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Read and memorize the first three parts of this trainer and then do the exercise.

Читайте также:
  2. A) The first acceptable interpretation is the only acceptable interpretation
  3. A. Listen to the description of the drilling process and fill in the missing words (no more than THREE words). The first word is given as an example.
  4. Before you read the article, check the meaning of these words and phrases and memorize them.
  7. Building a Government. The First Political Parties
  8. Calculation arithmetic means by three ways (by a simple mean, weighted mean in discrete and interval variational series of distribution). Conclusions.
  9. CHAPTER 1 Three Heroes Swear Brotherhood In The Peach Garden; One Victory Shatters The Rebels In Battlegrounds.
  10. CHAPTER 17 Sheldon-Yonker Marches Out An Army Of Seven Divisions; Murphy-Shackley And Three Generals Join Forces.

Summary 4-47

Verbs with 2 objects

What’s the English for “она описала мне ситуацию»: She described the situation to me. (but not She described me the situation.)

“он сказал это мне» He said it to me (but not he said me it)

Why is only one option possible? Can you figure out the rule?

Some verbs can take two objects. The first one is usually a person or group of people, and the second one a thing or things.


With some verbs that take two objects you always have to use a preposition. (describe it to me not describe me it)

With many verbs that can have two objects, it is possible to reverse the order of the objects if we use prepositions (for or to). (I built her a house. and I built a house for her)

Some verbs that are followed by two objects cannot have their objects reversed with for or to. (She'd forgive him anything. not She’d forgive anything to him)

Read and memorize the first three parts of this trainer and then do the exercise.



Забронируй мне номер. Book me a room. Book it for me.
Построй мне дом. Build me a house. Build it for me.
Купи мне подарок. Buy me a present. Buy it for me.
Поймай мне птицу. Catch me a bird. Catch it for me.
Выбери мне подарок. Choose me a present. Choose it for me.
Приготовь мне ужин. Cook me dinner. Cook it for me.
Принеси мою сумку (f) Fetch me my bag. Fetch it for me.
Найди мне карту. Find me a map. Find it for me.
Принеси мне кофе (g). Get me some coffee. Get it for me.
Сделай мне чай. Make me some tea. Make it for me.
Закажи мне колу. Order me a coke. Order it for me.
Налей мне сок. Pour me some juice. Pour it for me.
Оставь мне мороженое. Save me an ice cream. Save it for me.
Награди его повышением. Award him a promotion. Award it to him.
Дай ему яблоко. Give him an apple. Give it to him.
Дай (вручи) ему газету. Hand him a paper. Hand it to him.
Одолжи ему велосипед. Lend him a bike. Lend it to him.
Предложи ему работу. Offer him a job. Offer it to him.
Я должен ему извинение. I owe him an apology. I owe it to him.
Передай ему соль. Pass him the salt. Pass it to him.
Покажи ему фото. Show him a picture. Show it to him.
Преподай ему урок. Teach him a lesson. Teach it to him.
Расскажи ему историю. Tell him a story. Tell it to him.
Кинь мне мяч. Throw me a ball. Throw it to him.
Я принес тебе книгу. I brought you a book. I brought it to/for you.
Я оставил тебе сообщение. I left you a message. I left it to/for you.
Я заплатил тебе $10. I paid you 10 dollars. I paid it to you.
Я заплатил $10 за тебя. I paid it for you
Я включил тебе песню. I played you a song. I played it to/for you.
Я отправил тебе письмо. I posted you a letter. I posted it to you.
Я отправил его за тебя. I posted it for you
Я прочитал тебе книгу. I read you a book. I read it to/for you.
Я продал тебе платье. I sold you a dress. I sold it to you.
Я продал его за тебя I sold it for you.
Я послал тебе посылку. I sent you a package. I sent it to you.
Я послал ее за тебя. I sent it for you.
Я спел тебе песню. I sang you a song. I sang it to/for you.
Я принес/передал тебе стул. I took you a chair. I took it to/for you.
Я принес/передал его за тебя I took it for you.
Я написал тебе письмо. I wrote you a letter. I wrote a letter to/for her.
Я написал письмо за тебя. I wrote a letter for her.
Can’t be reversed.  
Я задал ему вопрос I asked him a question. (not I asked a question to him)
Это стоило мне состояние. It cost me a fortune. (not It cost a fortune to me)
Мы завидовали его жизни. We envied him his lifestyle. (not We envied his lifestyle to him.)
Он бы все ему простил. He'd forgive him anything.
Эта победа гарантирует ему место в финале. This win guarantees them a place in the final.
Она разрешает себе одну шоколадку в неделю. She permits herself a bar of chocolate a week.
Она отказала ему в поцелуе. She refused him a kiss.
Always with TO  
Она призналась мне в этом. She admitted it to me. (not she admitted me it)
Она объявила мне это. She announced it to me.
Она показала мне это. She demonstrated it to me.
Она описала мне ситуацию. She described the situation to me.
Она объяснила мне это. She explained it to me.
Она представила меня ему. She introduced me to him.
Она упомянула мне об этом. She mentioned it to me.
Она обратила мое внимание на это. She pointed out it to me.
Она доказала мне это. She proved it to me.
Она сообщила мне об этом. She reported it to me.
Она сказала мне это. She said it to me.
Она предложила мне это. She suggested it to me.
Always with FOR  
Он забрал это за меня. He collected it for me.
Он починил это мне (f, m, r) He fixed it for me. / He mended it for me. / He repaired it for me.



Complete each sentence with a suitable form of a verb from the box and insert to or for in an appropriate place. Write to/for if either can be used.

choose offer pass post read save sell take teach


1 Elias hasn't got any money so I'll have to ………….. the bill him.

2 Kaspar hates going shopping. I have to ………………… his clothes him.

3 You're staying with Dimitra at the weekend, aren't you? Can you ……………this present her?

4 I can't reach the salt. Could you ………………… it me, please?

5 When Mr Durand bought the house, we ………………… all the carpets him as well.

6 He's got a very rewarding job. He ………………… sports disabled children.

7 I haven't got my glasses. Can you ………………… these instructions me, please?

8 Jane ………………… the letter me on her way to work because I had flu and couldn't go out.

9 I ………………… my old bike him, but he said he wanted something more modern.

10 I'll be in late tonight. Can you ………………… some dinner me, please?


Homework for the 9th of April

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