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The Future

Читайте также:
  1. As for my future children, I am going to have very high ambitions for them and to bring them up in a safe and secure environment.
  2. Britain: past, present and future
  3. Economic Challenges: Past, Present, and Future
  4. Ex 22 Answer the following questions, using the continuous tense forms (Present, Past or Future).
  5. Ex. 8. Put the verbs in brackets into the suitable form (present, past, future) active or passive.
  6. Exercise 1. Comment on the use of the Future Perfect in the following sentences. Translate the sentences into Russian.
  7. Exercise 1. Comment on the use of the present simple and the present continuous to talk about future events. Translate the sentences into Russian.
  8. Exercise 20. Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Simple.
  9. Exercise 3. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct future tense.
  10. Exercise 4. Complete the following conversation by putting the verbs in the right tense to express a future action.

So... what's going to happen in the 21st century? Will energy from • the sun • the wind • the sea • under the ground, take the place of fossil fuels and nuclear energy completely? The answer is probably “no”, but natural energy will become more and more important. That's because:

- It will become cheaper.

- It will be better for the environment.

- It will make it possible to conserve fossil fuels.

- It will be safer than nuclear power.

Think of the examples of using natural sources of energy in your region, country. Has it proved to be efficient? What obstacles exist as for the massive/wide usage of natural energy?


Task 12. Video Comprehension FLOWER THIEVES (Duration: 3 minutes and 3 seconds).

Pre-viewing questions:

Why do you think people would want to steal flowers?

Where would they steal them from?

What would they do with them when they had stolen them?

Task 12.1. Listen to the following story. Pick out the words and phrases which show:

1) why the flowers have become extinct;

2) how people try to help them survive.

Comprehension tasks:

1. What is worrying conservationists in Oxfordshire and south-east?

2. Which plant is being protected in Chiltern Hills?

3. How is it protected by law?

4. Describe how conservationists are trying to protect it?

5. What damage is caused if the flowering plant is stolen?

6. What other plants are under attack?

7. Why are the plants being stolen?

8. What additional law do conservationists propose?

Use the words and phrases you’ve put down to write about the endangered plants in our area. Describe what should be done to save them.

Task 12.2. Video Comprehension SALMON RETURN TO THE THAMES(Duration: 2 minutes and 16 seconds). Pre-viewing questions:

What is implied by the word “return” in the title of the clip?

Can you think of any reason why the salmon might have left?

Suggest a reason why their return has been brought to our attention.

Listen to the following story. Pick out the words and phrases which pertain to the topic under discussion. Describe what facts impressed you most.

Comprehension tasks:

1. State the purpose of the NRA’s salmon program.

2. Why the salmon are regarded as good indicators of water quality?

3. Put the following dates and expressions of time in the order in which they occur in the extract and say what they refer to:

§ two hundred years ago

§ 1834

§ centuries ago

§ 1974

§ 1979

§ today

4. Give your opinion of the story.


Task 13. Learn about our drinking water; look at where it comes from and how pollutants may get into it. After identifying the water source, test the drinking water for nitrates and chlorine. Discuss relevant water-quality issues.

Water is a precious resource. Although we are surrounded by it in oceans, lakes, rivers, and streams, our supply is limited. Even though the water on earth is constantly changing form, the amount of water never changes. Taking a close look at our "water pie," we use less than 1% of our total water supply.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-10; просмотров: 24 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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