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I. Translate the sentences into Russian, pay attention to the functions of the Infinitive.
1.In some cases blood transfusion is used to replace a deficiency in one of the constituents of the blood. 2. From the capillary system of liver, collecting veins emerge and these combine to form larger vessels which ultimately leave the liver as the hepatic veins. 3. Some germs, called aerobic, must have air to live. 4. When the patient was brought to the hospital he was too weak to be operated upon. 5. To diminish the chances of pneumonia it is necessary to keep children in bed during any attacks of bronchitis. 6. Transfusions of both blood and plasma are usually instituted to bring the patient out of the shock state. 7. In case of peritonsillar abscess frequent examinations of the throat must be made to establish the diagnosis. 8. The patient to be examined by the doctor came to the polyclinic and went to the registering clerk where he was first asked to give his name, age and address. 9. Measures which have been taken to save the child are very efficient. 10. It is important that the streptomycin sensitivity of the specific organism causing the infection should be determined at the earliest opportunity, preferably before treatment is begun. 11. Some of the important functions of the blood are to convey nutritive particles to the tissues and take the waste products away from them; to supply the tissues with oxygen and relieve them of their carbon dioxide and to play an important part in the regulation of the body temperature. 12. About one billion red cells per minute are given off into the blood stream to balance the cells which are constantly disintegrating. 13. The liver and the spleen both aid in disintegration and in the conversion of the red cells constituents into substances that can be used again in the body. 14. Before administration blood should be warmed to body temperature, but overheating has to be avoided as it adds to the risk of reactions.
II. Find the word differing in its meaning from the given series of words:
1. a) many; b) a great deal of; c) a lot of; d) a number of; e) a few.
2. a) large; b) extensive; c) considerable; d) adequate; e) colossal.
3. a) similar; b) alike; c) artificial; d) the same; e) analogous.
4. a) to provide; b) to supply; c) to change; d) to equip; e) to furnish.
5. a) to result in; b) to bring to; c) to lead to; d) to carry out; e) to end.
6. a) to perform; b) to appear; c) to carry out; d) to fulfill; e) to make.
7. a) to think; b) to suppose; c) to believe; d) to receive; e) to consider.
8. a) to report; b) to announce; c) to defend; d) to inform; e) to tell.
9. a) recent; b) ancient; c) modern; d) new; e) fresh.
10. a) to record; b) to receive; c) to write down; d) to note; e) to register.
III. Fill in the blanks with one of the four words given under the sentence:
1. Human bloods are divided into four groups, the serum of one group … and haemolyse the corpuscles of another group.
a) may become b) may agglutinate c) may associate d) may complete
2. The group test is used to select donors of particular group … to match a particular recipient … to stock a blood bank.
a) either … or b) neither … nor c) not only … but also d) apart from
3. The donor should be in a good health and … malaria, syphilis or other
communicable diseases.
a) due to b) result from c) free from d) apart from
4. In withdrawing the blood full antiseptic precautions must be used and … to the air must be reduced to the minimum.
a) future b) temperature c) pressure d) exposure
5. Before … blood should be preferably warmed to body temperature.
a) transfusion b) distension c) eruption d) resolution
6. The method of administration of plasma is … as for whole blood.
a) some b) sometimes c) the same d) several
IV. Find the corresponding Russian equivalent to the following English words
and word combinations:
1. widely used procedure 1. количество циркулируемой крови
2. condition 2. группы крови у человека
3. the transfer of blood 3. несовместимость
4. clot-promoting factor 4. заболевание
5. the circulating blood volume 5.широко распространенная процедура
6. human blood types 6. способы хранения свежей крови
7. incalculable number 7. переливание крови
8. cross-match test 8.фактор, способствующий образованию сгустка
9. incompatibility 9. проба на перекрестную совместимость
10. means of keeping fresh blood 10. несметное количество
V. Translate into Russian. Pay attention to the pronouns.
1. Like any other symptom a cough is a manifestation of a disease or abnormality. 2. An abscess may form in any part of the body when staphylococcic or streptococcic bacteria invade an area and produce a local infection. 3. The hands should be washed before eating, especially after prolonged soiling or contact with anything in which dangerous bacteria are likely to live. 4. In grippe no period of life is immune. 5. Vitamin B12 is the only vitamin which contains a metal in its very complicated molecule. It seems to be synthetized only by microorganism, yet in our diet it exists virtually exclusively in foods of animal origin. 6. Any disease may become dangerous to life if you do not treat it from the very onset. 7. It was decided to explore the abdomen as there were some signs suggesting peritonitis. 8. It is through the nervous system that the organism is able to orientate itself in the world surrounding it and to adapt itself to the ever changing conditions of life. 9. In perfectly normal states the eruption of teeth is unattended by any symptoms whatever. 10. While inspecting the child nothing can be determined if the child is at all excited. 11. To anyone who has taken an interest in the surgery of early life, it must have become apparent that the child is subject to almost all the diseases of adult life and to many other conditions not found in the adult. 12. Any infant particularly prematurely born one requires special care and attention. 13. Roentgenograms of the chest and upper gastrointestinal tract showed no abnormality. 14. No changes in the infant’s general appearance, weight, appetite, behaviour should escape the mother’s notice.
VI. Find the word nearest in meaning to the one in bold type
1. Lack of vitamins in food may lead to metabolic changes and retardation of the development in a growing organism.
a) efficiency b) deficiency c) inhibition d) elevation
2. In childhood there are various conditions which may produce cough, cold in the head and other catarrhal symptoms
a) different b) extreme c) excessive d) common
3. Nowadays many childhood diseases end in complete recovery.
a) perish b) delay c) terminate d) convert
4. The muscles contain nearly one half of the body water.
a) hardly b) only c) about d) above
5. A number of diseases of respiratory system are attended by cough of various types.
a) aggravated b) associated c) accompanied d) affected
6. The child’s pulse becomes more rapid during fever, following exercise, anemia or other causes.
a) throughout b) before c) after d) without
7. There are many methods and procedures employed to disclose a disease or a defect in a human organism.
a) to check b) to aggravate c) to prove d) to reveal
VII. Find the word differing in its meaning from the given series of words.
1. a) infectious b) contagious c) contaminating d) catching e) promoting f) communicable.
2. a) to require b) to replace c) to call for d) to want e) to need f) to demand.
3. a) to decrease b) to reduce c) to result in d) to subside e) to diminish f) to abate.
4. a) important b) valuable c) significant d) vital e) loose f) considerable.
5. a) to assist b) to support c) to help d) to offer e) to aid f) to back.
6. a) regularly b) systematically c) punctually d) largely e) uniformly f) steadily.
7. a) to consult b) to answer c) to question d) to ask e) to interrogate f) to inquire.
VIII. Suggested topics for oral narration.
1. Describe the work of blood transfusion station
2. Describe the history of blood transfusion
3. Describe the administration of blood transfusion in medical practice.
4. Describe the conditions under which blood for transfusion is obtained and stored.
Rickets is a deficiency disease of infancy and childhood characterized by a disturbance of the normal process of ossification of bones with resultant deformity. Rickets is a systemic disease and most commonly occurs during the first year of life.
The predisposing factors of the development of rickets are rapid growth, prematurity and increased susceptibility to the disease. The disease may be caused by the deficiency of vitamin D and calcium in the diet, by the deficiency of sunlight and fresh air. Common early symptoms may include profuse sweating, particularly during sleep, vomiting and diarrhea. The children’s appetite is diminished and they do not gain in weight. Softening of the bones of the skull in the first few months of life may be an early sign. It is the change of the structure of the ends of the long bones in the region of epiphysis that is a common finding. The diagnosis is easily made by X-ray examination of the ends of the long bones. The head of the rachitic child is large in its upper part, the teeth appear late and fall out or decay early, the face is small. The child’s development is inhibited.
Commonly the disease does not terminate in recovery. Complications associated with rickets include bronchitis, pneumonia, gastroenteric disturbances, muscular weakness, enlargement of the liver and spleen and anemia.
The prevention of rickets should be thought of before the baby is born The future baby must get vitamin D, sunlight and a sufficient amount of mineral salts through his mother’s body. Consequently, prospective mothers have to spend more time outdoors, eat more raw vegetables, fruits, berries. Breast milk, juices, fresh air, sunlight, suitable clothing and physical activity – all these antirachitic factors may prevent rickets in children. But if the disease does not develop, the doctor prescribes ultraviolet light, vitamin D or cod-liver oil.
It is the Russian scientists who have obtained good results in curing infantile rickets by means of the direct action of the sun’s rays.
The physicians exposed infants to their action from half an hour to several hours depending on the intensity of the sun and the sensitiveness of the skin and noticed marked improvement of the symptoms of the disease and the patient’s general condition
Active words to remember:
Rickets; during; susceptibility; sweating; vomiting; to diminish; to gain in weight; enlargement; to decay; sufficient; consequently; raw; suitable; cold liver oil.
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