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Little Star
Twinkle, twinkle, little star
How I wonder what you are!
Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky.
When the glorious sun is set,
When the grass with dew is wet,
Then you show your little light.
Twinkle, twinkle, all the night!
Thirty days have September,
April, June and November.
All the rest have thirty one.
February has twenty eight
Except the leap year
It’s the time when
February has twenty nine.
Signs of the Zodiac
For thousands of years men have believed that our characters are controlled by the stars. Astrologers tell us that our characters are formed at the moment of our birth according to which signs of the zodiac we are born under. If you read the popular magazines you will see that a lot of people must still believe it. Here are some extracts from “ FORETELLING YOUR OWN FUTURE” by Maurice Woodruff (Pan Book 1970)
1) ARIES – THE RAM (March 21 to April 20)
You always want to be at the head of whatever you set out to do for you are a ruler and a pioneer. As you are only really satisfied when things are going as you intend them to, you often fail as an employee. It’s much better for you to give orders and directions than to take them from others.
You are very enthusiastic and impulsive, sometimes self-willed to the point of annoyance. You are a friend to the people whom you like, for you can be extremely gentle.
People born under the sign of Aries:
a) take life as it comes?
b) don’t like to throw their weight about?
c) prefer to organize rather than be organized?
d) think carefully before they act?
2) Taurus – The Bull (April 21 to May 20)
Patience, reliability and honesty are your best qualities and because of these qualities you more often than not hold down important positions very capably. When annoyed you have a quick, sharp mind and tongue. You do not waste either your emotions or your energy. You hide your emotions well, on the whole, but if you are driven too far you really let fly and you resemble a maddened bull.
When things go wrong, a Taurus person
a) sometimes loses his temper?
b) never shows his feelings?
c) always keeps calm?
d) often runs away?
3) GEMINI – THE TWINS (May 21 to June 20)
You are usually very intelligent. You nearly always want to push ahead some new job before you have finished the one in hand. You like changes and you find it boring to stay in any one place for any length of time. This gives you the reputation of being rather unreliable, but you are not really.
Which of these qualities does the Gemini person lack?
a) ambition
b) energy
c) patience
d) dependability
4) CANCER -THE CRAB (June 21 – July 21)
You are an emotional person, very sensitive, imaginative and romantic, likely to be ratifying and very generous. On the other hand you are very conventional. Your greatest faults are indecision and hesitation. You can at time be very annoying until you have learnt to get over this weakness.
Which of these qualities does a Cancer person have?
a) He has a warm personality but often can’t make up his mind.
b) His sympathies are easily moved but he can’t always keep his temper.
c) He always does the correct thing but he can be impulsive.
D0 He has an unfeeling nature and always does his own thing.
5) LEO - THE LION (July 22 to August 21)
You are capable of feeling very deeply for others and are extremely sympathetic. This helps to make you a wonderful listener.
You can adapt yourself to whatever your condition may be, yet you are obstinate when your feelings are aroused and consequently can be both hasty and passionate.
You are very self-confident. You always attempt to be practical in your ideas. You are a steady worker and will go ahead and keep going until you get to the very top.
If a LEO gets excited he is likely to:
a) bolt up his emotions inside himself
b) lose patience with people and get violent
c) be stubborn and take rash decisions he may later.
d) hesitate and be unable to make up his mind.
6) VIRGO – The VIRGIN (August 22 to September 21)
You are very realistic and believe in doing everything in the most practical manner possible. You are a good businessman/businesswoman. You are well-balanced and like to work in a peaceful fashion. For you there is no sentiment in business. If you become a salesman it is fairly certain that your employer will have little to worry about for his goods will sell well and become widely known.
Which of these metaphors describes the VIRGO type?
a) He’s got his head in the clouds
b) He’s got his back to the wall
c) He’s got his feet on the ground
7) LIBRA - The SCALES (September 22 to Oct. 22)
Gifted with a strong artistic ability, you are generous but not stupidly so. You are a friendly type of person whom people like to meet. Because of your desire for affection you at times seem to lack just that necessary amount of toughness when it is needed. You will work quite enthusiastically with the right encouragement.
A LIBRA person is rather too:
a) generous
b) keen
c) soft
d) artistic
8) SCORPIO – The SCORPION (Oct. 23 – Novem. 21)
You are extremely discreet and cautious and you must know all there is to know before you take a decision about it. You are helped tremendously by your clever judgement of people and things. You can be bad tempered and are at times a little envious of others. You are also rather suspicious of other people.
A Scorpion person isn’t easily……..by other people.
a) taken in
b) put off
c) seen through
d) let down
9) SAGITTARIUS- the ARCHER (November 22 – December 20)
You are a happy and optimistic type. You often possess an unusual amount of energy and are loyal and very understanding, when you want to be. You never find it difficult to express yourself, and where romance is concerned, you show your feelings more than those born under other signs.
You are not deceitful, indeed it would be difficult to find anyone more open and frank.
Tidiness is not one of your qualities; indeed it is something you don’t bother about.
Which of those metaphorical expressions best describe the Sagittarius person?
a) He hides his light under a bushel.
b) He makes mountains out of mole-hills.
c) He wears his heart upon his sleeve.
d) He never counts his chickens before they are hatched.
10) CAPRICORN – the GOAT (December 21 –
January 19)
You are a perfectionist in all you do. You are ambitious and idealistic. Saving is one of your strong points, so much so that quite often you may be accused of being miserly. Your thoughts and views are very deep. Your outward appearance of being modest and shy hides the fact that you are very determined. You prefer to mind your own business rather than meddle in the affairs of others.
Which of these sentences best describe a Capricorn person?
a) he takes too much interest in other people’s financial affairs;
b) he seems determined to make as much money as he can;
c) he seems strong on the outside but this covers up an inner weakness;
d) he’s not easily satisfied with his achievements.
11) AQUARIUS – the WATERBEARER (January 20 –
February 18)
You are interested in the arts, love music and are an enthusiastic theatre-goer. You can be selfish and more than a little unreliable. You can also be conceited and then you can be unbearable in your attitude but these occasions will be rare, for generally you are kind and sympathetic to those around you.
Which of these sentences best describe an Aquarius person?
a) He doesn’t ever bother about other people’s troubles.
b) Sometimes he’s got too good an opinion of himself.
c) He likes acting in plays.
d) One can always depend on an Aquarius person.
12) PISCES – the FISH (February 19 – March 20)
You are easily affected by other people’s ideas and reactions. When you are worried, no matter how unimportant the worry is you are likely to suffer from depressions. When you get depressed you grumble very little but remain quiet and suffer like a martyr.
Which of these sentences best describe a Pisces person?
a) He lets his troubles get him down.
b) He’s always complaining about something.
c) He takes no notice of what other people say.
d) He always faces his problems cheerfully.
PROBLEM: What might they say?
Charles Ironbridge, a rich but unattractive man, has just proposed marriage to Lynne, a poor but beautiful girl: ‘I love you passionately’ he says. ‘Will you marry me? I cannot live without you’.
How will she answer? It depends on what kind of person she is.
If she is romantic and idealistic she might say: ‘I’m afraid I could never marry a man I don’t love’.
If she’s ambitious and materialistic she might say: “Yes, of course I will. When?”
How would you describe Lynne if she said:
a) Well, I..,,er, …er …you see. I mean…
b) What, me marry you! You must be joking!
c) Are you sure you really mean it?
d) Get out of my sight, you fool!
1. Which of the Types do you think would be best suited to the following jobs? Why?
a) secretary
b) director of a company
c) actor
d) musician
e) teacher
f) social worker
g) athlete
2. Psychologists say there are two basic personality types – Introverts and Extroverts.
Which six signs do you think are Introvert types and which six signs are the
Extrovert types?
Note: an extrovert – a person interested mainly in the world external to himself;
An introvert – a person interested mainly in his own inner states and
3. Fire, Earth, Air and Water are the FOUR ELEMENTS. Each of the twelve signs belongs to one of them.
Work out which are the three Fire signs, which are the three Earth signs, which are the three Air signs and which are the three Water signs.
Note: FIRE is Impulse and Intuition,
EARTH is Common Sense and Practicality,
AIR is Mind and Intellect,
WATER is Emotions and Feelings.
Tortoises eat greenstuff, tomatoes and sliced fruit. Favourite food – lettuce. Give it fresh water every day. Let it roam free in the garden, sinking a shallow dish in the ground so it can bathe in warm water.
You can keep your tortoise in a wooden pen in the garden and you can move the pen when the tortoise eats all the grass in one place, but remember that tortoises can climb up high wire fences and escape. Some animals, like the tortoises, hibernate throughout the winter months. In October the tortoise usually becomes very sleepy. Put him in a box on a bed of leaves or hay and cover him with the same thing. Cover the hay with wire or a wooden lid with holes to stop rats climbing in.
Place the box in a shed and leave it until March. In the spring the tortoise will begin to wake up slowly.
From ’Catch’ (abridged)
Tortoises are gentle, sleepy animals. Children in Britain like to have them as pets. But they don’t like Britain. Our cold, damp climate doesn’t suit them. And nine out of every ten tortoises imported into the country die within a year.
The tortoise is much happier at home in the high river valleys of Yugoslavia. There he can live for at least fifty years. Many live to be a hundred. But Yugoslavia is the largest supplier of tortoises to Britain. Last year pet shops wanted to import 180,000.
Animal protection societies in Britain and Yugoslavia are trying to stop the trade in live tortoises. The British climate isn’t the only problem that these creatures face. When they are being transported from one country to another, they are tightly packed one on top of another in wooden cases for several weeks.
Many European countries ban export of tortoises. Let’s allow these peaceful animals to grow old gracefully in their own country.
Lucy McCullagh
Abridged from BBC “ Modern English”
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