mouse until the on screen item reaches its desired destination or size, and then release the mouse button. A touchpad makes dragging a bit trickier. Typically, you point to the item, double-tap and hold your finger on the pad at the end of the second tap (tap-hold), drag your finger until the item reaches its desired destination, and then lift your finger off the touchpad.

14. Scroll: Windows and lists often include scroll bars at the right and bottom to help you move additional window or list contents into view. Typically, you scroll by clicking the scroll arrows at either end of the scroll bar or by dragging the large scroll box in the middle area of the scroll bar

Disk Drive are Mechanical devices that read and write disks

16. Disk platters: Usually spin past one or more read/write heads

17. Types of Disk drives and platters: include hard disk drives and DVD drives

18. Magnetic disk – hard disk, floppy disk

Дата добавления: 2015-09-11; просмотров: 76 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

Многозначные слова | I thought this class was structured and an excellent usage of the basic how of using Windows 8 | In most cases, the correct choice is Open folder to view files. | A and B. Floppy drives, if present. | Eject the device before removing it for added safety. | Right-click a taskbar icon to see its jump list. | Before you can perform an action on a folder or file, you must select it. | Click Add to SkyDrive. | Both the source and destination folder windows must be visible to use this method. | You also can click the File menu and New. Some programs create a blank file, whereas others prompt you to select a template. |

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