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I. Translate the sentences. Pay attention to the Subjective Infinitive Construction.
1. Children’s diet early in life is thought to have profound effects on their brain development, muscular coordination and behaviour. 2. A course of combined treatment, including physiotherapy and hormones is certain to have given positive results in curing disorders of internal secretion glands. 3. Protoplasm is known to be a living substance and to have a cellular structure. 4. Rheumatic fever and acute nephritis are most likely to occur when the infecting organism is the haemolytic streptococcus. 5. In animals heparin has been shown to reduce the severity of lesions. 6. Rickets is believed to be largely, if not entirely, the result of a deficiency of vitamin D. 7. The reduced amount of oxygen in the blood of anemic patients is stated to be a major cause of the dysfunction of the heart, skeletal muscles and brain. 8. Rheumatoid arthritis is sure to be more complex as well as more frequent than other forms. 9. Codein is known to be an efficient pain killer as well as cough remedy. 10. The right lung has been proved to be more frequently affected by pneumonia than the left one. 11. The great Russian scientist I. Mechnikov is considered to be one of the founders of comparative embryology. 12. Anemia in some pregnant women is seen to be due to a deficiency in folic acid, one of the B vitamins. 13. A large cerebral cyst which was supposed to be the result of an old hemorrhage was in the left frontal lobe. 14. Smallpox is known to have been entirely eliminated in our country. 15. The most prominent function of blood is known to be carrying oxygen to the tissue. 16. The pain in the stomach is likely to persist after administration of atropin. 17. Generalized convulsions are stated to be followed by complete weakness of the patient’s body.
II. Translate the sentences. Pay attention to the subordinate clauses.
1. That prolonged deficiency of any vitamin results in avitaminosis is known to everybody nowadays. 2. Whether the bronchitis was primary or whether it was the complication after some disease should be cleared. 3. The fact is that grippe is dangerous for its complications. 4. That the microbes exist everywhere is a well-known fact. 5. The doctor’s opinion was that the appendix should be removed immediately. 6. That the fungi are capable of fermentation was spoken about at the last lecture. 7. The thing is that chemical structure of vitamins remained unknown for a long time. 8. The doctor’s supposition is that the sudden eruption on the skin of the patient was associated with the large dose of streptomycin. 9. That vitamins are of vast importance is well-known. 10. That sunshine is necessary nearly to all forms of plant life has been recognized for a very long time. 11. That sunshine has a definite influence on certain body tissues has been demonstrated with striking vividness.
III. Group the following nouns, adjectives and adverbs:
Nutrition, natural, different, connection, especially, growth, development, responsible, deficiency, serious, widely, various, defective, inflammation, eruption, naturally, weakness, available, special, importance, preventive, quickly, treatment, resistance.
IV. Give Russian equivalents of the following word-combinations:
In connection with; to be responsible for; minute quantities; skin eruptions; to be present in; to a greater or lesser degree, to result in, to be available in, cod-liver-oil; to be of importance; as well as; to be used for; a lack of vitamins; reduced working capacity; rapid fatigue; insufficient amount; retarded growth; a breakdown in the organism.
V. Form nouns adding the following suffixes to the given words, translate them into Russian:
(-ment, -th, -ence, -(t)ion, -sion, -ness, -ity)
Restless, treat, infect, resist, connect, responsible, exist, mortal, develop, grow, enlarge, erupt, disturb, prevent, ail, appear, contribute, anxious, congest, hoarse, occur, irritable, transmit.
VI. Form adjectives adding the following suffixes to the given words, translate them:
(-al, -ant, -ent, -ic, -ive, -ous)
Differ, vary, connect, infect, resist, system, result, prevent, experiment.
VII. Form adverbs adding ‘ly’ to the following adjectives, translate them:
Wide, natural, serious, necessary, easy, correct, particular, active, severe, sufficient, consequent, gradual, total, vital, constant.
VIII. Give the singular of the following words:
Teeth, feet, children, quantities, cavities, possibilities, varieties, foci, data, bacteria, bases, fungi, analyses, strata, bacilli, phenomena, cocci, avitaminoses.
IX. Find the word nearest in the meaning to the given one:
1. to continue: a) to last, b) to shorten, c) to terminate, d) to diminish.
2. to complete: a) to decrease, b) to delay, c) to check, d) to finish.
3. nowadays: a) whenever, b) any way, c) at present, d) by means of.
4. to care for: a) to watch, b) to take care of, c) to note, d) to train.
5. direction: a) incidence, b) institution, c) contribution, d) contraction.
6. immediately: a) gradually, b) regularly, c)at once, d) promptly.
7. available: a) obtainable, b) considerable, c)suitable, d) advisable.
8. to cause: a)to produce, b)to obtain, c) to reach, d) to require.
9. efficiently: a) largely, b) effectively, c) consequently, d) particularly.
10. to vary: a) to offer, b) to involve, c) to change, d) to include.:
Obesity in children is actually more frequent than the number of overweight children who came for treatment. Parents are inclined to overlook obesity in a young child and to resent having attention to it.
Pathogenesis. Children grow fat when they persistently eat more than they need. At the same time there is usually marked physical inactivity. Obesity is only the symptomatic expression of some underlying disturbance in the weight-regulatory mechanism. In most children the reflex tends to persist into adult life.
Symptoms. Physical complaints due directly to the burden of weight are relatively rare in otherwise normal obese children. However, we know obesity to be a troublesome complication in children with cardiac conditions, diabetes and orthopedic disorders. Increase in blood pressure is frequently associated with severe degrees of obesity. Fatigue, perspiration, poor coordination and shortness of breath may be due to overweight, but these symptoms may also be related to emotional factors. The real suffering is experienced in the field of social relations. They often become objects of ridicule and are excluded from the activities of their age group. The social and psychological problems which obesity creates for a child become more serious with increasing age. Obesity in an adolescent may lead to complete withdrawal.
Treatment. As a physiological problem the treatment of the obese child is simple. Doctors suppose restriction alone or combined with increased physical activity to invariably result in a predictable loss of weight. In a rapidly growing child who is only moderately overweight, it may not be necessary or desirable to plan for weight reduction. It may be preferable merely to retard or arrest the rate of gain until the child grows up to his weight. Caution should be exercised in employing complete starvation, a procedure that has been recently recommended.
Active words to remember:
Obesity, to be inclined, avoidance, to persist, to respond, to achieve, to justify, to predispose, perspiration, to experience, adjustment, restriction, to retard, to arrest, caution, starvation, withdrawal.
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