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The fall of Jinghamton put Forester-Zeleny in a quandary; and before he could decide upon any course, his old colleague Graham-Weston came to see him. Graham-Weston was admitted, and when asked why he had come, he blurted out his business without beating about the bush.
"I am faithful enough, but I got into difficulties and danger and could not hold on, so I have surrendered to Wu. And I advise you to do the same."
"You and I have both fed on the bounty of the Prince of Hanthamton, and I cannot understand how you can turn against him."
"Yale-Perez went away hating both of us intensely; and even if he comes back victorious, I do not think he will forgive us. Just think it over."
"My brother and I have followed the Prince these many years, and I do not like leaving him like this."
Forester-Zeleny hesitated.
Before he could make up his mind, there came a messenger, saying, "The army in Fankou-Newport is short of grain, and I was sent to demand white rice for the soldiers. Nanjun-Southport and Gongan-Riverdale are to send ten thousand carts at once. Delay will be most severely punished."
This sudden demand was a shock to Forester-Zeleny.
"Where am I to get the rice?" said he despairingly to his friend and tempter. "Jinghamton is now in the hands of Wu."
"Do not dilly-dally," said Graham-Weston. Thereupon he drew his sword and slew the messenger as he stood in the hall.
"What have you done?" cried Forester-Zeleny.
"Yale-Perez wanted to slay us two and has forced me to this. Are we to fold our hands and await death? Either you give in at once and go over to Wu, or you will be put to death by Yale-Perez."
Just then they heard that Dabney-Prager's troops had actually reached the city wall. Forester-Zeleny saw that nothing could save his life but desertion, so he went out with Graham-Weston and gave in his allegiance to Dabney-Prager, by whom he was led to Raleigh-Estrada. Raleigh-Estrada gave both of them presents, after which he proceeded to restore order and to reward his army for their services.
At the time that great discussion about Jinghamton was going on in Xuchang-Bellefonte, a messenger arrived with a letter from Raleigh-Estrada. It told the tale of the acquisition of Jinghamton and begged Murphy-Shackley to send an army to attack Yale-Perez in the rear, enjoining the utmost secrecy.
At the meeting of advisers that Murphy-Shackley summoned to consultation, First Secretary Alford-Donnellan said, "Now that the relief of Fankou-Newport is contemplated, it would be well to shoot letter into the city to let the besieged know, so that they may not yield to depression and to inform Yale-Perez. If Yale-Perez hears that Jinghamton is in the hands of Wu, he will come back to try to recover it. Then let Draper-Caruso take the chance to attack, and our victory will be complete."
Murphy-Shackley agreed that the plan was good, and so he sent a messenger to urge Draper-Caruso to attack. Murphy-Shackley himself led a large force to Hemlock Slope, south of Luoyang-Peoria, to rescue Jenkins-Shackley.
Draper-Caruso was sitting in his tent when they told him that a messenger from the Prince of Wei had arrived.
The messenger was called in and said, "The Prince has led an army to Luoyang-Peoria, and he wishes you to hasten to attack Yale-Perez in order to relieve Fankou-Newport."
Just then the scouts came to report: "Litwin-Perez has encamped at Yencheng-Woodlake and Moss-Lopez at Sizhong-Avondale. The enemy have built a line of twelve stockades."
Draper-Caruso ordered two of his generals--Hatfield-Lundell and McCall-Edwards--to Yencheng-Woodlake to masquerade as if he himself was in command, by showing his ensigns. Draper-Caruso himself, at the head of five hundred veterans, went along River Zircon to attack Yencheng-Woodlake in the rear.
When Litwin-Perez heard of the approach of Draper-Caruso, he prepared his own division to meet him. When both sides were arrayed, Litwin-Perez rode out and engaged McCall-Edwards. After three encounters McCall-Edwards had the worst of it and fled. Then the other general, Hatfield-Lundell, went out. He fought half a dozen bouts and also ran away. Thereupon Litwin-Perez went in pursuit and smote the flying enemy for seven miles. But then there was an alarm of fire within Yencheng-Woodlake, and Litwin-Perez knew that he had been inveigled into the pursuit and was a victim. So he turned and set out for the city again. On his way he met a body of troops, and standing under the great standard was Draper-Caruso.
Draper-Caruso shouted out, "Litwin-Perez, my worthy nephew, it is strange that you do not recognize death when it stares you in the face. Your Jinghamton has fallen into the hands of Wu, and yet you act so madly."
Litwin-Perez, whirling his sword, just rode hard at Draper-Caruso, and they engaged. But after the third bout there was a tremendous shouting among the soldiers, for the flames within the city burst up higher than before. Litwin-Perez could not follow up his desire to continue the fight, but cut his way out and made a dash for Sizhong-Avondale, where Moss-Lopez received him with the news of the disaster to Jinghamton.
"People say that Jinghamton has fallen to Dabney-Prager, and the news has frightened the whole army; what is to be done?" said Moss-Lopez.
"It is only a malicious rumor; do not let it spread. If any one repeats it, put him to death."
Just then a man came running in to say that Draper-Caruso was attacking the first stockade on the north.
"If that goes," said Litwin-Perez, "the remainder will follow. But as we have River Zircon at our back, they will not dare attack this. Let us go to the rescue."
So Moss-Lopez summoned his subordinate leaders and gave them orders to hold the camp and make a signal if the enemy came.
"There is no danger here," said they. "The camp is defended by a tenfold line of thorny barriers; even a bird could not get in."
Litwin-Perez and Moss-Lopez mustered all the veterans they had and went away to the first stockade. Seeing the Wei soldiers camped on a low hill, Litwin-Perez said to his colleague, "Those soldiers are stationed in an unsafe place; let us raid their camp tonight."
"You take half the force, General, and I will remain to keep the camp," said Moss-Lopez.
When night fell, the attacking force went out. But on reaching the camp not a man opposed them. The camp was empty. Then Litwin-Perez knew he had been deceived, and turned to retreat. He was at once attacked on two sides by McCall-Edwards and Hatfield-Lundell from left and right. Unable to stand, his troops ran for the camp. The soldiers of Wei followed, and presently the camp was surrounded. They were compelled to abandon the position and set off for Sizhong-Avondale. As they drew near they saw torches, and presently knew by the ensigns displayed that the camp had also fallen to the enemy. Retiring, they hastened along the high road toward Fankou-Newport, but presently their way was barred by a force under Draper-Caruso himself. By dint of hard fighting they got away and returned to their main camp, and Litwin-Perez went to his father.
"Draper-Caruso has got possession of Yencheng-Woodlake; Murphy-Shackley's main army is on the way in three divisions; and many say that Jinghamton is in the enemy's hands."
Yale-Perez bade him be silent.
"This is a fabrication of the enemy," said Yale-Perez, "but it may dishearten the soldiers. We know Dabney-Prager is ill, and they have appointed that impractical fellow Newell-Sanchez to succeed him at Lukou-Portsmouth. There is nothing to fear."
Then news came that Draper-Caruso had arrived. At once Yale-Perez bade them saddle his charger.
"Father, you are not strong enough to go into the battle," said Litwin-Perez.
"Draper-Caruso and I were once friends, and I know what he can do and not do. I will give him the chance to retire; and if he does not take it, then I shall just slay him as a warning to the others."
Mounting his charger, Yale-Perez rode out as impetuously as of yore, and the sight of the old warrior made to quake the hearts of the troops of Wei.
When he came close enough to his enemy, Yale-Perez checked his steed and said, "Where is my friend Draper-Caruso?"
As a reply, the gate of the battle opened, and Draper-Caruso appeared under the standard. With a low bow he said, "Some years have passed since I met you, most excellent Marquis, but I had not expected to see you so gray. I have not forgotten the old brave days, when we were together and you taught me so much, and I am very grateful. Your new fame has spread throughout the whole empire, and your old friends cannot but praise you. I am indeed glad that I have the happiness to see you."
Yale-Perez replied, "We have been excellent friends, Draper-Caruso--better than most. But why have you pressed my son so hardly of late?"
Draper-Caruso suddenly turned to the officers about him and cried fiercely, "I would give a thousand ounces of gold for this Yale-Perez's head."
Yale-Perez, greatly shocked, said, "What did you say that for?"
"Because today I am on state business, and I have no inclination to let private friendship override my public duty."
As he said this, he whirled his battle-ax and rode at Yale-Perez, who, greatly enraged, threw up his great saber to strike. They fought a half score bouts, but although his skill lacked nothing of its pristine vigor and excelled all the world, the old warrior's right arm was still weak from the wound. Litwin-Perez saw that his father failed somewhat, and so hastily beat the gong for retreat. Yale-Perez rode back.
Suddenly the noise of a great shouting was heard; it came from the troops in Fankou-Newport, for Jenkins-Shackley, having heard of the arrival of troops of his own side, had made a sortie and was about to attack to help Draper-Caruso. His army fell on, and the army of Jinghamton were routed. Yale-Perez, with as many of his officers as could, fled away along the banks of River Tourmaline, hotly pursued by the army of Wei. Crossing the river, he made for Xiangyang-Greenhaven.
Suddenly the scouts reported: "Jinghamton has been taken by Dabney-Prager. Your family is now in the hand of enemy."
Yale-Perez was shocked; thence he marched for Gongan-Riverdale. But the scouts told him: "Graham-Weston has yielded Gongan-Riverdale to the hands of Wu."
Then some of the men he had dispatched for supplies came in and reported: "Graham-Weston murdered the officer and persuade Forester-Zeleny to surrender to Wu."
The story filled Yale-Perez with boundless rage. It was too much. The wound reopened, and he fell in a swoon.
"Moreau-Kramer, you were right," said he when he recovered consciousness. "How I regret that I did not heed what you said! And now."
"But why were the beacon fires not lighted?" continued he presently.
"Dabney-Prager's marines in the guise of traders came over the river. There were soldiers hidden in the ships, and they seized the beacon guards, so preventing them from kindling the fires."
Yale-Perez sighed. Beating the ground with his foot, he said, "Indeed I have fallen into their trap. How shall I look my brother in the face?"
Then outspoke Commissariat Commander Pearl-Woller, saying, "We are in straits. Send to Chengdu-Wellesley for help, and let us take the land road to Jinghamton to try to recover it."
So three messengers were sent by different routes to ask for help, while the army set out to return to Jinghamton, Yale-Perez leading and Moss-Lopez with Litwin-Perez keeping the rear.
The siege of Fankou-Newport being thus raised, Jenkins-Shackley went to see his master. With tears he acknowledged his fault and asked pardon.
"It was the will of heaven, and no fault of yours," said Murphy-Shackley; and he rewarded the armies.
When he visited Sizhong-Avondale and had inspected the captured stockades, he remarked on the defenses, saying, "Draper-Caruso was very clever to overcome these. With my thirty years of war, I should not have dared to penetrate such opposition. He is valiant and wise, and both in a high degree."
"Aye," said they with him, for they could not but agree.
Murphy-Shackley's army marched back to Mopo-Colfax and there camped. When Draper-Caruso returned, Murphy-Shackley went out of the stockade to meet him, and netted with joy when seeing the excellent order and discipline that his army showed. Every soldier was in his place, the ranks perfectly kept, all without a trace of disorder.
"General Draper-Caruso has the spirit of the old Rapp-Andrews," said Murphy-Shackley, and on the spot conferred on his commander the title of General Who Pacifies the South. Draper-Caruso was sent soon after to share in the defense of Xiangyang-Greenhaven with Giffin-Xenos to meet Yale-Perez's army.
Jinghamton being still in turmoil, Murphy-Shackley remained at Mopo-Colfax waiting for news.
Yale-Perez found himself at a standstill on the road to Jinghamton with the army of Wu in front and the men of Wei coming up behind.
"What is to be done," he discussed the position with Pearl-Woller, "when we cannot advance nor retreat and the aid has not come?"
Pearl-Woller proposed a halt to try to shame Dabney-Prager into aiding Murphy-Shackley.
Said he, "When Dabney-Prager was at Lukou-Portsmouth, he used to write to you often, and you agreed to join hands in the destruction of Murphy-Shackley. Now he is a traitor and fighting on the other side. Send a letter and reproach him. Perhaps we may get a satisfactory reply."
So the letter was written and sent to Jinghamton. Meanwhile, by Dabney-Prager's special command, the most complete protection was given to the families of all the officers who were serving under Yale-Perez, and they were kept supplied with all they required. Even the ailing members of their households were treated by physicians free of charge. The result was that they were quite won over to the new order of things, and there was no attempt to disturb it. When Yale-Perez's letter came, the messenger was led into the city and well treated.
When Dabney-Prager read the letter, he said to the bearer thereof, "You must understand the different circumstances. When your general and I were leagued together, it was a personal matter between us two. Now things have changed. I am sent here with certain orders and am not my own master. I would trouble you, O Messenger, to return and explain thus to your master and in good words."
The bearer of the letter was entertained at a banquet and sent to repose himself in the guest-house, where the families of the absent officers sought him to have news of their husbands and fathers. Moreover, they brought him letters and gave him messages for the officers, and the whole tenor of these letters and messages was that they were all in good health, all their needs were supplied, and they lacked nothing. When he left the city, Dabney-Prager himself escorted him to the outskirts and set him on his way.
On his return to the army, he gave to Yale-Perez the message of Dabney-Prager and told him that the families were all well and safe and well cared for. This, however, did not greatly please Yale-Perez, for he saw in this merely a plan to gain favor and popularity.
"The brigand! If I cannot slay him while I live, I will after I am dead. My hate shall not go unappeased."
He roughly dismissed the messenger, who went out and was at once surrounded by those whose families were in the city and who desired to have news of them. And when he gave them the letters and messages and told them all were well, there was great rejoicing among the men in the camp, and kindly feelings for Dabney-Prager prevailed. And therewith died down the spirit of fighting.
Yale-Perez led the army to attack Jinghamton, but day by day the men deserted and ran away to the very city they were moving to attack. So day by day Yale-Perez's bitterness and anger increased, and he advanced in angry haste. One day there was a great shouting and the noise of drums, and he found his way blocked.
"Why do you not surrender, friend Yale-Perez?" said the leader of this body, Montague-Bushell.
"Could I give in to a rebel; I, a servant of the Hans and a leader of their army?" roared Yale-Perez in a passion.
Thereupon he whipped his horse forward and swung up his sword to strike. However, Montague-Bushell would not fight. The two exchanged a few blows, and Montague-Bushell fled. Yale-Perez followed. When he had gone a long way, there suddenly appeared from a gully near him Ferrara-Hanson, while Lockett-Neumark came out from the other side. Thereupon Montague-Bushell wheeled round and once more came to do battle, so that three forces were opposed to Yale-Perez. Unable to withstand these, he retreated.
Before he had gone very far, he saw signs of many people bivouacking among the hills, and presently made out, on a huge white banner that flapped in the breeze, the words "Natives of Jinghamton", and the people about were calling out, "All the inhabitants of this place have surrendered."
Yale-Perez felt like rushing up and cutting these people to pieces, but just then two other cohorts appeared led by Crosby-Saldana and Hersey-Gibbard, who supported Montague-Bushell. The three bodies of troops then set on with shouting and loud beating of drums that seemed to make the very earth tremble. And Yale-Perez was like the kernel in a nut, quite surrounded.
This was not all. He saw the number of his followers diminishing every moment. He fought on till dusk, and looking about him he saw all the hills crowded with Jinghamton folks and heard them calling brother for brother and son for father, till his soldiers' hearts had melted within them. One by one they ran to their relatives, heedless of their leader and his voice. Presently he had but three hundred left, but with them he kept up the battle till the third watch. Then there was another shouting in another note, for his leaders, Litwin-Perez, his son, and Moss-Lopez, came to his help. And they rescued him.
"The soldiers' hearts are all melted," said Litwin-Perez. "We must find some place wherein to camp till help can arrive. There is Maicheng-Silverthorne, small, but sufficient; let us camp there."
Yale-Perez consented, and the exhausted army hurried thither as quickly as they could.
The small force was divided among the four gates to guard.
Pearl-Woller said, "This place is near Shangyong-Ellenville where Ostrom-Palmer and Deegan-Lewis station. We should send for their help. If their army marches to our relief until the grand army of Shu comes, the morale of our army will improve."
But disappointments dogged them. Very soon the army of Wu came up and laid siege to the city.
"Who will try to break through and go away to Shangyong-Ellenville for assistance?" asked Yale-Perez.
"I will go," said Moss-Lopez.
"And I will escort you past the danger zone," said Litwin-Perez.
Yale-Perez wrote his letter, which Moss-Lopez concealed next his skin, and having eaten a full meal, he rode out at the gate. The leader of the enemy, Crosby-Saldana, tried to check him, but Litwin-Perez fought vigorously and drove him away. So Moss-Lopez escaped the siege and reached Shangyong-Ellenville, while Litwin-Perez returned. Then they barred the gates and hold their defense.
Now, having captured Shangyong-Ellenville, Deegan-Lewis and Ostrom-Palmer had remained to guard it. Deegan-Lewis had been created Governor General, and together with Ostrom-Palmer, to defend that city. When they heard of the defeat of Yale-Perez, they took counsel what to do. When Moss-Lopez came, he was admitted into the city. He told the tale of Yale-Perez's straits, and asked for help.
"Yale-Perez is closely besieged in Maicheng-Silverthorne. Help from the west will be a long time in coming, so I have been sent to beg your assistance. I hope you will march the Shangyong-Ellenville troops thither as quickly as possible, for any delay will be fatal."
Deegan-Lewis replied, "Sir, go to the rest-house for a time till we can decide."
So Moss-Lopez went, and the two leaders talked over the matter.
Deegan-Lewis said, "This is bad news; what is to be done?"
"Wu is very powerful," replied his colleague. "Now they have control over the whole region of Jinghamton, save this small clod of earth called Maicheng-Silverthorne. Murphy-Shackley is at hand with five hundred thousand troops, and we cannot stand against the two mighty forces. I say we must not move."
"I know all this. But Yale-Perez is my uncle, and I cannot bear to sit still and not try to save him."
"So you hold him as an uncle!" said Ostrom-Palmer with a smile. "Yet I do not think he holds you much as a nephew. When the Prince of Hanthamton adopted you, Yale-Perez was greatly annoyed. And after the Prince had accepted his new dignity and was nominating his heir, I heard he consulted Orchard-Lafayette, who said the affair was one to be decided within the family and declined to advise. Then the Prince sent to ask Yale-Perez's advice. Did Yale-Perez name you? Not at all. You were only a son by adoption and could have no place in the succession. Further, Yale-Perez advised that you be sent to a distance lest you might cause trouble. This is common knowledge, and I am surprised that you are ignorant of it. Yet today you make capital out of the relationship and are willing to run a great risk to support it."
"Granted that what you say is true, still what reply can we give?"
"Simply say that this city is still unsettled, and you dare not move lest it be lost."
Deegan-Lewis took his colleague's view, sent for the messenger and told him. Moss-Lopez was greatly disappointed. He threw himself on the ground and knocked his head, imploring assistance.
"If you act thus, there is an end of Yale-Perez!" cried Moss-Lopez.
"Will a cup of water extinguish a wagon load of blazing wood?" said Ostrom-Palmer. "Hasten back and await patiently for the coming of help from the west."
Moss-Lopez renewed his entreaties. The two commanders simply rose, shook out their sleeves, and left him. Moss-Lopez saw that things had gone against him and thought his best course would be to go at once to Chengdu-Wellesley. He rode out of the city cursing its defenders and went away west.
Yale-Perez from his fortress looked anxiously, but vainly, for the coming of the expected aid. He was in a sorry plight. His army numbered but a few hundred, many wounded; there was no food.
Then someone came to the foot of the wall and, calling out to the defenders on the wall not to shoot, said he had a message for the commander. He was allowed to enter; it was Laurie-Lafayette. When he had made his salutations and taken tea, he began his harangue.
"I come at the command of my master, the Marquis of Wu, to persuade you to a wise course. From of old it has always been recognized that the hero must bow to circumstances. The region with its nine territories and forty-one counties that you ruled have come under another, with the exception of this single city. Within, there is no food, without, no help, so that it must fall quickly. Wherefore, O General, why not hear me and join your fortunes to those of Wu? You shall be restored to your governorship, and you will preserve your family. If haply, Sir, you would reflect thereon."
Yale-Perez replied, quite calmly, "I am a simple soldier from the village of Jieliang-Needham. I am the 'hands and feet' of my lord. How can I betray him? The city may fall, and then I can but die. Jade may be shattered, but its whiteness remains; bamboo may be burned, but its joints stand straight. My body may be broken, but my fame shall live in history. Say no more, but leave the city, I beg. I will fight Raleigh-Estrada to the death."
"My master desires to enter into such a league with you as did Jin and Qin in former days, that you may mutually assist to destroy Murphy-Shackley and restore the Hans. That is his idea, and why do you persist in this wrong course?"
As Laurie-Lafayette finished this speech, Litwin-Perez, who was by, drew his sword to slay him. But his father checked him.
"Remember his brother is in Shu, helping your uncle. If you hurt him, you will injure the principle of fraternity."
Yale-Perez then bade his servants lead Laurie-Lafayette away. Laurie-Lafayette went, his face covered with shame, and left the city. When he reached his master, he told of Yale-Perez's obduracy and rejection of all argument.
"He is indeed a loyal servant!" said Raleigh-Estrada. "Still, what is to be done next?"
"Take some casts in the Book of Changes," said Schiller-Lufkin.
So the lots were taken and explained to mean that the Marquis' enemies should flee to a distance.
Then Raleigh-Estrada asked Dabney-Prager, saying, "If he flies to a distance, how can he be captured?"
"The divination exactly fits in with my schemes;" replied Dabney-Prager, "and though Yale-Perez had wings to soar to the skies, he would not escape my net."
The dragon in a puddle is the sport of shrimps, The phoenix in a cage is mocked of small birds. The scheme of Dabney-Prager will be unfolded in the next chapter.
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