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The Use of the Present Indefinite Tense in Adverbial Clauses of Time and Condition with the Meaning of the Future

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  1. A and B. Floppy drives, if present.
  2. A look through the descriptions of things you can do with music and try to guess the meaning of the words in bold type.
  4. Adverbs may function either as adverbials or as modifiers.
  5. All tenses of active voice
  6. As for my future children, I am going to have very high ambitions for them and to bring them up in a safe and secure environment.
  7. As you listen to the extract, for each question 1-4 choose the answer that fits the meaning best.
  8. athletes will represent Ukraine at the 2012 Olympics
  9. B. Make a Power Point presentation which can be used as a manual for foreign students that wish to spend a gap year in our country.
  10. Before you read the article, check the meaning of these words and phrases and memorize them.

Ex 34 Study the following chart. *

You'll do it He'll speak to her I won't discuss this question We'll have a party She'll go to the country when you find the time. while you are busy with your work. until (till) he comes. before she leaves. if it doesn't rain.

Ex 35 Complete the following sentences on the above pattern.

1. You'll understand this book when you (get older). 2. If the weather (change for the better), we'll go to the country. 3. He will phone you as soon as he (wake up). 4. I'll call a doctor if she (get worse). 5. You will never make this mistake again if you (learn things the right way). 6. I won't speak to you again until you (tell me the whole truth). 7. If she (go by a fast train), she'll arrive in time. 8. We'll stay in Moscow till we (get an answer to our letter). 9. He will get to her place before every­body (arrive). 10. When the train (arrive in Kiev) I'll get off to buy newspapers. 11. You won't be cold if you (wear a warm coat). 12. After they (make changes in the plan) we'll discuss it again. 13. If you (speak so fast), nobody will understand you.

Ex 36 Answer the following questions, using adverbial clauses of condition.


(A) Model: When will the train pass Tambov? (not be late).

If it is not late, it will pass the town at 2:30.


1. How long will it take you to read a book of three hundred pages? (do nothing else). 2. When will you finish your course paper? (everything; be all right). 3. Will he take her to the theatre? (get one more ticket). 4. Will you go to the country tomorrow? (not rain). 5. Will he travel to the., Crimea by train? (not get a ticket for the train; go there by plane). 6. When will he make his report on Britain's economy? (get well).

(B) What will happen if: 1. we talk all at once? (hear nothing). 2. you teach him everything at once? (learn nothing). 3. we don't wait for him? (not find the way to the museum). 4. you don't work hard at your English? (get a poor mark). 5. he doesn't arrive in time? (not wait for him). 6. the weather doesn't change for the better? (stay in town).

Ex 37 Translate the following sentences info English (mind the use of tenses in adverbial clauses of time and condition).


1. Если вы отодвинете книжный шкаф от окна, в комнате будет светлее. 2. Если вы будете проходить мимо кино, купите билеты на новую картину. 3. Как только я найду ее адрес, я вам позвоню. 4. Сколько времени вам понадобится на дорогу в институт, если вы будете жить за городом? 5. Что мы будем делать, если она опоздает? 6. Если она останется дома с ребенком, я поеду с вами. 7. Если по­года будет дождливая, я возьму плащ. 8. Мы не начнем обсуждать этот вопрос, пока не соберутся (придут) все студенты нашей группы. 9. Подумай хорошенько, прежде чем дать ответ. 10. Я останусь в го­роде, пока не установится хорошая погода. 11. Когда ты мне сооб­щишь свой адрес, я отвечу тебе телеграммой и сразу выеду. 12. Пока ты ходишь по магазинам, я соберу вещи.

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