Читайте также:
In + cities/towns/the streets/ the suburbs/ an armchair/ danger/the middle of/ a queue/ prison/hospital/a book/a newspaper/the country/ the sky/ a line/a row/ a hotel/ the centre of/the park
Idioms with in: cash, pen, ink, pencil, writing, one’s opinion, a way (=in a manner), the end
at + house number(at 23 oxford St)/home/school/university/work/the bus stop/the door/the crossroads/the match/the station/the airport/the seaside/the bottom of/a hotel/table/desk/the top of(but: on top of)
on + the floor/the outskirts/a platform/foot/holiday/the River Seine/the border/this street/a farm/the screen/an island/a beach/ the coast/ the right/the left/the pavement/a trip/the way/the streets
Idioms with on: holiday, business, a journey, a trip, TV, the radio, the phone, the market (=available to the public), purpose, the way (=as I was going)
by + bus/taxi/car/helicopter/plane/train/coach/ship/boat/air/sea BUT we say: on a /the bus/plane/train/coach/ship/boat – in a taxi/car/helicopter/plane
Idioms with by: mistake, accident, chance
Compare: Tom is sitting in the café. (He is inside the place.) He’s at the café. (He’s drinking something-event)
Ex. 1. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition and retell the text.
Last year my family went … holiday to Thailand. We went … air; it was a very long journey but we were very well looked after … the plane by all the stewardesses. When we arrived … the airport we went directly to our hotel … taxi. There was a lot of traffic … the streets of the city and there were many people walking … the pavements. We stayed … a large hotel… the outskirts of Bangkok. We were given a wonderful suite … the top floor of the hotel. The most enjoyable day I had was when we went … a trip … boat, down the river to the crocodile farm. We had a wonderful holiday.
Ex.2. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition. Retell the text.
Last year I went …a trip which was an absolute disaster. I was going to Berlin.. business when, … accident, I got … the wrong train. We were … the way to Brussels before I realized my mistake. When I got to Brussels I had more problems because all my money was … German Marks and I didn’t have my credit card with me. … chance, I found a helpful policeman, who was soon … the phone to my company. Thanks to his help I was able to arrange for some money to be sent to a nearby bank. I spent that night in a hotel and paid my bill … cash before leaving. … the end I got to Berlin twenty-four hours later than I had expected. Everyone thought my trip was a big joke, especially when I told them I had seen Brussels … the way.
-200 –
at the beginning (of) – в начале чего-то
in the beginning -- вначале, сначала
at the end (of) – в конце чего-то
in the end – в конце концов, наконец
1. There's usually a preface at thebeginning of a book. 2. I found learning English difficult in the beginning. 3. There’s usually an index at the endof a book. 4. In the end I got used to my new job. | 1. В начале книги обычно бывает предисловие. 2. Вначале изучение английского казалось мне трудным. 3. В конце книги обычно бывает алфавитный указатель. 4. В конце концов, я привык к своей новой работе. |
Ex.1. Fill in with: at the beginning, at the end, in the beginning or in the end. Retell the text.
I started a new job as a telephone operator … of this year. I found the job rather complicated …, but I got used to it …. I’m quite good at it now, and I’m getting a pay-rise … of this month. I’ve got a holiday soon, starting … of July and finishing … of September. I couldn’t decide where to go at first, but I decided on Malta ….
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