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Читайте также:
  1. Ex. 1. Fill in the gaps with the articles wherever necessary.
  2. Ex. 24. Correct mistakes if necessary.
  3. Ex. 6. Write the correct combination of the verb and the particle. Insert particles and prepositions where necessary.
  4. Exercise 11. State if the following sentences are True or False. Correct them if necessary.
  5. Fill in the blanks with the prepositions where necessary.
  6. Look at the following words in bold in the texts and try to explain them. Consult the dictionary if necessary.


1. If the dog __keeps__ (keep) barking, the neighbours will complain.

2. The boss _______________(be) angry if you arrive late for work again.

3. If you _________________________ (eat) too much you’ll be sick.

4. If the weather is bad on Sunday we __________________(stay) at home.

5. You should see a doctor if you ____________________(not feel) well.

6. If you study hard you _______________________(pass) your exam.

7. The police will arrest the criminal if they ___________________(catch) him.

8. What will happen if they __________________(not bring) us that parcel?

9. If he __________________(clean) the window I’ll give him $10.

10. If you put on the kettle I ___________________(make) the tea.

11. If a driver ______________(break) suddenly on a wet road, he’ll skid.

12. We’ll be late for a train if we ____________________(not start) right now.

13. I __’ll give___ (give) you a present if you __pass___ (pass) your exams.

14. I _______________(buy) you an ice cream if you _____________(say) please.

15. If you _________________(not be) careful you ___________________(fall).

14. Ice _.________________(turn) to water if you _________________(heat) it.

17. If he __________________(invite) me I ________________(go) to his party.

18. I’m sure they ________________(steal) your car if you ____________(leave) it unlocked.

19. I’ll look for your book and if I ______________(find) it I ____________(give) you a ring.

20. If you _____________(not like) the magazine, I ________________(bring) you another.


Oral Activity (Chain Story)


The students in two teams in turn make conditionals Type 1, as in example:

Teacher: If Paul goes home late, he’ll go to bed late.

Team A S1: If he goes to bed late, he won’t wake up early.

Team B S1: If he doesn’t wake up early, he will miss the bus.


Class Game


Play this game round the class. If you make a mistake you will have to drop out.

Student 1: If I have time, I’ll go to the cinema.

Student 2: If I have time, I’ll go to the cinema and I’ll do my homework.

Student 3: If I have time, I’ll go to the cinema, I’ll do my homework and I’ll phone

a friend.

Continue! If you remember more than ten things, your teacher won’t give you any homework.



If I had a lot of money, I would(I’d) built abig house. If I was (were) very rich, I could buy an oil well.


Ex. 179 a) Match a question from column A with an answer from column B.



1 If you won a lot of money, would you a I’d probably just give him all my money

spend it all straightaway? and run!


2 What would you do if someone tried b No, I definitely wouldn’t – it’s too

to rob you in the street? dangerous.


3 If your car broke down on the motorway, c I think I’d probably tie something

what would you do? round it.


4 Would you know what to do if someone d I might do it if I was feeling brave!

cut their arm badly?


5 If you knew a friend of yours was stealing e I’d go and look for a telephone.

money from his company, would you tell



6 Would you feel safe walking home alone f I might tell another friend, so that we

at night in your town? could decide what to do.


7 If someone offered you a free bungee jump, g If I was hungry enough, yes!

what would you do?


8 Could you ever eat raw meat? h No. I’d invest some of it.


1 __ h __ 2 _______ 3 _______ 4 _______ 5 _______ 6 _______ 7 _______ 8 _______

Дата добавления: 2015-09-10; просмотров: 32 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

UNIT 3 ПАССИВНЫЙ ЗАЛОГ | PASSIVE (PRESENT SIMPLE) | Ex. 125. Krakatoa. Put the verbs in brackets in past passive simple. | Ex. 139. Make the sentences passive. | UNIT 4 ПРЯМАЯ И КОСВЕННАЯ РЕЧЬ | Ex. 158. Put the following questions into reported speech. | Ex. 160. Put the following questions into reported speech. | Accent was good. | Ex. 174. Put the following sentences into reported speech. | FINAL TEST |

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