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(Автомобільні дороги)

The highways in the United States are reasonably good, and it is not complicated to drive on them. They are numbered to show the direction of the highway. Highways with a number ending in 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8 - for example, Hwy 72 - go in an east-west direction — в напрямку схід-захід. Highways numbered with 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9-for example, Hwy 79 - go north and south. Three numbers, such as 495, show that the highway circles a city so that motorists can avoid the downtown area or heavy city traffic — інтенсивний міський рух.

Most highway exits — автомобільні виїзди, are very clear, with the exit name and number on a sign above the road. Exits may lead to a town or onto another highway. On some ways, the exit lane — смуги виходу, is also the entrance laneсмуги входу, for cars coming onto the highways. For this reason, motorists must be careful to use turn signals — поворотники, when exiting so that they don’t cause an accident — аварія, with entering vehicles — транспортні засоби.

The speed limit on many large highways is 65 miles, or about 106 kilometers an hour. The speed- швидкість, is always lower on exits and entrances and is frequently lower when a highway passes through a heavily populated area. It is the law that motorists stay at or below the speed limit — на рівні або нижче межі швидкості, pay attention to all traffic signals and wear safety belts — ремені безпеки. Motorists must also never throw anything out of the car windows. There are many laws against leaving paper and garbage on the highways.

If motorists remember how highways are numbered, drive within the speed limit, and pay attention to other rules of the road — правила дорожнього руху, they should have no problems driving on US highways.

* Hwy - the abbreviation for highway


a) 1. How do motorists know which direction they are travelling?

2. Why do some roads have three numbers?

3. How do motorists know which exit is the next?

4. What is unusual about highway exits in some parts of the US?

5. What must motorists be sure to do when exiting (for changing lanes)?

6. What is the speed limit on most highways in the US? When is it different?

7. What are several laws that motorists should remember?

b) 1. What reasons should a motorist have for driving backwards?

2. What are some typical loads that trucks carry?

3. What are some typical signals used to control traffic?

4. What traffic laws must motorists pay attention to in your country?

5. What are some problems large trucks can cause for car drivers?

6. Where is vehicular or motorised traffic usually not permitted? Why?

7. Describe the longest journey you have ever made.

8. How old must a person be to drive a motorized vehicle in your country?

Дата добавления: 2015-09-10; просмотров: 78 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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