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Suvorovsky prospect

Читайте также:
  1. Geological Prospecting
  2. Geophysical Prospecting for Oil
  3. Here was the crushed grass where they had all lain when he had gone to prospect. There was the neck of land, the ledge skirting the rock, up there were the red pinnacles.

Suvorovsky prospect is one of the major routs of SPb, running from the old Nevsky prospect up to the Smolny Convent.

In 18th century the Suvorovsky prospect was a simple country side road leading to the Neva. But exactly this road was used to lead to the drinking place the elephants presented to Catherine II/Elisabeth by Persian sheikh and which were kept in the “Elephant yard” at the place of current Oktyabrskaya Hotel in 1770s. Hence the name at those times – Elephant street.

In 1900 in the honor to 100 years date since the death of the Great Russian warlord Alexander Suvorov the Elephant Street was renamed into Suvorovsky prospect. In 1918 it was renamed again into Soviet prospect because it was leading to the Smolny Institute where the Council (or Soviet) of Petrograd was located at that time. In the hardest days of WWII remembering the genius military leaders of Russian history, prospect was renamed back to Suvorovsky.

The role of Suvorov in Russian history was really unprecedented. Alexander Suvorov (1730-1800) is national hero of Russia, great warlord who didn’t lose any battle he ever participated (60-93 battles) and who was awarded with all existing that time Russian military orders and many of foreign ones. Many of the principles of military art worked out by Suvorov were followed by Napoleon.

Suvorov was buried also not far from here on Alexandro-Nevsky Abbey and the grave of this great person is covered with just 3 simple words according the willing of Suvorov: “Here is lying Suvorov”.


Part of the Nevsky Prospekt (from the Uprising Square to the Gostiny Dvor)

The Nevsky prospect is named after the warrior Alexander Nevsky), who lived in the 13th century and stopped the crusaders, thus he preserved the Russian Orthodox Church and was canonized after his death.

Now we are on the Uprising square, named so because of the revolutions at the beginning of the 20th century. You can see the building of Moscow railway station on the square, constructed by architect Ton, who made the similar building in Moscow city and named it after Leningrad.

One of the first Metro stations is located on the square. St Petersburg metro is the deepest in the world. The system of metro was opened in 1955. Mainly the stations are decorated with carved panels, mosaics, marble and is also named to be a mable undergroung palace.

To your right you can see the yellow and white classical building (дом журналиста). This is one of the palaces that belonged to the Yusupovs family, the richest in Russia. They had 4 palaces in St Petersburg and 2 palaces in Moscow. Felix Yusupov executed Rasputin.

On you left there is a red building with Atlas statues. Named after the prince Belosselsky Belosersky, where the plot against Rasputin was planned.

We are approaching the Fountain River, which was the city border of the 19th century. The water of the river was the source for the first fountains at the Summer Gardens in St Petersburg.

The Anichkov Bridge is decorated with equestrian statues of taming of a horse by Peter von Clodt. Similar copies one can see in Milan

The Anichkov Palace is one of the Royal palaces (A gift of Elizabeth I to her favorite Alexey Rasumovsky).

Next to it there is the garden devoted to Catherine II and her statue you can see in the middle of the garden. The pedestal is decorated by eminent people of Catherine’s times. Behind there is the Alexander Theatre commissioned by the wife of Nicolas I, next to it there is the public library, where Lenin used to come to read Karl Max

On the opposite side of the prospect there is the Yeliseevs store, the oldest store in St Petersburg with exotic desserts and food. These merchant brothers had one shop in St Petersburg, another one in Moscow.

Overlooking the Gostiny Dvor there is the Ladys’Shop named the Passage. As it is a passageway in look that leads to the Nevsky prospect and the Italian street.

Next to it there is a small Armenian Church. Alexander Duma named the Nevsky prospect “the most tolerant street in the world”, as you can find here a catholic church of St Catherine, a Lutheran of St Peter and Russian Orthodox Churches.

To you left you can a red clock tower, which served as a fire watch place and a telegraph tower. Such towers were located in a distance of 2-3 km on the way to Warsaw. And the telegram could reach the capital of Poland in 3 hours.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-10; просмотров: 67 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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