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will be Ving


FutureContinuous обозначает действие, которое будет протекать в какой-то момент или период в будущем. Время действия обычно сопровождается такими наречиями времени как: tomorrow from 5 to 6, all the evening tomorrow, at that time next week и др.

I’ll be playing tennis at this time tomorrow.

Упр. 8. Прочтите предложения, Найдите сказуемые, определите время. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. He was drinking coffee and (was) listening to music.
  2. Aunt Mary was looking at him in astonishment (изумление).
  3. This time on Friday I will be flying to Spain.
  4. What will you be doing tomorrow at five o`clock?
  5. It`s a fine day. It isn`t raining. The sun is shining.
  6. Why don`t you believe me? I am telling you the truth.
  7. Look, some birds are flying over the sea.
  8. Pete hurt his leg while he was playing football.
  9. Jane was walking home when he saw Margaret.
  10. I was reading the whole day.

Упр. 9. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в нужном времени.


  1. While the man ……………………….. (look) at the shop window the rain began to fall.
  2. Listen! Somebody ………………………………. (sing) in the next door.
  3. I ………………………………. (work) in the garden when the bell rang.
  4. We ………………………………….. (write) a test at 10 o`clock on Wednesday.
  5. I came into the room because the boys …………………………….. (make) a lot of noise.
  6. What you ……………………….. (do) at 5 o`clock tomorrow? – I ……………….. (prepare) for my seminar in Economics.
  7. Professor Collins ………………………….. (give) another lecture at the same time next Monday.
  8. Don`t disturb me! I ……………………………. (write) a report.
  9. Where is your sister? – She ………………………….. (do) her homework in the next room.
  10. He …………………………. (not to sleep) when father came home.


Упр. 10. Cделайте следующие предложения отрицательными.

  1. The sun is shining. ………………………………………….
  2. The dog is sleeping. …………………………………………..
  3. The children were playing in the garden. ………………………………..
  4. She was looking for her dog. ………………………………………...
  5. He is working hard now. ……………………………………...
  6. He will be waiting for you tomorrow after dinner. …………………………..
  7. The children are playing football in the yard. …………………………………………..
  8. It is raining now. ………………………………....


Упр. 11. Cделайте следующие предложения вопросительными. Вопрос начинайте с вопросительного слова, данного в скобках.

  1. They are sitting in the living room and watching TV. (What?)…………………………………….
  2. Tom was speaking English at the conference. (What language?) ………………………………….
  3. . (Whom?) ………………………………………………...
  4. They will be going to Italy for their holidays at this time next Sunday. (Where?).………………………………………….
  5. He was reading a book when I saw him. (What?) ………………………………….
  6. The singer was singing very well. (How?) ………………………………..


Упр. 12. Поставьте глаголы во временной группе Simple или Continuous.

  1. Nick always ……………………………… (watch) TV in the evening.
  2. Today he …………………………… (watch) TV the whole day.
  3. Usually Isabelle …………………………… (speak) French. But now she ………………………. (speak) English with her friend Martha.
  4. While my mother ………………………….. (read) a book, I …………………………. (play) the piano.
  5. At 5 o`clock before yesterday I ……………………………… (play) tennis with Mary.
  6. I can`t go to the party with you tomorrow. I ………………………….. (prepare) for my exam.
  7. The sun …………………….. (shine) now and it is warm.
  8. The sun often ………………………………. (shine) in summer.
  9. What you ……………………………….. (do) at 4 o`clock tomorrow?
  10. What you ……………………………….. (do) next Friday? Let`s go to the cinema.



Дата добавления: 2015-09-10; просмотров: 98 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

Упр. 2. Read the text “Old Man Britain” and translate it into Russian. | Great Britain | Trafalgar Square St. Paul’s Cathedral | Text 3. | The Capitol | Text 4. | Future Simple |

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