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1. Choose the correct form:
1. He knows / knew several foreign languages.
2. I learn / learned English at school in Ukraine.
3. The train left / leaves at 10 o’clock yesterday to the Carpathian mountains.
4. He visits / visited Kyiv regularly last year.
5. As a rule I go / went to the University of Technologies and Design by bus.
6. She works / worked abroad two years ago.
7. What did / do you do yesterday?
8. At present he works / worked at the chair of footwear technologies.
2. Give the infinitive of the following verbs:
took, read, wrote, said, came, did, began, told, saw, got, were, brought, knew, fell, had, spoke, gave.
3. Put the verbs in brackets in the required tense forms and translate the sentences:
Albert Einstein (to be) born in Germany. When he was 12, he (to begin) to study mathematics and physics. Later he (to continue) his studies at the University. Einstein (to present) his theory of relativity in 1905.
4. Complete the sentences with the verb “to write” in the appropriate form:
1. What … you … now?
2. Yesterday they … tests from 10 till 2 o’clock.
3. I … some letters last week.
4. When I came in she … a letter.
5. What … she …in the evening yesterday?
6. As a rule he … tests well.
7. We often … letters to our parents.
5. Put the words into correct word-order:
1. year / were / They / Ukraine / in / last.
2. a / It / trip / was / business.
3. train / We / a / took / the / railway and arrived / central / at / station.
4. of / places / visited / interest / We / many.
5. hotel / modern / far / stayed / We / in / a / not / center / from / the.
6. Ask questions to which the following sentences are the answers:
1. Ukraine occupies an area of 603, 700 square kilometres.
2. In the south Ukraine is washed by waters of the Black and Azov Seas.
3. The largest rivers are the Dnipro, the Dnister, the Pivdennyi Bug and the Danube.
4. Ukraine belongs to the countries with temperate climate.
5. Ukraine is rich in coal, iron ore, oil and gas.
7. Make 16 pronouns and translate them:
some body
any one
no thing
every where
8. Insert the necessary word from ex.7:
1. The question was so difficult that … could answer it.
2. … left the bag in the room yesterday.
3. Has … in this group got a dictionary?
4. … knows that water is necessary for plants.
5. Is there … here who knows English?
6. There is … in the next room. I don’t know him.
7. Is there … in my group who lives in the hostel?
9. Make sentences using when and the Past Continuous or the Past Simple of
the verbs in brackets:
I (drop) my bag I (drive) to work
I (cut) myself I (eat) a sandwich
My car (break down) I (run) for a bus
I (see) a shark I (shave)
My clothes (get) dirty I (swim) in the sea
I (break) a tooth I (clean) the attic
10. Translate into English:
1. Тут є хто-небудь?
2. В саду нікого немає?
3. В класі хтось є.
4. На столі є що-небудь? Ні, там нічого немає
5. У цій книзі є що-небудь цікаве?
6. В нашій бібліотеці є які-небудь книжки aнглійською мовою?
7. Ніхто ніде не допоміг йому.
11. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian. Pay attention to the meaning of the expression “used to”:
Model: - Do you play football? (Ти граєш у футбол?)
- Not now, but I used to. (Зараз ні, але колись грав)
1. She used to be very pretty when she was young.
2. He used to be a teacher.
3. I can’t speak English now as well as I used to.
4. I don’t drive as carelessly as I used to.
5. He doesn’t smoke as much as he used to.
6. She used to be rather slender in her youth.
Translate into English:
1. Незалежна Україна з’явилась на карті світу у 1991 році.
2. Загальна площа України складає 603 700 квадратних кілометрів.
3. Столиця нашої країни – Київ. Це найбільший політичний, науковий, культурний та промисловий центр країни.
4. Кримські гори простираються майже на 150 кілометрів вздовж берега Чорного моря.
5. Крим – півострів, розташований на півдні України.
6. В яких містах України ви побували в минулому році?
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