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  2. Cumulative Review Exercises
  3. Exercise 4. Read the text, do the exercises.
  4. Exercise 9. Read the article and do the exercises.

96.1 Make one sentence from two. Use the information in brackets to make an ~ing clause. Sometimes the ~ing clause goes in the middle of the new sentence; sometimes it goes at the end.

1. I was woken up by a bell. (The bell was ringing.)

_I was woken up by a bell ringing._

2. 1 didn't talk much to the man. (The man was sitting next to me on the plane.)

3. The taxi broke down. (The taxi was taking us to the airport.)

The ---.

4. At the end of the street there is a path. (The path leads to the river.)

5. A new factory has just opened in the town. (The factory employs 500 people.)

6. The company sent me a brochure. (The brochure contained all the information I needed.)

96.2 Make one sentence from two, beginning as shown. Each time make an ~ed clause.

1. A boy was injured in the accident. He was taken to hospital.

_The boy injured in the accident was taken to hospital._.

2. A window was broken in the storm last night. It has now been repaired.

The window --- repaired.

3. A number of suggestions were made at the meeting. Most of them were not very practical.

Most of the suggestions ---.

4. Some paintings were stolen from the museum. They haven't been found yet.

The ---.

5. A man was arrested by the police. What was his name?

What was the name ---.

96.3 Complete the sentences using one of the following verbs in the correct form: blow call invite live offer read ring sit study work

1. I was woken up by a bell _ringing._

2. A lot of the people _invited_ to the party cannot come.

3. Life must be very unpleasant for people --- near busy airports.

4. A few days after the interview, I received a letter --- me the job.

5. Somebody --- Jack phoned while you were out.

6. There was a tree --- down in the storm last night.

7. When I entered the waiting room it was empty except for a young man --- by

the window a magazine.

8. Ian has got a brother --- in a bank in London and a sister --- economics at university in Manchester.

96.4 Use the words in brackets to make sentences using there is/there was etc.

1. That house is empty. (nobody/live/in it)

_There's nobody living in it._

2. The accident wasn't serious. (nobody/injure)

_There was nobody injured._

3. I can hear footsteps. (somebody/come)

There ---.

4. The train was full. (a lot of people/travel)

5. We were the only guests at the hotel. (nobody else/stay there)

6. The piece of paper was blank. (nothing/write/on it)

7. There are regular English courses at the college. (a course/begin/next Monday)



UNIT 97 Adjectives ending in ~ing and ~ed (boring/bored etc.)

A. There are many adjectives ending in ~ing and ~ed. For example, boring and bored. Study this example situation:

Jane has been doing the same job for a very long time. Every day she does exactly the same thing again and again. She doesn't enjoy it any more and would like to do something different.

Jane's Job is boring.

Jane is bored (with her job).

Somebody is bored if something (or somebody else) is boring. Or, if something is boring, it makes you bored. So:

* Jane is bored because her job is boring.

* Jane's job is boring, so Jane is bored. (not 'Jane is boring')

If a person is boring, this means that they make other people bored:

* George always talks about the same things. He's really boring.

B. Compare adjectives ending in ~ing and ~ed:

You can say:

* My job boring.

* My job interesting.

* My job is tiring.

* My job satisfying.

* My job depressing. (etc.)

The ~ing adjective tells you about the job.

You can say:

* I'm bored with my job.

* I'm not interested in my job any more.

* I'm always tired when I finish work.

* I'm not satisfied with my job.

* My job makes me depressed. (etc.)

The ~ed adjective tells you how somebody feels (about the job).

Compare these examples:


* Julia thinks politics is very interesting.

* Did you meet anyone interesting at the party?


* It was quite surprising that he passed the examination. disappointing

* The film was disappointing. I expected it to be much better.


* The news was shocking.


* Julia is very interested in politics. (not 'interesting in politics')

* Are you interested in buying a car? I'm trying to sell mine.


* Everybody was surprised that he passed the examination.


* I was disappointed with the film. I expected it to be much better.


* We were very shocked when we heard the news.



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