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DOWNTOWN, THE TALL high-rise building on Michigan was quiet and empty. Walking along the polished 34th floor hallway that shone like a glaze of ice, the heels of his wingtips made muffled thuds as he reached up and adjusted the tie around his neck. He hated that on a damn Saturday, the boss made him wear a suit and tie, even for these informal strategy sessions. 'If you want the people to respect you, you first have to show them that you respect yourself enough to look the part. ' If he tried, he could even hear the delivery of those words in a smooth matter-of-fact voice.

At the end of the hall, a set of large mahogany doors stood imposing and dark. Behind them, he knew there would be an office the size of his own apartment, glass framing three walls overlooking the city. His boss loved to stand in front of each set of windows, looking to the north, to the south, and of course, to the east. He would have his hands behind his back, a smug smile on his face. One day, he would own this city..and if he had his way, he'd own the country eventually. Today, the charismatic man looking out over Chicago would simply step closer down a path he seemed fated to walk.


He hesitantly called out after opening the office door. Sure enough, his boss was poised at the north window surveying the vast expanse of street and building that stretched out along the shore of Lake Michigan. The other strategy team members would be here shortly, their Saturday meeting starting at 4pm sharp. His boss, however, would have been up since dawn, working, thinking, planning. Without even turning around, the medium built man in a sharp tailored charcoal suit spoke over his shoulder.

"You know, I have a very good feeling about today, Bruce. This city demands someone who can lead it into eminent prosperity, someone who knows what the people need."

His boss paused and turned, smiling at Bruce with that boyish grin of his. With brown hair cut perfectly conservative and his chiseled jaw jutting out, he looked even more youthful than his early thirties would show. Motioning towards his associate, he continued.

"Chicago needs someone who is destined for greatness. This city needs me...."

Bruce Romano smiled and shook his head of dark curly hair as he joined his boss at the north side window. He had to admit, there was something strangely aphrodiasiatic about the aura of power the man standing next to him gave off. He was so confident and so sure of himself. He couldn't help but be attracted to that which was why he was here now, why he had given up his own position as advisor to Mayor Daly. He wanted to be there when it happened, when Julian Cesario took Chicago.


Eyes the color of ice grey slate looked through the glass partition separating an immaculately sterile lab room and the outer supply area. Things were progressing on schedule and it wouldn't be long before the cultures were ready. All her training at MIT was paying off, finally. Pursing her lips, the tall, brown haired woman turned and smiled to herself. The crisp white lab coat she wore fairly glowed under the fluorescent lights of Lavamore Laboratories as the chief biochemist made her way towards her office on this October Saturday. Indeed, soon she would gain the respect and acclaim that she was entitled to and was promised. Living in the shadows just would not do anymore. Raising a thin brown eyebrow and cocking her head to the side, Lavamore's most accomplished and most sociopathic employee grinned wickedly. Laska Godwin was going to take what was rightfully hers and those who tried to stop her would suffer her wrath.

After all, it was His will.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-09; просмотров: 94 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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