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Читайте также:
  2. Cumulative Review Exercises
  3. Exercise 4. Read the text, do the exercises.
  4. Exercise 9. Read the article and do the exercises.

132.1 Put in the correct preposition. If no preposition is needed, leave the space empty (-)

1. I'm not going out yet. I'm waiting _for_ the rain to Stop.

2. You're always asking me --- money. Ask somebody else for a change.

3. I've applied --- a job at the factory. I don't know if I'll get it.

4. If I want a job at the factory, who do I apply ---?

5. I've searched everywhere --- John but I haven't been able to find him.

6. I don't want to talk --- what happened last night. Let's forget it.

7. I don't want to discuss --- what happened last night. Let's forget it.

8. We had an interesting discussion --- the problem but we didn't reach a decision.

9. We discussed --- the problem but we didn't reach a decision.

10. I don't want to go out yet. I'm waiting --- the post to arrive.

11. Keith and Sonia are touring Europe. They're in Rome at the moment, but tomorrow they leave --- Venice.

12. The roof of the house is in very bad condition. I think we ought to do something --- it.

13. We waited --- Jim for half an hour but he never came.

14. Tomorrow morning I have to catch a plane. I'm leaving my house --- the airport at 7.30.

132.2 Complete the sentences with one of the following verbs (in the correct form) + preposition:

apply ask do leave look search talk wait

1. Police are _searching for_ the man who escaped from prison.

2. We're still --- a reply to our letter. We haven't heard anything yet.

3. George likes his job but he doesn't --- it much.

4. When I'd finished my meal, I --- the waiter. the bill.

5. Kate is unemployed. She has --- several jobs but she hasn't had any luck.

6. If something is wrong, why don't you --- something it?

7. Linda's car is very old but it's in excellent condition. She --- it well.

8. Diane is from Boston but now she lives in Paris. She --- Boston --- Paris

when she was 19.

132.3 Put in the correct preposition after care. If no preposition is needed, leave the space empty (-)

1. He's very selfish. He doesn't care _about_ other people.

2. Are you hungry? Would you care --- something to eat?

3. She doesn't care --- the examination. She's not worried whether she passes or falls.

4. Please let me borrow your camera. I promise I'll take good care --- it.

5. 'Do you like this coat?' 'Not really. I don't care --- the colour.'

6. Don't worry about arranging our holiday. I'll take care --- that.

7. I want to have a good holiday. I don't care --- the cost.

8. I want to have a good holiday. I don't care --- how much it costs.

132.4 Complete the sentences with look for or look after. Use the correct form of look.

1. I _looked for_ my keys but I couldn't find them anywhere.

2. Kate is --- a job. I hope she finds one soon.

3. Who --- you when you were ill?

4. I'm --- Elizabeth. Have you seen her?

5. All the car parks were full, so we had to --- somewhere to park.

6. A baby-sitter is somebody who --- other people's children.



UNIT 133 Verb + preposition (3) about and of

Some verbs can be followed by about or of, usually with a difference of meaning:

A. dream ABOUT...:

* I dreamt about you last night. (when I was asleep)

dream OF being something/doing something (= imagine):

* I often dream of being rich.

* 'Don't tell anyone what I said.' 'No, I wouldn't dream of it.' (=I would never do it)

B. hear ABOUT... (= be told about something):

* Did you hear about the fight in the club on Saturday night?

hear OF... (= know that somebody/something exists):

* 'Who is Tom Madely?' 'I've no idea. I've never heard of him.' (not 'heard from him')

Also: hear FROM... (= receive a letter or phone call from somebody):

* 'Have you heard from Jane recently?' 'Yes, I got a letter from her a few days ago.'

C. think ABOUT... and think OF...

When you think ABOUT something, you consider it, you concentrate your mind on it:

* You look serious. What are you thinking about?

* 'Will you lend me the money?' 'I'll think about it.'

When you think OF something, the idea comes to your mind:

* He told me his name but I can't think of it now. (not 'think about it')

* That's a good idea. Why didn't I think of that? (not 'think about that')

We also use think of when we ask or give an opinion:

* 'What did you think of the film?' 'I didn't think much of it.'

The difference is sometimes very small. Often you can use of or about:

* When I'm alone, I often think of (or about) you.

You can say 'think of or think about doing something' (for possible future actions):

* My sister is thinking of (or about) going to Canada. (= she is considering it)

D. remind somebody ABOUT... (= tell somebody not to forget):

* I'm glad you reminded me about the meeting. I had completely forgotten it.

remind somebody OF... (= cause somebody to remember):

* This house reminds me of the one I lived in when I was a child.

* Look at this photograph of Richard. Who does he remind you of?

E. complain (TO somebody) ABOUT... (= say that you are not satisfied):

* We complained to the manager of the restaurant about the food.

complain OF a pain, an illness etc. (= say that you have a pain etc.):

* We called the doctor because George was complaining of a pain in his stomach.

F. warn somebody OF/ABOUT a danger, something bad which might happen:

* Everybody has been warned of/about the dangers of smoking.

warn somebody ABOUT somebody/something which is dangerous, unusual etc.:

* I knew he was a strange person. I had been warned about him. (not 'warned of him')

* Vicky warned us about the traffic. She said it would be bad.



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