5.1 Find English equivalents in the text
состояние вашего предприятия______________________________________
зарабатывать себе на жизнь_________________________________________
процветающий бизнес_____________________________________________
финансовые потребности___________________________________________
соответствовать новым условиям____________________________________
ставить перед собой цели__________________________________________
специалист по продажам___________________________________________
на своих условиях_________________________________________________
что касается главного______________________________________________
5.2 Find in the text synonyms for the following words and phrases
to manage one’s business____________________________________________
to earn one’s money________________________________________________
financial needs____________________________________________________
6. Give Russian equivalents to the following international words without using a dictionary. Be attentive when reading the transcription
capitalist ['kæpitәlist] process ['prousәs] start [sta:t] bank [bæhk] idea [ai'diә] mechanism ['mekәnizm] author ['o:θә] fact [fækt] industry ['indәstri] information [ֽinfә'meiòn] progress ['prougrәs] brilliant ['briljәnt] | strategy ['strætәʤi] provision [prә'viʒәn] business ['biznis] concept ['konsәpt] position [pә 'ziòn] basis ['beisis] control [kәn'trol] company ['kÙmpәni] enthusiasm [әn'θjuziәzm] focus ['foukәs] emphasis ['emfәsiz] hyperbole [ hai'pз:boli] |
7. Find in the text the sentences with the words given above and translate them into Russian
8. Translate the sentence. What meaning is expressed by the word right ?
Every business must buy right, produce products or services right, and sell right
in order to be successful.
Be in the right place in the right time.
9. Word formation (Different ways to construct words)
Translate the words keeping in mind their prefixes and suffixes:
9.1 PREFIXES: en - (em - before b, p, m) пpидaeт знaчeниe
- включения внyтpь чeгo-либo:
ex. to encage - caжaть в клeткy; to entruck - caжaть нa грузoвик;
- пpивeдeния в кaкoe-либo cocтoяниe:
ex. to enslave – порабощaть; to encourage - oбoдpять.
Translate the following pairs of words
sure – ensure trust – entrust close – enclose rich – enrich | able - enable large - enlarge cage – encage force – enforce |
Translate the following words:
enable, enact, embody, encamp, entitle, encase, emplane, encircle, enclose, encounter, embank, enamour, embolden, enchant, empoisen, empurple, encompass, encapsulate, enlarge, enlighten, embitter.
´enterpr ise – en´trepr eneur – enter´pr eneurial – enterpre´ neurship
pro´vide – pro´vid er – ´provid ent – 'provid ently – provi´d ential – pro´vi sion
re ´ late – re ´ lat ion – ´ relat ive – ´ relat ively
Essential grammar (Essential Grammar Appendix p.p.)
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