Читайте также:
Model: If I have (suffer from) cough I consult a physician.
(Surgeon, traumatologist, gynecologist, dentist, cardiologist, neurologist, oculist, otorhinolaringologist)
· Describe the symptoms of your (your friend’s) illness using the following expressions:
- to fall ill (with…) захворіти на…;
- to suffer (from…) страждати від…;
- to complain (of…) скаржитися на…;
- to be treated (for…) лікуватися від…;
- to get well again одужати.
· Learn the symptoms of some diseases and use them inshort dialogues:
Bleeding | кровотеча |
Blood poisoning | зараження крові |
Constipation | закреп |
Diarrhea | пронос |
Cough | кашель |
Fever | лихоманка |
H(a)emorrhage | крововилив |
Heartburn | печія |
Hypertension | гіпертензія |
Hypotension | гіпотензія |
Inflammation | запалення |
Itch | свербіж |
Rash | висип |
Sleeplessness | безсоння |
Breathlessness | задишка |
Nausea | нудота |
Vomiting | блювання |
Dizziness | запаморочення |
Edema | набряк |
· Learn the expressions and use them in short dialogues:
To examine the patient оглядати пацієнта
To strip to the waist роздягнутися до пояса
To X-ray просвітити
To feel smb’s pulse вимірювати пульс
To check smb’s blood pressure вимірювати АТ
To sound smb’s chest перкутувати грудну клітку
To see smb’s tongue оглянути язик
To breathe deeply глибоко дихати
To give (make) smb an injection робити ін’єкцію
To put a dressing on the wound перев’язати рану
To put smb on the sick-leave виписати лік.лист
To put smb on a diet призначити дієту
— Can I make an appointment with the doctor for this afternoon?
— Are you our patient?
— Yes, it'll be my third visit.
— All right, sir. Will 5 p.m. suit you?
— Yes, it will be fine.
— What's your name and address, please?
— Here is my card.
— Thank you, sir.
Doctor: Come in, please. What are your complaints?
Patient: I've got a sore throat and a cough.
D: Are you running a temperature?
P: No, I'm not. I have a splitting headache. I think I'm starting a cold.
D: Let me examine you. I suggest that you take something for your headache and the cough.
P: Will you write out a prescription?
D: You will get the medicine at the nearest chemist's. Take it three times a day and stay in bed for a couple of days.
P: I'll follow your advice, Doc. Many thanks.
D: I wish you a speedy recovery.
Whenever a person feels hot or cold to your touch, it is a good idea to measure and record the person’s temperature.
There are four ways to take a temperature: orally (in the mouth), rectally (in the anus), axilliary (under the armpit), and using an electronic oral or ear thermometer or temperature strip.
Oral temperatures are recommended for adults and children age six years and older.
Rectal temperatures are recommended for children younger than six years or anyone who cannot hold the thermometer in the mouth. Use only a rectal thermometer.
Axilliary temperatures are less accurate and about 1 degree lower than oral. They are safer for small children who will not hold still while you use a rectal thermometer.
Electronic thermometers are convenient and easy to use. They are quite accurate, but some are expensive. Temperature strips are convenient but should only be used to measure axilliary temperature. They are inaccurate when used on the forehead.
The pulse is a rate at which a person’s heart is beating. As the heart forces blood through the body, a throbbing can be felt in the arteries wherever they come close to the skin surface. The pulse can be taken at the wrist, neck, or upper arm.
Certain illnesses can cause the pulse to increase. The pulse rises about ten beats per minute for every degree of fever.
Count the pulse after the person has been sitting or resting quietly for 5 to 10 minutes. Place two fingers gently against the wrist (don’t use your thumb). If it is hard to feel the pulse in the wrist, locate the carotid artery in the neck, just to either side of the windpipe. Press gently. Count the beats for 30 seconds, and then double the result for beats per minute.
Blood pressure is the force of the blood pulsing against the walls of the arteries. The pressure when the heart beats is called the systolic pressure (the first number in blood pressure readings). The pressure between beats, when the heart is at rest, is called the diastolic pressure.
Most people with good hearing can learn to measure blood pressure using a stethoscope and a blood pressure cuff (sphygmomanometer). Electronic blood pressure cuffs are also available, which do not require a stethoscope or good hearing.
Regular in-home blood pressure monitoring is recommended for anyone who has heart disease or high blood pressure.
· Answer the following questions:
1. Is health the most important factor in our life? 2. Can you work or study properly if your body suffers from any disorder? 3. Tell us about your general condition if you fall ill with the grippe. 4.When do you consult a dentist? 5.When do you consult an eye doctor? 6.What specialist do you consult if your leg, foot or arm hurt? 7.What does your physician examine? 8.Do we have to follow the doctor's directions?
· Read the texts and entitle them.
Last week my mother fell ill. In the morning she couldn’t get up. She complained of fever and a running nose. I asked her to take her temperature and called in a doctor. He listened to my mother’s heart and lungs and felt her pulse. Then he examined her tongue and throat. He diagnosed the case as influenza. My mother took medicines and hot drinks during a week. Besides, I brought her some vitamins for the improvement of her general condition and a mask to prevent the spread of infection. She was on the sick-list for ten days, and now she is well again.
A young man of 20 fell ill with the flu. The illness began with a cold. During six days the man had fever and pain in the limbs. He coughed and had a bad headache. On the seventh day the doctor sent him to the hospital. In the hospital he complained of the pain in the right part of the chest. His temperature was 39.2. The doctor diagnosed pneumonia as the complication after the flu. He prescribed antibiotics which the patient took during a week. Soon he left the hospital and went to the sanatorium.
· Remember the last time you were ill with the flu or common cold. Compare your symptoms with those from the texts. Answer the following questions:
- Was your temperature high?
- ________________________________________________
- Did you call in a doctor?
- ________________________________________________
- What medicines did you take?
- ________________________________________________
- How long have you been on the sick-leave?
- ________________________________________________
· Think of the causes of common cold and all possible ways to prevent it. Complete the list of recommendations for those who want to stay healthy in winter.
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