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Читайте также:
  1. Computers Mecanical Engineering.
  2. List the materials you know which are used in engineering. Combine your list with that of your friend and say which of the materials are metals and non-mеtals.
  3. Write out of the text the words and the phrases describing general uses of radio engineering.

1. Learn the new words and put them into your vocabularies:

operation- дія, операція

complex –ускладнений

property - якість

field - область, сфера

to consume - споживати

among - між

to transmit – передавати

extremely - надзвичайно

to reduce - скорочувати

application - використання

trend - напрямок

towards – по направленню до

to lower -знижувати

device - пристрій

single – один

to create – створювати, проектувати

dimensions – розміри, величина, об’єм

to replace - заміняти

digital -цифровий

analogue - аналоговий

speed - швидкість

maintenance - експлуатація,

purpose – штучний, мета

to perform - виконувати

to intend – мати намір

to move – рухатися, переміщати

to require - потребувати

essential – суттєвий, необхідний

to devote - присвячувати

to select - вибирати

particularly - особливо

appropriate -відповідний

to specify – точно визначити

to withstand -протидіяти

procedure - методика, метод

to assist – допомагати, асестувати

to suggest - пропонувати

occupation -рід занять, професія

improvement – покращення


2. Find the translation of English words:

appropriate А. вибирати

essential В. передавати

property С. допомогати

speed D. пропонувати

to assist Е. якість

to create F. швидкість

to reduce G. створювати

to require H. скорочувати

to select I. відповідний

to suggest J. суттєвий

to transmit К. Вимагати


3. Read and translate into Ukrainian:

design of large buildings construction materials; to operate machinery of all types; electric power and signals;engineering problems; electronic circuits; important developments;

to transmit power; to reduce power; losses communication systems; speed of computer;operations techniques of modern shipbuilding;

particular requirements of production; to withstand the high temperatures; to reduce accidents.


4. Read the text translate it in writing:

What Is Engineering?

In general, engineering is a science that deals with design, construction and operation of structures, machines, engines and other devices. Engineer is a person who has received technical education and has a basic knowledge of other engineering fields, because most engineering problems are complex and interrelated. The term engineering is difficult to translate into Russian because it has a lot of meanings. Most often it is translated as: інженерна справа, техніка, машинобудування, будівництво. There exist the following main branches of engineering:

Civil Engineering (Державне будівництво)

Civil engineering deals with the design of large buildings, roads, bridges, dams, canals, railway lines, airports, tunnels and other constructions. A civil engineer must have a thorough knowledge of the properties and mechanics of construction materials, the mechanics of structures and soils, and of hydraulics and fluid mechanics. Among the main subdivisions in this field are construction engineering (будівництво), transports engineering (дорожній транспорт) and hydraulic engineering (гидротехніка).

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