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ACT 1. Preview (with sound on). Watch the preview to complete the sentences below. Choose your answers from the Word Box. Write the correct word on each blank line.

Читайте также:
  1. A complete failure
  2. A sound of thunder.
  3. A) Choose a job that you would like to do.
  4. A) Complete the table with personal and professional abilities. Use the list below. Give the reasons.
  5. A. Read the paragraph below and choose the most appropriate words/ phrases in bold. Where could you read this extract?
  6. ACT 2. Preview (with sound on)
  7. An international travel magazine has asked its readers to describe a famous city. Write your description.
  8. Another cracking sound. Overhead, a gigantic tree branch broke from its heavy mooring, fell. It crashed upon the dead beast with finality.
  9. Another cracking sound. Overhead, a gigantic tree branch broke from its heavy mooring, fell. It crashed upon the dead beast with finality.
lost calm feeling rings jitters ready married do worried

Today, Susan Stewart and Harry Bennett are getting


Coming up in Act I, Harry gets _____ Philip tries to help

Harry with his bow tie.

Harry: I'm ________, Philip. What if we can't tie the tie?


2. Harry is very nervous, and Grandpa, tries to ____ him down.

Grandpa: Poor Harry. I know the wedding-day _______



3. Later, Harry worries that he's ______ something important.

Harry: Oh, my. What did I ______ with the

(Harry repeats the question.)

Scene 1 (with sound on) “I never could tie one of those … things…”

Read the statements below. Then watch the scene and listen to it carefully. Which of the following items are true according to the information in the scene? Put a check (√) in the box only if you are sure the sentence is true.

□ 1. Philip has tried to tie bow ties before.

□ 2. The wedding might be postponed until tomorrow.

□ 3. Harry is nervous because of Richard.

□ 4. Grandpa doesn't like bow ties.

□ 5. Grandpa owns a tuxedo.

□ 6. Philip thinks the tuxedo rental store is open on Sunday.

□ 7. All the Stewart men are planning to wear

□ 8. Philip is worried about Susan.

tuxedos to the wedding today.

□ 9. The wedding is at twelve o’clock.


In Other Words…

Which word or expression do the characters use to express the underlined part of each sentence below? Choose your answers from the Word and Phrase Box. Write the correct answer on the blank line at the end of each sentence.

figure At this rate Not to had better not Should be jitters fellas  

1. Robbie: If we go this slowly, the wedding will take place tomorrow. _________________

2. Philip: Don't worry. __________________

3. Robbie: You shouldn't make Harry any more nervous than he is. ___________________

4. Robbie: We'll find a way. ___________________

5. Grandpa: How're you doing, guys? __________________

6. Philip: Probably (the store is open). ___________________

7. Grandpa: I know the feeling. Wedding-day nervousness.


Scene 2. “What Did I Do With Them?” Who Did It?

Watch the scene. Then complete the sentences below. Write Harry, Richard, or Robbie on each blank line.

1. ….gave the rings to Robbie. 2. … handed the rings to Richard.

3. … had the rings first. 4. … gave the rings back to Harry.


In Pairs. Who Says It?

In Act I, people said things to reassure Harry—to make him feel less nervous. Who made each of the statements below—Richard, Grandpa, Robbie, or Philip? Work with a partner. Write the correct name on each blank line. Watch Act I again if necessary.

  1. _______________: Not to worry. OK. Here we go.
  2. ________________: Don't worry. We'll figure a way.
  3. ________________: I'll lend you mine [my bow tie], Harry.
  4. ________________: Poor Harry. I know the feeling. Wedding-day jitters.
  5. ________________: Oh, don't worry, Harry. They [the rings] have to be here.
  6. ________________: Relax, Harry. Robbie went to pick up the clip-on bow ties.
  7. ________________: It's still a little over two hours, Harry. Just relax.
  8. ________________: You'll be fine.
  9. ________________: Try to take it easy. It'll all be over in two hours.


ACT 1. FOCUS IN: Wedding-Day Jitters

Watch the "Focus In" segment. Then answer the questions below.

  1. What two things happened in Act I to make Harry nervous?
  2. When did Harry fall in love with Susan?
  3. What happened at the end of Harry's first date with Susan?
  4. What three qualities of Susan's does Harry like?


Дата добавления: 2015-09-11; просмотров: 48 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

Follow-up | Look at the words of the following list. Decide which refer to females (F), which to males (M) and which to both (FM). Then complete the sentences below. | Follow-up | Translate the following sentences into English. | Planning to get married | The wedding | Describe the steps of the church wedding ceremony in the UK. | Look at the pictures of Royal Wedding and write a newspaper article reporting about it. | Read the sample prenuptial agreement and decide what points of the suggested document would you introduce into it. Make up your own prenuptial agreement. | Read the text and do the tasks that follow. |

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