Читайте также:
Vladlena Kl`osova, 43-EC
Lesson Planning
Form: 5
Date: 15.11.14
Topic: Moments in life
Subtopic: Famous People
Type of the lesson: Combined
Educational: to deep student’s knowledge about the Present Perfect Tense and give some information about Beethoven.
Practical: to practice sounds [v; w]; to practice grammar skills; to learn new vocabulary.
Developmental: to develop subskills of dialogical speech; to develop subskills of monological speech.
Up-brining: to cultivate in children love to music; to teach them respect each other during the work in pairs and the whole class work.
Equipment: blackboard, Upstream Elementary textbook, handouts, type-recorder.
The Beginning of the Lesson
Good afternoon, children.
I’m glad to see you!
Sit down, please. [30 second]
Routine questions:
Who is on duty today?
Who is absent? [1 min]
Warming up: [3 min]
What season is it now?
What is the weather like today?
Would you like to be able to change seasons or weather?
If you could choose just one super power what would you choose?
Phonetic Practice: [5 min]
Today we will practice the pronunciation of sounds [w; v]. It`s very important because these sounds are similar to Russian/Ukrainian ones. Very often students pronounce them in a wrong way. Look at the blackboard. There is a tongue-twister. Listen to me and read the sentence one by one:
The very wary warrior veered violently where the violets wound very wickedly.
The Main Part of the Lesson
Music plays a big role in many peoples` lives. I am sure that each of us has his/her favorite singer or musician. But, unfortunately, few of us are familiar with classical music. Today we will get to know with a famous classical composer Beethoven.
Pre-reading [10.5 min]
Ex.) Answer the questions. [1,5min]
1) Have you ever listened to classical music?
2) Have you ever listened to Beethoven`s music?
3) What do you know about Beethoven?
Ex.) Work with the words. (The teacher writes down the new words on the blackboard, reads and translates them, the students repeat after her). [5 min]
Violin - скрипка; lonely - одинокий;
Calm - спокойный; depressed –подавленный etc.
Ex.) Listen to Beethoven`s composition Moonlight. Answer the following questions. [4 min]
1) Do you like this composition? Why?
2) What images come to your mind?
3) How do you think in which period of his life he composed it?
While-Reading [5 min]
Now you should read the text and do the following exercises:
Ex.) Read the text and decide weather these statements are true or false.
1) Beethoven had three sisters.
2) He was born in Berlin.
3) He returned from Vienna to Bonn because his mother was dying.
4) In the late 1790s he began to go blind.
5) He wrote his most famous compositions when was a teenager.
6) He never married.
After-Reading [7 min]
Let`s try to summarize our knowledge and emotions about Beethoven.
Ex.) Work in pairs. Make a dialogue. Imagine that you are very impressed by the text about Beethoven`s life and you want to discuss it with your friend. Use the highlighted words.
Grammar Practice [8 min]
Now we refresh our knowledge about the Present Perfect Tense in our mind. We already know that we haven’t such Tense in Russian or Ukrainian. And also this tense isn`t frequently used in the colloquial speech. But nevertheless we should know what is it and how to use it just to be well-educated person. Who remember when we use Pr. Perfect? (The students give their ideas). Ok, let`s summarize. We use Present Perfect when:
§ Actions that happened at some unknown time in the past
§ Actions that happened in the past, but have an effect in the present
§ With time expressions like for, since, always, already, just, ever, never, sofar, lately, recently.
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