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1. Translate sentences paying attention to the Objective with the Infinitive Construction:
1. Some specialists consider complete starvation to be effective in the treatment of obesity. 2. We know obesity to be defined as a degree of overweight which interferes with health or well-being. 3. The doctors believe obesity to develop only in those children whose physiological regulatory and metabolic mechanisms predispose them to this type of reaction. 4. The parents often let their children eat persistently more than they need. 5. It is difficult to make parents pay proper attention to overweight children and consult the doctor in due time. 6. We see the view on obesity have changed greatly during the last two decades. 7. The doctors believe overeating to help obese children in combating anxiety and achieving a sense of comfort. 8. We know restriction in food to help obese patients in losing superfluous weight. 9. The students heard the professor speak about successful use of controlled hunger for the treatment of stomach ulcers. 10. We know the best possible food for the infant to be its mother’s milk particularly during the earlier months of life.
II. Translate sentences, define the types of the subordinate clauses.
1. To what extent obesity is the result of genetic factors and to what extent it depends on environmental conditions is not yet clear. 2. Quite often children who have been only moderately obese in infancy show a rapid gain in weight later on. 3. Life histories of obese children sometimes reveal that the tendency toward isolation and withdrawal has often preceded the development of obesity. 4. If weight reduction is to be attempted its success will depend greatly on the patient’s desire and cooperation. 6. Medicine should never be given to a child unless it is ordered by a physician. 7. The child’s food should contain a good amount of carbohydrates for these are a source of energy. 8. In some individuals obesity corrects itself at the time of puberty as the desire to appear pleasing to the opposite sex develops. 9. It is an often debated question whether a child is in a state of blooming health with excellent nutrition or whether he suffers from obesity. 10. When the winter months come the food becomes rather poor in vitamins.
III. Translate sentences, point out the forms of the Subjunctive Mood.
1.There would be no life on the earth without sunlight. 2. The doctor advised that the baby should be weighed before and after feeding so that he could see how much milk he gets. 3. If young mothers knew how important it is to feed the child properly they would give much more attention to it. 4. It is necessary that the nursing child should be fed at regular intervals. 5. If the doctor recommended the mother to wean her child she would start it without delay. 6. It is desirable that the nursing mother should keep in good physical condition, eat properly and have enough rest. 7. The child was given cod-liver oil containing vitamin A and D lest he should develop rickets. 8. If my child were as strong as yours! 9. The doctors insist that obese children should come to regular check-ups. 10. The lecturer stepped aside so that the students could see the diagram drawn on the blackboard.
IV. Translate into Russian paying attention to the Subjective Infinitive Construction.
1. Cough is likely to be one of the symptoms most frequently complained of in childhood. 2. Cough appears to be mostly observed in many conditions associated with the respiratory infection, though there seem to be some cases having no connection with a respiratory infection. 3. In some cases cough is apt to be worse at night especially during the first few hours. 4. Surgery is likely to yield the required outcome. 5. A combination of many infection producing agents is apt to give very serious complications. 6. Early diagnosis seems not to be the only way to improve survival rate after operations. 7. Increased coagulability of the blood id most likely to be an etiological factor in ischemic heart disease. 8. In some cases cough appears to depend on irritation of the nerve centers solely. 9. Many conditions are likely to be mentioned in which cough occurs, these being most likely to be bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, pneumonia, pleurisy and so on. 10. I have estimated that at least 75per cent of children seem to suffer one or more colds each year.11. Congenital cardiac disease appears to be less frequent than acquired heart disease. 12. Headache, although but a symptom, is likely to be dependent upon many and diverse conditions. 13. The acidity of the gastric contents appears to vary widely, depending upon the amount, concentration, time after ingestion and the character of the food. 14. Season is most likely to have an influence on morbidity. 15. Measles as a disease is dangerous chiefly because of certain complications which are apt to arise during its course, more especially inflammatory infections of lungs.
V. Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the list in brackets.
(in spite of; either … or; not only … but also; both … and; that; after; and; before; if; for;)
1.Eating … … serves to appease bodily hunger … … is charged with emotional significance. 2. … the mother’s diet is insufficient, the milk will be poor in quality. 3. Parents should know … obesity may develop at any age. 4. The typical obese patient tends to be … broader … taller than his age peers. 5. This child is … in a state of blooming health with excellent nutrition … suffers from obesity.6. The child’s health was poor … … … the fact that he was carefully nursed. 7. Avoidance of fats is not necessary … in most individuals they inhibit gastric emptying and delay the onset of hunger. 8. In some instances there is colic … some food is ingested to which the patient is allergic. 9. Parents’ questions concerning hygienic … general care of infants engage an increasing proportion of the time of the pediatrician. 10. A baby must learn to creep … he begins to walk.
VI. Translate sentences. Pay attention to the Construction there is / are.
1.There is a great range in the weight of the newborn even within physiologic limits. 2. There are no special elements of any kind which are peculiar only to living matter and are not found in inorganic nature. 3. There are more that three scores of diseases that are caused by viruses. 4. There are three main medical fields in Russia: adult medicine, child medicine, hygiene and sanitation. 5. There is no apparent indication that the children in whom rheumatic fever occurred early in childhood have shorter span of life than those in whom the onset of the disease came later. 6. Bacteria appear in the mouth soon after birth, and increase decidedly in number of forms. 7. There are many diseases which are almost or entirely peculiar to early life. 8. There is a predisposition to certain diseases during infancy and childhood as contrasted with adult life. There is a difference, too, in the susceptibility to particular diseases at the various periods of early life. 9. There is a high mortality in elderly patients especially those with arteriosclerotic heart disease.
VII. Translate sentences into Russian.
1.Excessive eating and avoidance of activity influence the child’s personality development and life experiences. 2. An evaluation of the emotional problems of an obese child and an appraisal of the difficulties inherent in his family interrelationships constitute a necessary part of the diagnostic study. 3. Mere weight reduction without attention to underlying problems will almost invariably be followed by another increase in weight. 4. Vitamin deficiency is to be prevented. 5. Although opinion as to how often to feed the baby varies, most doctors seem to favour a three or four hour schedule. 6. Obesity is the result of positive energy balance. 7. Caloric intake is regulated in accordance with energy expenditure. 8. Food requirements of individuals are affected by several factors: muscular activity, age, weight, pathologic conditions, climate etc. 9. The most rapid growth period in a child’s life is the first months.
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