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From my point of view, small talk can be a big challenge, but a little preparation and confidence is all you need. People naturally think of small talk as talking about the weather and they think it is an empty way to connect with others. It is easy todismiss small talk as idle chit-chat or pointless and claim to be only interested in “real” conversation. Making small talk makes a lot of sense with people you have just met. When I make small talk, the subjects may be superficial for comfort, but they are subjects I care about and I approach in straightforward manner, staying away from cliches. This way I make the discussion meaningful for me and frequently, as a result, for the other person. Try to f ocus on what is interesting as a topic and on what is real within you. You will make the talk fun even though you keep it small. Any small talk is much more than an exchange of facts and ideas. It is an exchange of energy. When you make small talk, you want to focus more on being friendly and positive than on picking the right topic or saying the right things. Smile, relax, joke around and be spontaneous. I believe that knowing how to make small talk is one of the key people skills to master. If you also know how to have charisma and engage others in more intimate conversation, you can get outstanding results with people and you can build a highly fulfilling social life for yourself.


Small talk: is it necessary in studying foreign languages?

I guess that “small talk” is an essential part of studying foreign languages. Firstly, it gives you a good possibility to express your thoughts in public and to check yourself in Grammar. Secondly, you can use it not only during English lessons, but when you are alone: this is an effective method for developing your communicative abilities. You can choose just a favorite topic and speak to yourself. Let it take up for ten minutes daily. Then, it would be easier for you to speak in public or to speak to your classmates. Thirdly, during S.T. you can learn and get “fresh” information about the world itself, which is so important for teacher’s mobility.

In conclusion, I’d advise to use S.T. in any sphere of teaching English and other foreign languages.


The most difficult thing for me in learning English was always to express my thoughts in English orally. I was afraid of making mistakes, of sounding silly, of attention that was paid to me while I was talking. But when I had to speak a lot during the lessons of English oral speaking course in the institute, my fear began to vanish little by little. Really, doing a lot of tasks on prepared and spontaneous speaking, like small talks, discussions, dialogues, polylogues, storytelling, toastmaking made me love to speak English. Such kinds of oral activities are an excellent experience. They do not only give a speaking practice, diminishing the amount of speaker’s mistakes and improving pronunciation, but also widen our knowledge about the world, let us know more about people we are studying with and let us have fun. Now while talking it does not bother me whether I make mistakes or sound silly, I just enjoying speaking. So, I am in.


Small talks are of extremely importance for pupils because of several reasons. Firstly, it helps children to warm up and to prepare speech organs to communicate in foreign language. Secondly, this kind of activity covers a wide range of topics. Although small talks are usually disvalued at school, it is of great importance to teach pupils to speak spontaneously. Finally, to become a real master of the art of small talk takes much effort and practice, but if the teacher organizes small talks rather often it will help pupils to be professional speakers.



I consider small talks as one of the most effective means of warming-up activities at the English lessons. The usage of small talks can not only help in improving language skills, but also assist in the development of some conversational abilities and broadening of an outlook. But what is more important – you have a possibility to speak on any topic and feel free and relaxed. Small talks can grip the attention of the audience and encourage learners in their aspiration to become successful foreign speakers. The absence of interruption and simultaneous correction of mistakes can contribute greatly to the process of learning English. Thus, we can draw a conclusion that small talks can be extremely productive modes in teaching English.


I suppose that such an activity as small talks is rather useful in teaching foreign languages, but as each activity it has its advantages and disadvantages. Pluses of small talks are:

1. Students can choose any topic they want to speak about.

2. Teachers and other students don't correct the mistakes of the speaker at the moment of speaking. When teacher and students talk about the mistakes that were made in the speeches, they don't mention a person who made them. It is more a disadvantage than advantage of this activity, because a student has to know about his own mistakes to avoid them, but not about the common ones. So, we can say that this activity has to be practiced at the lessons of English to make students speak fluently.

Small talk is a small story, which you tell to a person or a group. It can be your impressions about weather, sport, travelling, and film or just about something interesting that attracts your attention. Of course it is difficult to understand quickly what you are going to tell about, but practice can help you. Don’t be afraid of a small talk, because it is very useful thing: it creates a friendly atmosphere, it can help you to know something new, it can gradually remove your shyness, it can develop your speaking skills (especially spontaneous speaking), it can help you to love English language.

Is it so necessary to make a "small talk", or it is just a simple wasting of time in certain situations?

Small talk is a casual form of conversation that “breaks the ice” or fills an awkward silence between people and you should be able to fill this moment in appropriate way. In some countries it is sometimes even considered rude to say nothing. Any contact begins with a small talk. It looks like a mutual “scanning” of each other. And when a talk begins with a serious theme people usually fill confused and begin to nervous. It is better to begin your talk with a neutral theme. During this time you can “scan” your partner, his mood. And you can continue your further talk on the basis of it. So it is a necessary thing to make a small talk, I think.


Small talks…To my mind small talks are the best way to improve your English. Small talks teach us to speak spontaneously and not be afraid of speaking. Small talks are, in fact, the real life communication, because each speaker has the possibility to speak on any topic what he or she likes and I think that in some cases small talks can raise the motivation of those who speak, in every situation students can speak willingly about things that are interesting for them and they get pleasure from the process of speaking, and it is the aim of every teacher – students must take pleasure from the process of studying. So I think that usage of small talks during the process of teaching is a necessary thing for those teachers who really want that their students speak English fluently.



As it is known, the main aim of teaching English is students’ attainment of English communicative competence. To learn English it is not enough to know Grammar and Vocabulary. To know English we should view the bigger picture. We should be able to communicate with English native speakers. And how can we learn communication? The answer is simple: only through communication. One of the most effective activities at the English lessons is Small talk.

Small talk is an informal type of discourse that does not cover any functional topics of conversation or any transactions that need to be addressed.

Pluses of this method:

- It develops spontaneous monological speech.

- Its topics are rather free.

- The time limit (1-3 minutes) is not long that is why it is very convenient for spontaneous speaking.

- It stimulates students to search the Internet and find some interesting articles which can be presented at the lesson.

- It “breaks the ice” and fills an awkward silence between people.

- It can be used at the beginning of the lesson as warming up activity.

- A teacher usually does not interfere in the process of speaking and does not interrupt students to correct them, thus they are not afraid of making mistakes.

- When students are through with small talks, a teacher presents the most common and frequently made mistakes without calling names.

- Small talk stimulates English speaking that is why I consider it to be one of the most effective activities at the lesson.


We use such a method as “Small Talk” in studying English and improving our active speaking skills. The main feature of this method is that it increases our communicative skills. It teaches us to speak spontaneously. In every minute we are ready to tell something. Due to “Small Talk” now we are more confident while speaking and listening small speeches of other students. So, such a method as “Small Talk” is really very useful, because due to it, we speak and listen more, moreover, understand more.

In the dictionary “small talk” means a small conversation. It is a type of activity which helps interlocutors to look narrowly at each other, to be adjusted on a conversation and the forthcoming work. Generally it consists of pair of phrases on abstract topics, it can be morning news, articles from the Internet and others. Thus, this remarkable type of activity possesses a number of functions:

- creates a positive emotional spirit to all participants of similar discussion;

- establishes feeling of mutual understanding and support;

- strengthens and rallies collective;

- it is the effective precondition for the subsequent work;

- and also simply reserves favorable and warm impressions!


Small talk is a casual form of conversation that “breaks the ice” or fills an awkward silence between people. Even though you may feel shy using your second language, it is sometimes considered rude to say nothing. You can speak on any subject and you can express your feelings, thoughts and suggestions. I consider, it is an excellent method of teaching English, which teaches and helps people to express their thoughts, to think in English, to get rid of obstacles in speaking. Also a small talk develops ability to perceive speech aurally, because you have to listen carefully to your interlocutor. I think, such a kind of activity will help to adjust pupils on a positive emotional state, to reduce tension, to create a friendly situation. I strongly recommend you to use it in teaching English, because this method is very useful, interesting, and also effective.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-10; просмотров: 103 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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