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Of the Future Perfect Tense in Adverbial Clauses of Time

Читайте также:
  1. Adverbs may function either as adverbials or as modifiers.
  2. All tenses of active voice
  3. As for my future children, I am going to have very high ambitions for them and to bring them up in a safe and secure environment.
  4. Britain: past, present and future
  5. Choose from one of the endings to create a verb that completes the sentence. Pay attention to tenses and spelling!
  6. Clauses of Purpose
  8. D) with Past Simple, Past Continuous or Past Perfect.
  9. Die Adverbialbestimmungen der Art und Weise. die Modal- und Komparativsätze.
  10. Economic Challenges: Past, Present, and Future


Ex 49 Complete the following sentences using the Present Perfect Tense in adverbial clauses of time according to the model.


Model: I shan't go anywhere until (finish writing my report).

I shan't go anywhere until I've finished writing my report.


1. You'll pay when (get the money from home). 2. I'll come as soon as (write this letter). 3. He won't let you have another book until (give back the one he gave you last week). 4. She will understand what it is only after they (teach her a good lesson). 5. I shan't speak with you until (take your words back). 6. You'll never be well again until (stop smoking). 7. You won't understand the goodness of these people until (live some time with them). 8. I won't let you go till (promise to come again).

Ex 50 Translate the following sentences (note the model above).


1. Мы не отпустим вас, пока вы не пообедаете с нами. 2. Никто не будет с вами разговаривать, пока вы не возьмете свои слова назад. 3. Нельзя пользоваться этим аппаратом, пока вы не изучите инструк­цию. 4. Вы начнете свободно читать английскую литературу только после того, как прочтете несколько книг.

Ех 51 Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets.




John and his wife, Angela, are fond of (travel) and usually they (go) abroad for their holidays. Some time ago they (go) to a small town in Yugoslavia. They also (spend) a very exciting holiday in Italy last year. They (catch) a plane from London to Paris, then they travelled by train to Istambul. The train (move) very slowly through the mountains in Northern Italy. John and Angela (have dinner) in the dining-car when the train (stop) suddenly. They (look) out of the window. It (get) dark, but they (notice) quite a lot of men in green (get on) the train. One of them (speak) angrily. John (think) he (see) fire-arms, but it (become) too dark to be sure.

A few minutes later the dining-car (be) full of men in green. They (ask) everybody for their passports and (look) at them hurriedly. Angela decided that the men (be) police or immigration officials. A man, who (sit) quietly at their desk, (look) very excited. One of the men in green (come up) to the man. But before he (ask) for his passport, the man (jump) from the seat (push) the nearest man hard, and (try) to get out of the window — but it was too small. Other officials (seize) the man and (take) him away. One of them (explain) that the Italian police (expect) them (arrest) the robber because he (steal) three paintings from the Uffizzi Gallery in Florence several weeks before.

(Mozaika, 1970)

Ex 52 Rewrite (or retell) in narrative form the following passage from the text. From "In front of her, near the wall, stood a man"... up to "And now I must go".

Дата добавления: 2015-09-11; просмотров: 77 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

Ex 5 Make up five groups of three words associated in meaning or area of usage. | Ex 12 Translate the following sentences (consult the chart in Ex 11, if necessary). | Ex 22 Study the following chart. | The Past Perfect Tense | Assignments | TO KILL A MAN | VOCABULARY | Ex 5 Make up live groups of three words associated in meaning or area of usage. | Ех 13 Study the following phrases and (a) recall the sentences in which they are used in the text, (b) use them in sentences of your own. | Ex 21 Use either the Infinitive or Participle I of the verb in brackets as the second element of the complex object. |

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