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Independent types

Читайте также:
  1. B) Spend a few minutes individually thinking of further arguments you will use to back up your own opinion on the usefulness and types of punishment.
  2. Ex. 11. a) Read the text about different types of families and think of advantages
  3. FROM independent films to superhero franchise X-Men and a sell-out stage run as Macbeth, James McAvoy is at the height of his powers, finds Siobhan Synnot
  5. Independent minds
  7. Match the corrosion types in the right column with their Russian equivalents in the left one.
  8. Match these words for different types of disaster with the pictures.

The exploitationist has a full staff of engineers, geologists, landmen, and accountants. He is familiar with and has participated in most of the new technology: 3D seismic, horizontal drilling, CO2 flooding, and so forth. In addition, he is capable of drilling wells very cheaply and has very low overhead. I like to think that my company, Henry Petroleum Corp., is an exploitationist. The exploitationist is willing to take some risks but does very little pure exploration.


The second type of company, the depletionist, is much different from the exploitationist. A depletionist has virtually no technical staff. With his low overhead he is able to operate wells much cheaper than either the major oil companies or the exploitationist. He will nurse wells along and pay close attention to them but does not have the technical staff to operate waterfloods and CO2 floods or to conduct 3D seismic. The depletionist is risk-averse. Independent operators must decide whether they will be exploitationists or depletionists. There is little room for compromise between the types. You can be either an exploitationist with a large technical staff or a depletionist with very little, if any, technical staff; you can’t be both.

O&G Journal, November 2007

Words and expressions

trend направление, тенденция
to prosper преуспевать, процветать
to wither on the vine остаться нереализованным
to reflect отражаться
cycle цикл
mature высокоразвитый
low-return properties  
to shift менять, перемещать
core properties основная собственность
division отдел, подразделение
void пустота
long-running долго играющий
curve кривая
approximately приблизительно
to coincide совпадать
to favor помогать, содействовать
to waterflood заводнять
to install устанавливать
depletion уменьшение, истощение (ресурсов)
plugging тампонирование, закупоривание
efficiently эффективно, рационально
widespread широко распостраённый
to be adapted to быть адаптированным к чему-либо
overhead   отбираемый с верха (колонны); надземный (о трубопроводе)
landmаn рабочий
virtually фактически, в сущности
nurse экономно вести хозяйство; беречь
risk-averse не расположенный к риску

Exercise 9. Answer the questions.

- Did you find the explanation of the terms “the exploitationist”, “the depletionist” in the text? What were you right/wrong in?

- Can you state the difference between these companies now? Give a detailed answer.

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REFERENCES | Exercise 4. Read the text, do the exercises. | THE ECONOMY AND ECONOMIC SYSTEMS | McConnell C.R., Brae S.L. Economics | FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS | Exercise 7. Translate into English. | FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT | SECURITIES MARKETS | TRADING STOCKS | Words and expressions |

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