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III Grammar skills.

Читайте также:
  2. Chapter I. Grammar. General characteristics
  3. Exercise 2. Revise the grammar rule.
  5. Grammar
  6. GRAMMAR HOMEWORK for the 17-th of July
  7. Grammar part
  8. Grammar Point
  9. Grammar Point
  10. Grammar Point

1. Choose an appropriate form “if” or “when”:

1. ______ you use e-mail or the World Wide Web, you are in cyberspace.

2. ______ you subscribe to the services of an Internet Service Provider (ISP), you’ll get connected to this network.

3. ______ I use the Internet, I usually read some newspapers.

4. ______ I use the Internet for my personal needs, my boss gets very angry. That’s why I don’t do it during my working time.

5. His computer is very reliable. It hardly ever troubles him. But ______ it breaks down, he calls the computer club.

6. Her PC is terrible! It always makes a lot of trouble. ______ it breaks down, she calls the computer club.

2. Put the verb into correct form Present Real or Present Unreal Conditional:

Michael: Sharon, I am having some problems at work, and I was wondering if you might be able to give me some advice.

Sharon: Sure, what’s the problem?

Michael: The computer sales business is more difficult than I thought. When customers (come) _______ in to look at the new computer models, they often (ask) _____ me which model they should buy. If they (ask) ______ me to suggest a model, I (be) ______ usually quite honest with them. Most computer users don’t need a very advanced computer; they just need a basic model which they can use for word-processing, bookkeeping and Internet access. If I am honest and I (recommend) ______ one of the cheaper models, my boss (get) _____ angry at me. He always says that a good salesperson can convince a customer to buy one of the more expensive advanced models. I don’t really feel comfortable about doing that. What would you do in my situation? Isn’t it wrong to make them buy something they don’t need?

Sharon: I think you should help your customers make an intelligent decision. If I (be) ____ you, I (educate) _____ the customers. I (teach) _____ them how to make a good decision by themselves. I (make, not) ______ the decision for them. When a customer (ask) ______ a question, answer it honestly. You don’t need to lie to the customer, and you don’t need to make the decision for them.

Michael: When I (sell) _____ an inexpensive computer, my boss (complain) _____ that I am not trying hard enough. What would you tell him?

Sharon: If I (be) ______ in your situation, I (tell) _____ him that I wasn’t comfortable forcing customers to buy products which they don’t need. Tell him that you don’t want to lie to honest people, and that you want to provide them with good service. Remind him that when customers (get) _____ good service, they (return) _____ to a store and spend more money.

Michael: I think that’s a great idea. I (feel) _____ much more comfortable if I (be) _____ honest with the customers. And if I (explain) all the reasons to my boss, maybe he (realize) ____ that good service is the most important thing for customers.

3. Transform the sentences using conditionals:

Example: He didn’t go to the USA because he didn’t have money.

If he had had money, he would have gone to the USA.

1. He doesn’t have the Internet because he doesn’t have a telephone at home.

2. Sometimes I have time and play computer games.

3. They are not here that’s why they can’t help us.

4. I am not in your situation that’s why I can’t change anything.

5. She didn’t know his e-mail address that’s why she couldn’t get in touch with him.

4. Complete the sentences in your own way using conditionals:

1. If I had invented the Internet,

2. If my computer is knocked out,

3. When I am on-line,

4. If I have some free time,

5. If I were Bill Gates,


5. Translate into English:

1. Якщо хтось зателефонує мені, коли мене не буде в офісі, скажіть йому, що я повернуся о четверті.

2. Якщо Саймон не вибачиться передi мною, я бiльше не балакатиму з ним.

3. Якби я знав адресу Алана, я надiслав би йому повідомлення.

4. На вашому мiсцi я б подав заяву на нову посаду.

5. Якби у школi я був бiльш уважнiшим на уроках з iнформатики, я б не мав проблем у вузі з цього предмета.

6. Якби я вміла користуватися Iнтepнeтoм, я би не витрачала так багато часу на пошук необхiдної iнформації.

7. Джон купив би нове комп'ютерне устаткування, якби вiн отримав грант.

8. Тато завжди допомагав мeнi з домашнiм завданням, коли в нього був вiльний час. Зараз, нажаль, вiн дуже зайнятий.

9. Що б ви зробили, якби ви виграли купу грошей? – Я би подорожував.

10. Якщо у тебе буде доступ до Інтернет, напиши Джону повідомлення на його поштову скриньку!

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