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Употребите глагол в нужной форме. Переведите предложения с английского на русский

Читайте также:
  2. Modal Verbs and their Equivalents. Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты в английском языке.
  3. Quot;Серебряный век" — это припозднившийся русский Ренессанс в искусстве.
  4. Rule # 1Чтобы задать вопрос в английском языке вспомогательный глагол нужно поставить на первое место
  7. А.Русскийязык
  8. Актуальное членение предложения.
  9. Анализ рынка —это изучение спроса и предложения в определенной товарной категории, исследование потребительского поведения, структуры и конъюнктуры рынка.

1. (A lucky winner in the first TV interview) Since I won in the lottery, my telephone... (not stop) ringing. People …………………………… (phone) to ask how I ………………………….. (spend) the money I ………………………. (win).

2. A: -What you ………………………………… (do) in the evenings? I can’t get you home these days.

B: -I ………………………………… (swim) in the evenings to try to lose weight before the holiday season ……………………………… (start).

3. When I …………….. (be) 20, I thought I ……………………………… (be able) to work till I ………………………… (turn) 70-75, now when I ……………… (be) 60, I ………………………… (think) about taking early retirement.

4. What ……………………………… (be) the matter with John? He …………………………… (look) upset. It seems something ……………………………………… (worry) him.

5. All I …………………………………… (dream of) is a good night sleep. I …………………………… (not have) much of it recently. My neighbours ………………………………………… constantly (have) parties until the early hours of the morning.

6. Now that the rice …………………………………… (cook), you ……………………………………… (chop) the carrots and tomatoes.

7. (A fellow passenger to a driver) That was a dangerous thing to do! We could have crashed into a tree. I swear it …………………………………… (be) the first and the last time I ……………………. (go) with you in your car. You’d better be more cautious, otherwise you …………………………… (end up) dead.

8. The prices of real estate ………………………………… (fall) dramatically in recent years.

9. It’s high time you should buy a new coat. This is the coat you …………………………………… (wear) since you ………………… (be) 30. Frankly speaking, it …………………………………… (not look) very nice.

10. You ever ………………………………… (date) a Spanish man when you ………………………………… (be) in Spain last year?

11. To help today’s customers make a choice, a company in New York ……………………………………… (develop) a supermarket trolley with a video screen to display advertisement and price information.

12. Maria ……………………………… (want) to have a mauve-silver Mercedes since she ………………… (see) it in your shop.

13. When his mother …………………………… (look) in the other direction Steve ……………………………… (slip) away quietly.

14. (A girl to her friends) A funny thing ……………………………… (happen) to me yesterday. My guests were earlier than I …………………….. (expect). They ………………………………. (arrive) when I …………………… (get changed). They ……………………… (ring) at my door so fiercely that I …………………………(must) open the door half-naked.

15. I ………………………………… (expect) the book to end happily, but it ………………………… (turn out) to be very sad.

16. How long …………………………… you (learn) Spanish before you went to Spain?

17. Since they were very young the children ………………..……… (like) travelling by plane.

18. Sue and George ……………………………… (date) 4 months before they ………….… (get married).

19. (A good neighbour to a teen boy) I ………………………………… (warn) you if I ………………… ever (see) you here again, I ……………………………… (tell) your parents about all the little sins you ……………………… (commit) since I ……………..………… (know) you.

20. Why ……………………… you (look) at me like that? …………………… I (say) something stupid?

21. How much money …………………………………… you (save)? Is it enough to buy a new apartment in Broadway?

22. They ………………………………… (play) the Cup final next Friday. …………….………………… you (watch) it? By the way I have a spare ticket. ………….……………….. you (accompany) me? I think, it ……………….………………… (be) something great!

23. (A wife to her husband who has just returned home) I wonder what …………. ……………………… you (do), darling. You …………………. … (look) a mess. Look at your hair and those smudges of someone’s lipstick on your neck. And where ……………………………………… you (forget) your tie and socks? I guess, you …………………………………… (have) a great time at Jack’s.

24. How long … (be) it since you last …………………………… (go) to a fitness club?


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