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Вставьте инфинитив или герундий

Читайте также:
  1. Task 7. Вставьте предлоги on, in или into.
  2. Вставьте нужное причастие
  3. Выберите правильный предлог и вставьте его в предложение.
  5. Герундий входит в состав многих сложных существи-
  6. Задание 1: Изучите предложенный материал и вставьте недостающие термины и словосочетания.
  9. Инфинитивное подлежащее и/или сказуемое

1. a) She was surprised to see the car door open. She remembered locking (lock) it before she went to the supermarket.

b) Remember to leave (leave) him the money. He needs to buy the book.

c) I remember ……………………………(play) with him when a girl.

That was the most wonderful time I have ever had.

2. a) I regret ……………………… (say) it to you. We will have to fire you.

b) Sorry. I regret …………………… (say) what I said.

c) I’m afraid, I won’t be able to help you. I regret ……..…………… (refuse) you.

d) I could have helped him. I did regret ………………… (refuse) him.

3. a) Your hair looks so untidy. It needs ……………………… (cut).

b) You need …………………… (take) more exercise or you’ll get fat.

c) The batteries need ………………………… (change).

d) I need ……………………… (change) my job before I get bored.

4. a) I meant ……………………… (phone) you.

b) Putting the plan into life means ………………… (have) one more designer.

5. a) Try …………………… (take) deep, slow breaths. You’ll feel better.

b) I think, I’ll try …………………… (cook) paella for dinner. That is going to be something different.

c) I tried ……………………… (make) myself eat it, but I couldn’t.


5.5* Вставьте инфинитив или ing-форму одного из глаголов: enjoy, appreciate, play, buy, make, take, smoke, refuse, introduce, bark, appreciate, race, lift, leave, miss, put, cut, tell, inform, spend, write, talk, phone, hold, check


1. a) Although it was hard at first, she came to enjoy working for the airline.

b) As I walked through the gate the dog came barking towards me.

c) After working with her for so long, I came ……………………… her patience and efficiency.

d) Yesterday Tom awoke late, he came ……………………………… downstairs, grabbed a sandwich, gulped a cup of coffee and left.

2. a) The children were shouting and screaming, but he went on ……..………………………… to Frank not paying attention to the noise.

b) We’ve tried to persuade her to stop, but she goes on …………………...

c) Dr Harris welcomed the members of the committee and went on ……..………………………… the subject of the meeting.

d) Then, in her letter, she goes on ………………………… that most of her family have been ill since Christmas.

3. a) We regret …………………………….. you that the model you want is out of stock.

b) I regret …………………………… you that your request for a visa has been rejected.

c) Almost as soon as I posted the letter I regretted ………………………… the job.

d) It cost me a fortune, but I don’t regret …………………………… the last year travelling around the world.

4. a) I meant …………………………… you yesterday, but I didn’t have time.

b) “The injury means ……………………………… the Cup Final” she said


c) What did she mean by ………………………………… so early? Did I do

something wrong?

d) Spending too much now means ………………………… our budget next


5. a) I tried ……………………………… myself read the letter, but I couldn’t.

b) Relax, honey. Try …………………………... deep breaths. You will feel

much better.

c) She tried …………………………… the box, but it was too heavy.

d) Leila tied ………………… her tears back, but when he left she gave way

to tears.

6. a) Bill was very young when the neigbours moved to Toronto, and he can’t remember …………………………… with their kids in their house.

b) Did you remember ………………………… a newspaper on the way home? I bet you forgot to do it.

c) I remember ………………………… the purse into my bag, but it’s not there. It’s gone.

d) Remember …………………………… your tests before handing in your exam papers.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-10; просмотров: 121 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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