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-By Hermskii at www.Hermskii.com
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This entire effort is dedicated to all of the folks who have supported “Schwantz’s Redeemer Arena” over the years, and to the many other copy-cat servers (like mine), that are now available. I’ve made several friends playing on these servers and am a very proud member of our unofficial online community. You are more than welcome to be a member too. Join us on our forum at www.RedeemerInsanity.com. Just click on the forum link to meet all of the people who have made this possible. This is by far the best group of people you’ll probably ever get to know online.
My thanks go out to all of these members for the great times in the past, and those still to come. You folks RULE! Oh yeah…a BIG thanks goes out to my wife for putting up with me doing this kind of stuff all of these years. Finally, I want to thank Schwantz himself. If it weren’t for him, many of us never would have found this internet safe-haven where we can enjoy blowing each other into millions of gibs, night after night after night. Thanks Schwantz!
I don’t pretend to be good at this and I’m positive that there are better ways install this game and to run a server than the way I list here. All I can say is that I went from knowing basically nothing to having some pretty good servers and many people have asked me how I did it. This manual will change frequently but only as I find easier or better ways to achieve the same goal. Warning! If you follow these directions through setting up a decent player install, setting up a server and setting up redirects for your server, there is a great chance that you will have to install this game on your box (computer) up to three times. Be sure you have enough space. I think the full amount of space for all three of these should be just less than 2 gigs not including any install you may already have. Lastly, I know that Epic/Atari built the game and owns everything related to it that they can by law. I hope I haven’t stepped on any legal toes by providing links to files that I may have renamed or modified in order to maintain simplicity and naming conventions. My contact info can be located in this document in about 5 different places. If I’m doing something that you consider illegal or anything like that, please notify prior to taking any action. Thank you.
I’m writing this step by step how-to manual for several reasons. The main reason is that over the years, several people have assisted me in the building of my own Servers and I want to return the favor in someway. Another reason is to demonstrate that almost anyone can do this, (or anything for that matter) if shown how. All it takes is someone who knows how to do it showing someone who doesn’t know how. Take the leap! Be a leader. Be a Mentor! Lastly, I’ve written about how to do this a number of times to several different people over the years. It is just better to have it in one spot for everyone to use. I want to spread this tiny chunk of knowledge far and wide in the hopes that this will possibly encourage new and exciting servers to be built and to attract interesting folks to visit our on line forum and become part of our community. Additionally, I fear that if I don’t write this down; I may forget how to do it in the first place.
Most of our folks at the forum have been members for years, and we take great pride in offering a free, helpful, and friendly retreat for any who seek it. We ask only that they treat us with the same respect with which we have always treated each other.
If you haven’t printed this yet, I suggest that you do. If possible, try to follow along from this document as much as you can because there are several areas where I will post a link that will automatically start a download or take you to a page where there will be info that you need. Clicking on the links I will provide in this manual will make it easier on you since you’ll be able to just minimize the screens back and forth as you go through the steps.
How to use this manual:
First, let me say that if you are looking to just get the game set up and running really well so that you can play, you only need to use the first four chapters of this manual. I will try to keep this as simple as possible but there is a lot to cover. I have to assume that if you are willing to try this that you have a good basic knowledge of computers, and a few Windows utilities that are commonly used like WinRar (This is really just a different version of the compression utility WinZip). I will only be giving instructions for how to set up the game to play or as a server on a PC running WINDOWS (95, 98, 2000, XP). In some cases you will have to figure out a way to achieve the goal a different way than is specified here since this doesn’t cover every difference between each of these operating systems. This tutorial is mostly directed at Windows 2000 and Windows XP users. Each chapter including and after chapter 5 are designed for those of you who want to actually run a server for UT. Be sure to read through everything and don’t jump ahead or I assure you that you will miss something that will cause problems later during your install.
There are 3 ways that I know of to launch a server but I’m only going to describe the first way that I learned. This is starting it using the dedicated button from within the game. There is another method that allows you to start up your server from a batch file and another that starts it as a Window’s Service. There are many manuals online that you can find in order to learn how to start up your server from a batch file or as a service. Again, this isn’t one of them.
I can only hope that you have access to a high speed (Cable Modem, DSL, T1) connection to the internet from your PC and that the PC you are using is at least of Pentium III 500 quality or better with a modern video card (Voodoo III or better). I’m going to start this manual with a simple and basic game install. Again, starting at Chapter Five I will begin explaining basic server set up instructions. Hopefully, it will be just enough to get you hooked. I can not begin to explain how cool the feeling is when people intentionally show up to play on the server you made over and over again. Luckily, this simple basic install is also going to be the base of anything you try to do yourself in the future, so after you are done here, most of the work is already done! Once the basic install is completed, I will go into a little more advanced instruction to describe how to set up redirecting downloads and adding skins and cool stuff like that which you will eventually want to do if you ever run a server. This entire process is the perfect way to install the game fresh, just for playing or for setting up a UT server. Every once in a while I may mention a good rule of thumb; such as this one: Think baby steps with this process. You won’t be able to build the perfect server from head to toe and then just turn it on and be happy with it. Chances are you won’t be able to do this in a single night either. My servers have been running for years and I change them all of the time. This is a hobby. It takes time. I think I struggled for a solid two weeks before I finally got my server to run while using redirects too. There will be many issues that will need additional attention. Hopefully, I will have explained everything well enough to get you started, but at some point something will confuse you or go wrong because you have a different set up than I do. This isn’t easy but it does pay off, so bear with me. I’ll try to keep this document up to date but I am very busy and forgetful. If you have a problem you can’t resolve send an email to me at Hermskii@Houston.RR.Com. I’ll do my best for you. Good luck!
Chapter 1
“Batteries not included”
I’m going to give you instructions so that you can get everything you will need to be up to date with your install of the game. UT is a several years old now. Since its release, several issues have been identified and addressed concerning the game. Many patches have been created and released to ensure you get the best game play possible. These patches fix all sorts of things from bad graphic code, bad network code, errors in game code and a host of other things. Patches are usually released to make sure that everyone is playing on the same level field of code. They have some anti-cheat code written into them and usually correct tons of small issues that have been found in the game by the 1000’s of people who bought it. These patches are specific to this game. I will be offering links to files you may need all through this tutorial. These will include links to Patches, Bonus Packs, UT and Windows Utilities and other helpful web pages. Chapters 1-4 will cover getting what you’ll need to play on line, how to install the game itself, how to install patches and other add-ons, how to configure the game and finally tweak it so that everything runs as smooth as it can on the system you have. We’re about to go out to the internet to download several of the basic additional files you’ll need so that you’ll be able to play on line. Some of these files are required in order for you to play on line with others so keep following these instructions to make sure you get everything you’ll need in order to enjoy this game to the fullest extent.
First, make a folder on your C: drive and call it Play_UT. (Make sure you include the underscore between the y and the U. Inside that folder, create these additional folders and call them UT_Patches, Bonus_Packs, Mods, WinRar, Skins, Extra_Maps and Voice_Packs. Rule of thumb: Try not to use spaces when naming anything related to UT. If you need to use a space, use an underscore like this_one. There is a good reason for this but I won’t explain why until we get into server stuff in Chapter 5. Now, we are ready to go out and get the basic files you’ll need for your install that didn’t come with the original game CD. Launch your web browser program and go the following download page, or just click this link which will start the download automatically: http://Hermskii.com/Files/UT436NoDeltaPatch.exe. Download this 436 patch to your UT_Patches folder. This isn’t the latest patch available but for your install it will work perfectly and it is very simple unlike several of the versions released after it. It also isn’t even the original 436 patch but it’s a modified version of this patch that works for everyone no matter what install CD you use. Once you have downloaded it, leave it in its folder and move on to downloading the Bonus Packs. I’ve packaged three of them, (1, 3 and 4) together into one download. (Bonus Pack 2 turned out to be very bad and no one uses it anymore because it caused so many problems.) I compressed these 3 Bonus Packs using a utility called WINRAR. You can get this WinZip-like compression utility to uncompress the Bonus Packs if you don’t already have WinZip. Download it into your C:\PlayUT\WinRar folder that you created earlier. Click on this link to begin downloading WinRar:
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