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1. Быстрые алгоритмы цифровой обработки изображений/Т.С. Хуанг, Дж.-О. Эклунд, Г.Дж. Нуссбаумер и др.; Под ред. Т.С. Хуанга: Пер. с англ. –М.: Радио и связь, 1984. –224с., ил.
2. Андреев А.Л. Автоматизированные телевизионные системы наблюдения. Часть II. Арифметико-логические основы и алгоритмы. Учебное пособие для курсового и дипломного проектирования. – СПб: СПбГУИТМО, 2005. – 88с.
Zhang Jilong*, Alexandr Timofeev **, Xing Xiangming**, Igor Konyakhin **
*North China University of Science and Technology, Chine,
Xueyuan Road 1, Taiyuan, Shanxi PRC 030051, zhangjl@ncust.edu.cn
**State University Institute of Information Technology, Mechanic and Optics, Russia,
197101, г. Saint Petersburg,. Kronverksky avenue, 49, IFMO oeps@grv.ifmo.ru
Получены соотношения между параметрами оптико-электронных автоколлимационных систем измерения пространственного положения объектов, позволяющие уменьшить погрешность измерения вследствие взаимного влияния измерительных каналов.
One of ways of the perfection of the optic-electronic system is the utilization of the new designing ways. These ways are founded on the invariance of the measuring system’s parameters
Considering of the particular invariants, they can be used in the designing definite device, for example optic-electronic system.
The structure of the goniometric optic-electronic system includes the optic-electronic autocollimator 1, that is fixed on some basic object; also the monitoring element of the optic system 2, that is concerned with the measured dimensional object (fig.1).
The autocollimator 1 is divided radiative canal and receiving canal functionally, the radiating canal forms the beam of radiating the measuring element 2, and the receiving canal receives the reflected beam from the reflected element 2.
The monitoring element 2 is the reflected-optic system, that forms the reflected beam according to the required technical parameters (the quantity of the reflected beams, his intensity, the divergence angle, the sensitivity for the measured parameter).
Now founding the static ordinate XYZ on the basal object, and founding the ordinate X1Y1Z1 on the measured object, the dimensional position of the measured object is determined by the 6 parameters of the ordinate: 3 linear displacements x, y, z are the displacements between the centre of the mobile ordinate O1 and the centre of the immovable ordinate O2, 3 angulars Q1, Q2, Q3 are the bend between the ordinate X1Y1Z1 and the ordinate X Y Z.
In order to founding an optic-electronic system effectually, the monitoring element ought to choose invariance and form beam, his independent parameter is sensitive to some dimensional ordinate, and is insensitive to the other dimensional ordinate.
The conception of the selective invariance is like the characteristics of some objects, especially some characteristics are insensitive.
Fig. 1.
N = { l 1, l 2, l 3, l 4, l 5, l 6}, N is the aggregate of the parameters of the all reflected beams. For an optic-electronical system, that could measure the all positions, we must summarize these selective invariance’s of the reflected system
, (1)
, (2)
, (3)
, (4)
, (5)
, (6)
In this case, the every parameter Li is a measure of the beams relative to one of ordinates, and the measure is insensitive to the other ordinates.
In this case, the measure’s error of the dimensional position of the measured object could be minimized.
The synthesis of the monitoring element of the optic-electronic system with the selective invariance’s property
Considering of the absolute measures of two unconnected angles, that is entitled the autocollimation’s coordinate Q1 and Q2, correspondingly the formulas 4 and 5, the reflected element ought to form reflected beam, and the every reflected beam including two parameters l 4 and l 5, they are sensitive to one of the angle’s coordinates of the autocollimation Q1, Q2, and are insensitive to the other 5 values.
When the autocollimator forms the parallel beam, the linear displacements of the reflected element are insensitive to angle’s circumrotation of the reflected element.
The arithmetic of the angle’s ordinates for the measure of the autocollimation is expressed:
B = MQ · A = Mr·Md·Mr–1· A,
B --- the ort of the reflected beam,
A ---the ort of radiating beam to the reflected element,
MQ--- the functionary matrix of the mirror—prism system—reflected element.
The basic form of the functionary matrix MQ is produced by the functionary matrix of the mirror—prism system Mdk, Mdk register the initial position of the reflected element and the change in the ordinate (Mr, Mr–1), they are the changes from the initial position to the current position.
Matrix Mr expresses the ordinate X1Y1Z1’s 3 rotations consecutively with the ordinate X1Y1Z1 relative to own’s ordinates. This is capable to produce 3 matrixes, every matrix expresses the rolling angles Q1,Q2,Q3, they are relative to one of ordinates.
So, we could receive 6 different matrixes Mr, because the different rolling orders according to 3 ordinates could produce the different values.
Direction of the ort B in the space is insensitive to the rolling orders of the ordinate, the rolling orders decide the value of the matrixes Mr.
When the value of the angular’s ordinate is small, the expression of the matrixes Mr is (8), the parameters p, v and w are relatives to the different rolling orders.
Table: Matrix’s coefficients of the ordinate conversion
the orders to the axis | the angular’s ordinate | the value of the coefficient | ||
p | v | W | ||
OX 1 – OY 1 – OZ 1 | Q1 - Q2 - Q3 | |||
OX 1 – OY 1 – OZ 1 | Q3 - Q1 - Q2 | |||
OX 1 – OY 1 – OZ 1 | Q2 - Q3 - Q1 | |||
OX 1 – OY 1 – OZ 1 | Q3 - Q2 - Q1 | |||
OX 1 – OY 1 – OZ 1 | Q2 - Q1 - Q3 | |||
OX 1 – OY 1 – OZ 1 | Q1 - Q3 - Q2 |
In order to assure the rotation Q3 to OZ1 is insensitive with the initial direction of the reflected element, it is the vector of the basic invariable direction, that is collinear with OZ1 for the ordinate X1Y1Z1.
The functionary matrix of the mirror—prism system Mdk denotes the reflected element is expressed:
k —the quantity of the reflected beams, when the root of distinctive equation is plus, k is even; when the root of distinctive equation is minus, k is odd.
w—the reflected beam’s angle to the vector of the basic invariable direction.
Determining of the ort B of the reflected beam, substitute the matrixes (8) and (9) to the expression(7), considering of the radiating beam is pivotal, k is odd.
, (10)
From the expressions (10) and (11) could find, that the parameter of the reflected beam is invariance to angle Q3, when p = 1, v =1 and the transformational matrix is Mr.
The component x of the ort B is insensitive to Q1, and the component y of the ort B is insensitive to Q2, above- mentioned must be the parameter of the functionary Mdkz w = 0°. When the measure of the autocollimator, k=1, w = 0°, correspondingly metrical element is the level mirror.
When k=3, performing of the synthesis of the reflected element of the autocollimatjion’s measure.
Even w = 180° + D, D ---small angle, the expressions (10) and (11) are expressed the following forms:
Bring to small angle f = D/2 (sin(f)» D/2, cos(f)» 1)
Then expressions (12) and (13) are expressed the following forms:
The x f and y f are the components of the ort B in the ordinate X f Y f Z f, the rolling small angle f = D/2 is relative to the axis OZ of the immobile ordinate XYZ.
The component of the reflected beam’s ort is expressed the following forms in the ordinate X f Y f Z f:
, (16)
, (17)
they are satisfied with the insensitive requirement:
For example, x f is insensitive to Q2, and y f is insensitive to Q1 if k=3 and w = 180° ± D, where D is the small angle.
Because the reflected element is ternary mirror, his normal are incoplanar, the difference between his dihedral and right-angle is a small angle.
The synthetical configuration of the reflected element is at the Fig.2.
![]() |
From the expressions (16) and (17) could make out that the transform coefficient of the reflected element is very small relative to the level mirror. Comparing to the goniometer with the level mirror, we could increase the work’s distance of the goniometric optic-electronic system.
The synthesis of the metrical element of the autocollimation’s optic-electronic system, with the method of the selective invariance according to collimation angle is analyzed. The characteristic of the reflected element is original. There is a small coefficient comparing to the metrical angle, it permits to increase a metrical distance comparing to the use ordinary plane mirror.
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