Task 1. Сhoose the English equivalents to the following words and word-combinations.
1. граничит 1. is situated
2. высоко развитая 2. occupies
3. богата 3. is washed by
4. бывшие колонии 4. borders on
5. состоит из 5. highly developed
6. расположен 6. is rich in
7. независимое государство 7. branches of industry
8. знаменит 8. consists of
9. омывается 9. an independent country
10. отрасли промышленности 10. former colonies
11. занимает 11. belongs to
12. принадлежит 12. is famous for
Task 2. Choose the correct variant and finish up the sentences.
1. The colours of the US National flag are - red, white and blue.
- black, white and yellow.
- blue, white and black.
2. There are - thirteen
- fifty stripes on the flag.
- fourteen
3. There are - fifty stars on the flag.
- fourteen
- thirteen
4. There are many big cities -Bristol, Birmingham, Manchester,
in the USA such as - New York, Los Angeles, Chicago,
- Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens.
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5. San Francisco is the capital of the United States of America.
New York
Washington D. C.
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6. Washington D. C. is situated - on the Mississippi
- the Hudson River.
- the Potomac
Task 3. Translate the sentences into English, using the table given below.
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New York is - the largest industrial,
Its territory is not commercial and banking centre.
Manhatten, Brooklyn, is made up of - a very old city.
Queens and Richmond are - 310 square miles.
- five boroughs
- islands.
The Statue of Liberty stands
The population of is famous for
New York - a part of the continent.
- on a small island in New York Harbour.
The Bronx - over 9 million people.
- one of the tallest buildings in the world
- the Empire State Building.
- the largest seaport in the world.
1. Нью-Йорк - самый большой промышленный, торговый и банковский центр.
2. Нью-Йорк - не очень старый город.
3. Его территория составляет 310 квадратных миль.
4. Нью-Йорк состоит из 5 городских районов (boroughs).
5. Манхэттен, Бруклин, Квинз и Ричмонд - острова.
6. Бронкс является частью континента.
7. Статуя Свободы стоит на маленьком острове в нью-йоркской гавани (harbour).
8. Население Нью-Йорка составляет свыше 9 миллионов человек.
9. Нью-Йорк известен одним из самых высоких в мире зданий - Эмпаиер Стейт Билдинг.
10. Нью-Йорк - самый большой порт США.
Task 4. Answer the following questions.
1. Where is the USA situated?
2. What countries does it border on?
3. What industries are highly developed in the USA?
4. What is the country rich in? (oil, gas, coal, ore, gold).
5. What does the country consist of? (50 states and the district of Columbia).
6. What is the population of the USA? (more than 235 million).
7. What state is the largest one by its territory? (Alaska)
8. When did the USA become an independent country? (after the War of Independence).
9. What are the largest cities in the USA?
10.What are the most impressive monuments in Washington?
Task 5. Finish up the following sentences.
1. The United States of America is situated.................................................................................
2. It occupies.............................................................................................................................
3. The USA is washed by..........................................................................................................
4. It covers the area of................................................................................................................
5. The USA borders on.............................................................................................................
6. The USA has...climate……………………………………………………………………..
7. The most important mountain ranges are..............................................................................
8. The biggest river in the USA is............................................................................................
9. The country consists of............................................................................................................
10. The population is...................................................................................................................
12. The US A became..................................................................................................................
13. The colours of the US National flag are....................................................
14. There are.................... stripes, and.............................stars on the US flag.
15. The capital of the USA is …………………………………………………………………..
16. It was named in honour of.....................................................................................................
Упр. 5. Read the text and answer the questions in Russian.
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