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IV Communicative skills.

Читайте также:
  1. I Phonetic Skills.
  2. III Grammar skills.
  3. III Grammar skills.
  4. III Grammar skills.
  5. III Grammar Skills.
  6. III Grammar skills.
  7. III Grammar skills.
  8. III Grammar skills.
  9. III Grammar skills.
  10. III Grammar skills.

1. Read the dialogues and reproduce them:


A: ING Barings Bank. Can I help you?

B: Could I speak to Mr. Jones, please?

A: Who is calling?

B: This is Belov from IP Electronics calling.

A: Hold the line, please. I’ll put you through. I’m sorry, Mr. Belov, but there is no

reply. Mr. Jones must be out for lunch. Can I take a message for him?

B: No, thanks. I’ll call back later.


Can I help you? – Чим можу вам допомогти?

Hold the line. – Залишайтесь на лінії./ Не кладіть слухавку.

I’ll put you through. – Я вас з’єднаю.

I’ll call back later. – Я зателефоную пізніше.


A: Good morning, Oriental Hotel, Bangkok. Can I help you?

B: Hello. Could I speak to General Manager, please?

A: I’m afraid he’s not here at the moment. Can I take a message?

B: Yes, please. My name is Mr. Lopez, Robert Lopez. Could you ask him to call me

after 3 p.m. today?

A: Certainly, Mr. Lopez. Could I have your number?

B: Yes, it’s 247 10 33.

A: Thank you. I’ll give him the message.


Could you ask him to call me – Чи не могли б Ви передати, щоб він передзвонив мені

Could I have your number? – Залиште, будь-ласка, мені свій номер телефону.

I’ll give him the message. – Я передам йому повідомлення.



A: Operator. Can I help you?

B: Hello. This is a collect call, Operator.

A: What’s your name?

B: Joan Sinewski.

A: Could you spell that, please?

B: S-I-N-E-W-S-K-I

A: Just a moment, please.

B: Thank you.


a collect call (Am.) = a reverse charge call (Br.) телефонна розмова за рахунок абонента, що приймає виклик

Could you spell that, please? – Назвіть, будь-ласка, по буквах.


A: Oriental Hotel Receptionist. Can I help you?

B: This is room 444. Klimenko’s speaking. Can I dial direct to Germany?

A: Sorry, Mr. Klimenko, but you can’t. I’ll connect you with The Trunk Exchange.

C: The Long Distance Telephone Service. Can I help you?

B: Yes, please. I need to make a trunk-call to Germany.

C: What’s the number?

B: It’s 968 36 27.

C: What’s the area code?

B: I don’t know the area code. But it’s Hamburg.

C: Just a moment. I’ll put you through. Sorry, but the line is engaged.

Can you hold on?

B: No, thanks. I’ll try again later.


Can I dial direct to Germany? – Чи можна зателефонувати з цього телефону до Німеччини.

I’ll connect you with – Я вас з’єднаю з

The Trunk Exchange (Br.) = The Long Distance Telephone Service (Am.) – Міжнародна телефонна станція

the area code – код міста

The line is engaged. – Номер зайнятий.

Can you hold on? – Чи можете Ви зачекати?


S: Could I speak to Mr. Koval in Marketing Department? This is Salvatore Santini from the Italian Design.

A: I’m afraid he’s having negotiations at the moment. Can I take a message?

S: Yes, please. Tell him to call me at the Italian Design regarding his exposition in Milan.

A: Could I have your number?

S: He’s got it, but just in case. It’s 234 65 77.

A: Sorry, but there are some obstacles. Is that two-three-four-six-five-double seven?

S: Yes, that’s right.

A: Thank you, Mr. Santini. I’ll give him the message. He’ll return your call.

S: Thank you, good bye.


He’s having negotiations at the moment. – Саме зараз у нього переговори.

regarding – стосовно

just in case – про всяк випадок

There are some obstacles. – Перешкоди на лінії.

He’ll return your call. – Він Вам передзвонить.

2. Arrange the utterances from the conversations in the logical order:


· She’s got it, but just in case.

· Yes, could you ask her to call me?

· Mr. Gottman here. Could I speak to Mrs. Fields?

· Yes, of course. Could I have your number?

· I’m afraid she’s out at the moment. Can I take a message?


· Could I speak to Mr. Harsch?

· I’ll put you through.

· Who’s calling?

· Fleming, Rick Fleming.

· American Express. Can I help you?

· Just a moment, Mr. Fleming.


3. What do you say or hear, when:

1. you want to speak to someone;

2. you want to leave a message;

3. the line is busy;

4. you are going to be connected;

5. a receptionist wants you to leave your number?

4. Translate into English:

1. Чи можу я поговорити з Джоном Кінгом?

2. Не кладіть слухавку. Я Вас з єднаю.

3. Містера Уілсона зараз немає. Що йому передати? – Скажіть йому, щоб він мені подзвонив, коли прийде.

4. Чи можу я зробити міжміський дзвінок звідси, з готелю?


5. Make your own dialogue using the phrases below:

Hello. Could I speak to …? Who’s calling? I’ll put you through. The line is engaged. Could I take a message? Could I have your number?


Дата добавления: 2015-09-10; просмотров: 88 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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