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  2. Cumulative Review Exercises
  3. Exercise 4. Read the text, do the exercises.
  4. Exercise 9. Read the article and do the exercises.

I. Drills. a) Read and repeat. b) Use the structures in sentences of your own:

1. Simon, darling, what ever have you got there?

What ever are you doing at that time of the day?

When ever are they going to arrive?

Who ever is that handsome young man over there?

What ever did that Jackson woman say that made you so angry?

2. She swore she would follow her husband wherever he was sent.

He would lend her a hand whenever she needed his help.

Whatever they say it's a poor attempt to justify a dirty trick.

Whoever supported him will soon find out he has been wrong.

3. His job, petty though it was, aroused his neighbour's envy.

Angry though she was, she tried to keep her voice steady.

Alarmed though they were, they both took care not to scare the boy.

His warning, stern though it was, was ignored by everybody.

4. The less her husband knew, the safer he was.

The higher he mounted the ladder of success, the stronger his ambition grew.

The longer she brooded over the predicament, the more at a loss she felt.

5. He spoke calmly lest she guess (should guess) his tension.

She spoke casually lest he should guess what was on her mind.

He spoke coaxingly lest she should get cross.

6. He hated doing it but there was no alternative.

Robert hated telling the child he didn't know the answer.

They hated informing the Authority, yet it seemed the only reasonable thing to do.

II. a) Read the model dialogue

b) Replace the parts in bold type by words and phrases from columns 1, 2:

A.: What do you think of Robert's plan to buy a house in the country (1)?

В.: I think it's reasonable (2) that he should.

A.: I'm glad you approve of his plan.

В.: I can't see any reason why I shouldn't.

(1) (2)
send Sam to a public school join the Air Force go to the University Spanish learn to ride to drive a car adopt a child study mathematics take a degree write a novel buy a dog go to Africa the Far East wise sensible understandable advisable natural reasonable good very nice  

III. Replace the italicized parts of the sentences by equivalents from the text:

1. He showed his find very unwillingly to Jane, fearing that she might be angry with him. 2. He had no business going to a place he was not allowed to visit. 3. She spoke quickly trying not to let her voice tremble. 4. Jane sent the boy away so that he should not guess the state of mental and nervous strain she was in. 5. It was widely known that any attempt to conceal important information was a crime punishable by death. 6. Her husband was a petty official in a Government office. 7. Such things are dangerous as they might give rise to a feeling of dissatisfaction, make people remember things they have been taught never to think of.

IV. Find in the text English equivalents for the following:

Засунути (сховати); пісочниця; швидко перебігти; пересвідчитись; вирушити до; досить місця; проповзти; запилений (покритий пилом); нічого особливого; спростовувати; умовляти; неохоче; твердийголос; сердитися; недбало; поріз (рана); сміттєпровід; змолоти; карний злочин; сліпуче сонце; обов’язковий (примусовий); висланий кахлем; розчинити; скорочуватися; вгадати; призначений для дорослих; витирати (піт); дратівливий; пити маленькими ковтками (присьорбувати); злобно (їдко); виклик; завдати шкоди; розмножуватися; втратити; непохитний; відвідувач; грубий голос; давати право (на); праця дрібного службовця; широке коло знань; заспокійливе; різко; хникати; зволікання; ледве чутно; спілкуватися (з); вигнанець; нависати (над); приземкуватий

V. Retell the story according to the given plan using the following words and phrases:

1. Simon makes a discovery

to tuck away (in); to join; to slip smth. (under); to sit up; to examine; most interesting; squashy; scent; to sniff; deeply uneasy; to remind (of); to get nasty; to throw away; to look for; to dodge (across, down); the lower level; precipitous drop (to); to make sure; to make for; to creep (between).

2. Jane investigates the matter

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