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erhaps the most famous rare animal is panda. Twenty years ago it was nearly extinct. Now, its numbers are growing again. It even became a symbol for wildlife conservation. But many other species have been less lucky than the panda.

By the year 2030, 25% of all animals, birds, fish and insects may be extinct. Why is this happening? Well, there are three main reasons. The first is pollution. Millions of animals die every year because man has polluted their natural home or "habitat". A habitat contains everything a living thing needs: food, water, shelter, space, light. Pollution and destruction change the balance of nature. Each species in a habitat – wood, jungle, marsh or forest – needs and helps the rest. If one animal, bird or insect disappears, all the rest suffer, too, because some plants and animals pro­vide food for other animals. Forests help to regu­late water supplies. We all need the help of all living things to maintain chemical balance of the atmosphere.

After pollution or destruction, habitats take many years (sometimes hundreds or even thousands) to grow again. This is what's happening in the rainforests of South America, Africa and Asia. These are some of the world's oldest habitats. Or they were. But the problem doesn't stop there.

The second reason is the environment itself. It is becoming smaller. Every year man cuts down more trees, builds more roads and uses more land for farming. This leaves fewer jungles, fields and forests for wildlife. In fact scientists believe that thirty British animals, fish, birds may become extinct by the beginning of the 21st century.

Today, many more species are in danger not only because man destroys and pollutes their habitat, but because man hunts them. Man has always been a hunter. He still is. But many modern hunters don't just kill for food – they kill for profit. That is why so many rare and protected animals are still dying. Hunters like these are called poachers. In 1981 there were 15,000 black rhinos in Africa. Today, because of illegal hunting, that number is 4,500.

There is only one way to save wild animals and wild habitat – conservation. If it doesn't happen, many wild animals will soon have just one habitat – the Zoo.

Task 7.1. Decide if the following words are used in the text in the given sense.

1. “rare” means undone, cooked so that some blood remained.

2. “extinct” means dead, no longer in existence.

3. “wild” is used in the meaning stormy, violent.

4. “habitat” is a natural place, home.

5. “rainforest” is the place where it rains hard all the year round.

6. “species” means here a group having some common characteristics.

7. “poacher” is a hunter having special legal permission to hunt animals.

Task 7.2. Write a conference report on one of the suggested topics.

1. “Panda is a symbol for Wildlife Conservation” – What other animal-symbols do you know? What things are usually called after animals? What features of the animals do they symbolize? What are the sport teams called after animals?

2. “Many other species have been less lucky than panda” – Do you know what other species have become extinct? Are they on the Endangered Spices List? Where do they live? What is their habitat and what has happened to it? What are people doing to save them?

3. “The Region I live in” – What species live in your area? Are they extinct or their number is growing? What animals does the law protect in you region? Is there the problem of poaching in your area? What is done to fight it?

Task 8. Study the following text and do the given tasks.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-10; просмотров: 172 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

CONTENTS | EXERCISES | Robert explains things | TOPICAL VOCABULARY | Save the Earth! | Tropical Rainforest Destruction | What is Recycling? | Trash or Treasure? | The Three Rs of Trash | The Fossil Fuel Data-Bank |

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