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Читайте также:
  2. A Little Girl Lost
  3. CHAPTER 15 Sousa-Templeton Fights With The Little Prince; Cornell-Estrada Cuts Short The White Tiger King.
  4. CHAPTER 29 The Little Chief Of The South Slays Coon-Sadler; The Green Eyed Boy Lays Hold On The South.
  5. F . Single-sex schools are more likely to produce high-flying career girls
  6. He gave a little laugh of embarrassment.
  7. He gave her a little squeeze.
  8. He hesitated a little before he spoke again. One might have thought that he had to make a slight effort over himself to continue.
  9. His agitation told her all she wanted to know. She lingered a little over the cocktails.
  10. Julia looked at the pretty, clever face, with the powdered hair, and wondered whether the stones that framed the little picture were diamonds or only paste.

CIRRA STOOD SMILING as she looked out over the balcony, the club was filled to capacity now and testosterone was abundant in high doses. Men. Such silly creatures. The blond inhaled deeply as she closed her eyes. They all wanted the same thing. Power, control, dominance. No matter how hard they tried or how much money they paid or who they forced, that's what it came down to. That's what made the slave market so easy. Everywhere, all over the world, men would pay top dollar so they could feel like they mastered something. Business men who couldn't handle their jobs, politicians who paid for discretion, impotent brutes who worked out their issues. Whatever. Cirra couldn't care less about them. This was why men fell at her feet. She was the one thing they couldn't have or buy or master.

The only other option was to serve her.

The bass of the grinding music below her echoed against Cirra's ears as she stood there, perched above her domain. She owned everyone who had ever stepped foot in this club. The men came here for the scene and their boy toys, but they came here under the rule that Cirra was their Mistress, no questions asked. That meant strict privacy and total absolute loyalty. The guys dancing below supplied her with her shipments, with the stock of young kids they found in the city. They did her bidding. In return? Cirra smiled as she let her brown eyes open slowly, her hand running along the sleek black railing of the balcony. In return, those who served her well were rewarded. Privileges. Money. Boys. And her Whip.

Oh, she was perfection when it came to punishment. In fact, she prided herself on it. Her wrist could deliver a sizzling kiss of leather barely felt or one that reached right inside and ripped out a man's soul. It was easy, really, Cirra mused. The pain she gave others, the ones who begged for it, that pain almost, almost could drown out her own. Each crack of her black leathered bullwhip for an instant made her forget what she had gone through, what made her who she was today. She was a sadist, pure and simple. Making other people hurt worked for her as long as it was a means to an end. She laughed as she gazed down at the leathered bodies sweating and grinding against each other. A sadist in a sea of masochists, indeed.


She let her voice drift over her shoulder, knowing that Teddy's kid sister would be there in an instant. She kind of liked the girl's attitude. A little rough around the edges, but she kept her mouth shut around Cirra and it was always handy to have something like that around. Sure enough, the short girl appeared next to her at the balcony, her brown eyes looking up excitedly.

"Yes, Mistress Cirra?"

The blond reached out her hand and ruffled against spiked hair, her smile wide as she started stroking the kid's head. Looking down at the dance floor, she spoke.

"Go get Teddy, tell him I'm ready to leave. I want those two.."

Here, Cirra paused as she pulled against a braid of Tara's hair, her eyes dancing as she stared out the sweaty bodies below. Her other hand curved up and she briefly played against her lip before extending a hand to point.

"..little bundles of joy downstairs packaged and ready to go."

Tara winced as Cirra's fingers started to tangle in her hair as the blond absently kept up her attention. Gritting her teeth, the young delinquent spoke.


Cirra smiled as her eyes glazed over, her hand tangling and pulling in the girl's now-messy hair. With a light voice, she chirped.

"Oh, those two will be such good little girls, won't they?"

The tall blond really wasn't talking to Tara as her fingers roughly pulled the tangles of dark hair from the girl's head. Tara grabbed the railing with one hand and used the other to reach up and put her hand in her hair, trying to stop the pulling as she cried out.


Cirra didn't notice as her fingers kept tangling and pulling. She had a wicked smile on her face as her other hand curled around her own leathered mid-section, hugging herself as she cocked her head to the side.

"They'll make someone very happy..."

Her singsong voice crooned as she closed her eyes, her hand still pulling at Tara's hair. Even with the harsh techno beat music. Cirra's voice was sibilant as she smiled.

"Happy, happy...everyone should be so very happy."

Tara winced again as the tall blond kept pulling at the braids and strands of her dark hair. The young girl suffered the harsh treatment because it meant that someone was actually paying attention to her for once. She had never had a very interesting childhood so she hung out with her older brother's friends, acting older than she really was. With her tough little leathers and her poorly applied heavy makeup and attitude, Tara was a wanna-be and right now, she wanted to be Cirra bad enough that she endured and kept her mouth shut.

Cirra leaned her head to the side before she lazily turned her eyes downward and gazed at the young girl next to her. Pulling the back of Tara's hair back, she smiled down the girl, her eyes still showing the lack of rational clarity. With a cock of her head, Cirra spoke with a wistful, biting voice.

"You know, I was never happy. No, I never got a chance to be a Junior Miss. Never got to be a cheerleader. No no no...I didn't get to be anything. Poor me, hmm? Funny how things change, isn't it? I get to be whatever I want now."

Tara looked up into chillingly cold brown eyes, Cirra's hand still grasped her hair tightly. With a meek nod, the young girl blinked up at her, unwilling to disagree. Cirra shook her head and let her lips curve into a wide, perfect smile, her teeth gleaming in the lights of the club. Tara breathed out a sigh of relief when the blond let go of her hair and turned back towards the dance floor below her, the smile on her face fading as her eyes took in the sight below her. With a sweep of her hand, she sarcastically commented.

"Kind of like being one big fish in a small dirty black little pond, though, isn't it?"

Tara kept quiet, watching, listening to the blond next to her. Cirra was the closest she ever came to someone actually giving her a chance at something bigger. To hell with the fact that that something was this shithole, Tara had dreams and she knew that to get them, she'd have to start small, follow the big fish around and avoid getting eaten. Cirra's quiet voice spoke again as she sighed, the fingers of both hands curving around the black railing of the balcony.

"Oh well...all that matters is who's happy and swimming in the end, right, Tara? Now, be a dear and go get Teddy."

The young girl looked up at the blond's profile, her beautiful face suddenly stone and cold as her gaze hardened. There was something so strange about Cirra. One minute Tara was scared of her, and the next, she felt sorry for her. The youth simply assumed that insanity did that to people...made them both feared and pitied. She watched as Cirra sensed her hesitation and rolled her head to the side, her eyes looking as if they might kill her with their mahogany intensity. Tara turned on her heel and went in search of her hulky brother, fear winning out over pity at this moment.


From her seat lounging next to Teddy as he drove, Cirra looked out through the semi-darkened windows of the black van. They were winding their way south through the city, driving on lesser traveled side streets. Leon, the big bulky guy who had loaded up Lisa and Valerie's unconscious bodies from the back of the club into the van when they left, sat silently in the back. Tara was crouched on the van floor between the front two seats, peering out at the city and occasionally giving a glance to Cirra. Behind her, the girls lay bound and gagged in two neat rows next to each other, packaged and ready to go.

The blond casually took a sip from her Evian water bottle, her lips curling around the tip in seductive fashion. With a slight shake of her head, she rolled her eyes at the urban landscape they passed and sighed. The run-down industrial area they drove through was full of empty parking lots, boarded up buildings, and filth. Graffiti covered the dirty columns holding up stretches of the city's numerous expressways, dividing the buildings and roads. There was trash scattered everywhere, discarded remnants of a forgotten and ignored landscape. Cirra's eyes caught the familiar landmark of a tacky red arch with gold etched lettering that signaled their arrival in Chicago's own Chinatown. At this time of night, the streets were deserted, the cold wind blowing paper in front of the van's headlights. Passing by one dark industrial building after another, the blond held her hand out behind her and spoke.


Tara knew her cue and reached for the slim cell-phone, handing it to Cirra. She watched as the blond used the very tip of her long-nailed finger to turn it on and click out a number. With a bored sigh, Cirra reached down and tilted her bucket seat back as she gracefully stretched her shiny leathered legs out in front of her, her boots resting on the van's dashboard. Teddy glanced over and kept driving along Wentworth. With a virtual purr, Cirra spoke into the black phone.

"Mmmm....yes. We're almost there. Shall I see you soon?"

The van was quiet as Cirra listened, a smile coming to her lips. She took another sip of water and laughed.

"Oh yes, all dressed up and pretty."

Teddy turned down Cermack, heading east towards the lake. He glanced over at Cirra and shifted in his seat, his booted foot slowing down on the gas. He hated this. Well, that's not really true, he hated Him. Cirra's seductive laugh filling the van as she listened to a voice coming through the cell lines. It made Teddy mad that Cirra's attention, full attention, was on Him.

"Yes, dear, that sounds good....mm hmm...no, for them, I was thinking that Saturday's shipment would work out just right...mm...one for Bangkok and one for Marrakesh."

Cirra laughed again as she closed her eyes, her fingers running over the plastic Evian bottle with subtle skill.

"Yes, that's right...Marrakesh. I had a little trouble with that one so I think it's only fitting that she be sent someplace where she'll learn her proper manners. You know how they love submissive women over there."

Cirra listened and then laughed again. The van kept its slow pace down the street, the occasional stop lights were all green since no one ever drove down the side streets off Cermack in this area.

"Oh, and what would they do with me? I'm such a little kitten, don't you think?"

Cirra purred in imitation before holding the phone against her shoulder and stretching a slim arm above her head, her fingers curving into a claw as she swiped the air in front of her. Tara and Teddy thought that 'lioness' seemed more fitting.

"So you'll be here in a few?"

Cirra's voice questioned as she rolled her head to the side, gazing out the window at the empty lots with abandoned cars in them. Ahead to the right, she saw the rusty sign that signaled their final destination. Situated back from the street, the huge dark building was made of dirty red bricks, the windows blackened with some missing. This building stood bleakly alone on the industrial street, no others within an easy distance. As Teddy pulled up to the tall razor-topped chain link fence, the faint painted words on the building's front wall came into view: 'Olympian Tool and Dye '. Cirra laughed again as Teddy got out of the car to open the gate. With a light lyrical voice, she spoke into the phone before turning it off.

"See you soon, my sweet."

The van carrying its passengers and cargo drove around to the left side of the building, a large bay door of rusted metal loomed large as they approached. Teddy blinked the lights of the van and signaled to those inside to open it. Within seconds, two beefy leathered men hoisted the door up, the dim lighting inside the building throwing grotesque shadows of machinery and pipes and columns. Teddy pulled the van in as Leon moved to open the side door, sliding it with a precise slink of metal against metal. Cirra swiveled her chair around and gazed back into the van, watching the activity as the muscled door men helped Leon remove the bound girls.

"Easy boys, don't wanna bruise the delicate little fruits now do we?"

Cirra laughed again, her mood appearing frighteningly happy to Tara who sat back and watched. The blond always seemed to be in good spirits when she made a delivery herself. Tara knew better though, the conversation on the phone was the source of Cirra's pleasantries. The girl glanced over at her brother, seeing the look of complete and stupid adoration on his face in spite of the fact that Cirra couldn't give a rat's ass about him. Duh.

After taking a sip of her water, the blond rested her elbow on the arm of the van's bucket seat and propped her chin in her hand. Sleekly, she crossed her long legs as the men carted off Lisa and Valerie into the bowels of the abandoned tool and dye business. With a smile, she turned her attention to Teddy, her brown eyes glimmering in the faint glow of the van's interior lights.

"Teddy, be a darling and stay here with the cargo tonight and tomorrow. I don't want anything happening to my two little girls."

Teddy's face only showed the subtle hint of the real disappointment he felt as he nodded and lowered his eyes, his gruffly gravel voice lowered in submission.

"As you wish, my Mistress."

Cirra smiled before her eyes turned to the back of the van, the bright headlights appearing through the glass made her smile even more. Tara turned her head and looked out, knowing without a question who it was. The blond's voice happily proclaimed her pleasure.

"Oh goody! Here's my Ride. Behave, you two, hmm?"

And with that Teddy and Tara watched as Cirra gracefully slid out of the van and glided out the buildings cargo door towards the stopped car. Tara looked over at Teddy before she scrambled out for a better view, her small body pressing herself against the side of door as she peered around. It was Him.

Cirra's elegant gait brought her closer to the huge, shiny black stretch limo. The blond had thrown her long black velvet cape over her shoulders against the chill and its length swirled in softness around her leathered body. The wind swept through her wild white-blond hair as she neared the car. Tara saw the driver of the limo get out and walk around to the door where Cirra was approaching. He was dressed in a long grey overcoat, his crisp walk business-like as his gloved hand reached out for the door. The dim lights of the building reflected off the black mirrored glass of the limo's windows as the driver opened the door.

Tara's eyes went wide as she watched the scene in front of her. She had never really seen Him and had only heard mention of what he looked like. He was Cirra's business associate, he arranged all the money, financed the deals, took care of some of the more...schmoozy aspects of the international slave trade. And of course, he was Cirra's bed partner. She never slept with any of the men who worked for her. Never. So, Tara was curious to know what kind of man Cirra took pleasure with. After all, the blond was the dangerous leathered Mistress who whipped men bloody because they begged for it, whose orders were never questioned, who owned every man she ever came in contact with, like her brother, Teddy. At that instant, Tara watched as a dark figure emerged from the limo.


Dressed in a fitted black Armani suit, crisp white shirt, and red tie, the man stood as his eyes met Cirra's. He was simply the hottest fucking guy Tara had ever seen. Tall, gorgeous, and built like a God. His longish black hair was slightly wavy and he had an incredibly well-kept mustache and goatee the same color as midnight. He smiled brilliant white at Cirra, towering over her slim build and height. With a suave extension of his suited arm, he reached his hand out to take hers, bringing Cirra's hand to his lips and kissing it.

"Cirra, my dear, you are simply looking too delicious not to eat."

The blond laughed a girlish laugh, letting her cape be swept aside as the tall man pushed it off her shoulders, exposing her bare skin to lean down for a kiss against it. Reaching his arm around her, he guided her towards the open door, his voice a seductive rumble.

"My place or yours?"

Cirra turned her blond head and smiled up at him, her hand running playfully up his muscled arm. Before sliding into the black stretch limo, she lowered her voice in her own little seduction and winked.

"How about your limo first?"

They both laughed and climbed into the plush interior, the sleek lines of the car shining in the parking lot of the Olympian Tool and Dye company. Tara watched as it turned and made its way out of the dirtiest, darkest part of Chicago off to more glamorous destinations.

So, that was Ari Warinopolis.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-09; просмотров: 120 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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