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Activity 12 Reciprocal pronouns.

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  3. Activity
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  8. Activity
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  10. Activity

Translate from Russian into English.

'1. Они любят друг друга и никогда не ссорятся.

2. Рональд и Джек рассказали друг другу о своих увлечениях.

. 3."Лора и Анна часто остаются друг у друга.

4. После расставания они даже забыли имена друг друга. 5 Мягко сказать, они не любят друг друга. 6. Мы хорошо ладим со своим братом.

7. Они просто испытывают терпение друг друга. 8. Вы всегда должны доверять друг другу. 9. Они так внимательны друг к другу. I0. Вы братья. Вы должны помогать друг другу.

Activity 13 Read the article about self-talk. Underline the reflexive pronouns once and reciprocal twice.



k after Jane, their nine-iet evening reading and te word- an appropriate

Setf-talk is the way we explain a problem to ourselves. It can affect the •ay we feel ourselves and how we act. Tom and Sara, for example,

" lost their jobs when the company laid off a lot of people. Sara kept -eselffit and spent time with friends. Tom gained ten pounds and

з it all his time by himself. They were both unemployed, so the svjation itself can't explain why they acted so differently from each

5r The main difference was the way Tom and Sara explained the

zlem to themselves. Sara believed that she herself could change the stuation. Tom saw himself helpless. Later, everyone got their jobs za-ж When they all talked to one another back at the office, Tom

-ibled, "They must have been desperate." Sara replied, "They finally -gained they need us!"




Activity 14 a) Fill in the gaps in the sentences using the appropriate indefinite pronouns.

1. There's... in this box.It is empty.

2. Why don't we go out... this evening to have coffee?

3. Jack, there's... waiting for you outside. She didn't tell me her name.

4. They've got... to live They are homeless.

5. There isn't... watching TV at the moment. Turn it off.

6. He lost... in the fire: his house and all his possessions.

7. Jane is the only one in the office.... has gone home.

8. Shall I make you anything to eat? - Oh, yes, please. I haven't had... ail

9. It's not a secret.... knows about it.


10. Have you seen my telephone? I can't find it....

11. Would you like... to help you?

12. There was... at home when I called.

13. Listen!... is singing in the bathroom.

14. It's very dark outside. I can't see....

Activity 15 Translate into English.

1. Никто не виноват.

2. Ты слышал что-нибудь о карнавалах в Англии?
. 3. Давайте пойдем куда-нибудь пообедать.

4. Ничто не могло рассмешить принцессу.

5. Я никому не доверяю кроме мамы,

6. Вы видели кого-нибудь вчера вечером у этого дома?

7. Кто-нибудь смотрел фильм «Унесенные ветром»?

8. В этом городе мы никого не знали.

9. Никто их одноклассников не позвонил ему в день рождения.

10. Все сдали экзамен на отлично.

Activity 16 Guess the pronouns in the student poems. Think of the poems of your own with the use of pronouns.

... gave... this rose And said.'This is for...... took this present,... was so pleasant!

... don'tcare what... feel, What... have done today.... never know what... will do just now or in a day.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-10; просмотров: 78 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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Here are three descriptions of bedrooms. Read the descriptions and match them to a plan.| Quot;ESTS

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