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Education and qualifications

Читайте также:
  1. School Education in Britain

Your degree subject and university, plus A levels and GCSEs or equivalents. Mention grades unless poor!

3. Work experience. (Use action words such as developed, planned and organized. Even work in a shop, bar or restaurant will involve working in a team, providing a quality service to customers, and dealing tactfully with complaints. Don't mention the routine, non-people tasks (cleaning the tables) unless you are applying for a casual summer job in a restaurant or similar. Try to relate the skills to the job.)

4. Interests and achievements. (Keep this section short and to the point. Hobbies that are a little out of the ordinary can help you to stand out from the crowd. Any interests relevant to the job are worth mentioning. )


The usual ones to mention are languages (good conversational French, basic Spanish), computing (e.g. "good working knowledge of MS Access and Excel, plus basic web page design skills" and driving ("full current clean driving license").


Normally two referees are sufficient: one academic (perhaps your tutor or a project supervisor) and one from an employer (perhaps your last part-time or summer job).

recruiter – специалист по набору персонала, работодатель

Application form - анкета(поступающего на работу),бланк заявления

gloss over – представлять в лучшем виде, приукрашивать, смягчать

gimmicky – (разг.)навороченный, с выкрутасами, сложный

Advertise - рекламировать

GCSE(The General Certificate Of Sесоndary Education) – аттестат об окончании средней школы

Complaint - жалоба

references – ссылки,рекомендации



Job Interview

Part 1

A job interview is a process in which a potential employee is evaluated by an employer for prospective employment in their company, organization, or firm. During this process, the employer hopes to determine whether or not the applicant is suitable for the role.

Whether you're being interviewed to be an intern or a CEO, you're going to run into a few notoriously tricky questions.

The question “ Why don’t you tell me about yourself?” is often the interview opener, has a crucial objective: to see how you handle yourself in unstructured situations. The recruiter wants to see how articulate you are, how confident you are, and generally what type of impression you would make on the people with whom you come into contact on the job. The recruiter also wants to learn about the trajectory of your career and to get a sense of what you think is important and what has caused you to perform well. Most candidates find this question a difficult one to answer. However, the upside is that this question offers an opportunity to describe yourself positively and focus the interview on your strengths. Be prepared to deal with it. There are many ways to respond to this question correctly and just one wrong way: by asking, “What do you want to know?” You need to develop a good answer to this question, practice it, and be able to deliver it with poise and confidence. Start with your most recent employment and explain why you are well qualified for the position. The key to all successful interviewing is to match your qualifications to what the interviewer is looking for. Have a story ready that illustrates your best professional qualities. For example, if you tell an interviewer that people describe you as creative, provide a brief story that shows how you have been creative in achieving your goals.

If your résumé reflects jobs with companies that were acquired, moved, closed, or downsized, it is still viewed as a job-hopper’s history. Volunteer and go to events where hiring authorities may be found. Ratchet up your networking to include anything that exposes you to hiring authorities. Your networking efforts have never been so important.

job interview – собеседование при приёме на работу

intern – стажёр

CEO – главный исполнительный директор, управляющий делами

notoriously – откровенно, известно

tricky – запутанный, коварный, заковыристый

crucial – важнейшая, решающая

objective – цель,задание

handle oneself – держаться

poise – уравновешенность, самообладание, осанка

acquire – покупать, приобретать

downsize - уменьшать, сокращать

volunteer – предлагать(помощь, услуги), делать по своей инициативе

hire - нанимать на работу

authorities – власть, учреждения, ведомства, руководство

ratchet up – расширять, повышаться, увеличивать

expose – излагать, выявлять, показывать



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