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Граматичний додаток до білету № 11

Читайте также:
  1. Граматичний додаток до білету № 14
  2. Граматичний додаток до білету № 23
  3. Граматичний додаток до білету № 26
  4. Граматичний додаток до білету № 4
  5. Граматичний додаток до білету № 8
  6. Додаток 1
  7. Додаток 1
  8. Додаток 1
  9. Додаток 1


  1. Множественное число существительных и местоимений:

He became the president of a big company.

  1. Притяжательный падеж существительных:

A book of Mr. Sage.

  1. Степени сравнения прилагательных:

I don’t think that he is (lucky) than his brother.

  1. Местоимения:

Max told … a story. (she, hers, her)

  1. Предлоги:

Do you live … London? (in, at, on under)

  1. Модальные глаголы: can, may, must, need.

I … show him your reports later.

  1. Вопросы (общ., разд., альт., спец.)

Our director drives to work every day.

  1. Present Indefinite or Present Continuous:

Look at the sky: the clouds (to move) slowly.

  1. Past Indefinite or Past Continuous:

They (to wait) for the trolley-bus.

  1. Past Indefinite or Present Perfect:

The rain (to stop) half an hour ago.

  1. Passive Voice (Present, Past or Future Indefinite).

My question (to answer) yesterday.



Граматичний додаток до білету № 12


  1. Множественное число существительных и местоимений:

The delivery will be delayed for approximately 5 days.

  1. Притяжательный падеж существительных:

A letter of my boss.

  1. Степени сравнения прилагательных:

March is (long) than April.

  1. Местоимения:

Jack is eating … supper. (him, he, his)

  1. Предлоги:

How can I get … Shevchenko Park? (in, at, on,to)

  1. Модальные глаголы: can, may, must, need.

… I have a glass of water, please?

  1. Вопросы (общ., разд., альт., спец.)

Their engineer is busy all day long.

  1. Present Indefinite or Present Continuous:

The old man (to walk) about the room.

  1. Past Indefinite or Past Continuous:

It (to rain) the whole day yesterday.

  1. Past Indefinite or Present Perfect:

I (to buy) a pair of gloves yesterday.

  1. Passive Voice (Present, Past or Future Indefinite).

Hockey (to play) in winter.


Граматичний додаток до білету № 13


  1. Множественное число существительных и местоимений:

The firm did not pay duty in time.

  1. Притяжательный падеж существительных:

The hand of Mrs. Leondes.

  1. Степени сравнения прилагательных:

Tom is (clever) manager in the company.

  1. Местоимения:

We go to school with … every day. (he, his, him)

  1. Предлоги:

Helen is wearing a pair … her best shoes. (from, by, of, to)

  1. Модальные глаголы: can, may, must, need.

… I help you with your coat on?

  1. Вопросы (общ., разд., альт., спец.)

Our secretary operates this computer in the morning.

  1. Present Indefinite or Present Continuous:

I (to go) to the exhibition next Sunday.

  1. Past Indefinite or Past Continuous:

Yesterday I (to work) from 2 till 7.

  1. Past Indefinite or Present Perfect:

The weather (to change) and we can go for a walk.

  1. Passive Voice (Present, Past or Future Indefinite).

Mushrooms (to gather) in autumn.



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