Читайте также:
to-infinitive (informal, not used in negative sentences)
in order to/so as to + infinitive (formal)
so that + will/can/may (present/future reference)
so that + would/could/might (past reference)
in case + Present (present/future reference)
in case + Past (past reference)
“in case” is never followed by will/would
for fear (that) + might
for fear of sth/doing sth
For + Noun or –ing form
Clauses of purpose follow the rule of the sequence of tenses.
1. He phoned to invite her to dinner. 2. He phoned in order/so as to invite her to dinner.(formal) 3. They hurried so as not to/in ordernot to miss the train. 4. She’ll save money so(that) she will/may/can buy a flat. 5. She saved money so (that) she would/might/could buy a flat. 6. I’ll buy some cake in case they come. 7. I bought some cake in case they came. 8. He locked all the windows for fear (that) he might be burgled. 9. We don’t go out at night for fear of being attacked. 10. A pen is used for writing. 11. He went out for a walk. | 1,2. Он позвонил, чтобы пригласит её на ужин. 3. Они спешили, чтобы не опоздать на поезд. 4. Она будет копить деньги, чтобы купить квартиру. 5. Она копила деньги, чтобы купить квартиру. 6. Я куплю торт на случай, если они придут. 7. Я купил торт на случай, если бы они пришли. 8. Он запер все окна из опасения, что его могут ограбить. 9. Мы не выходим ночью из опасения, что на нас нападут. 10. Ручку используют для письма. 11. Он пошёл на прогулку. |
Ex.1 .Express the same idea in different ways as in the example.
1. He went to France to learn French. – He went to France in order to learn French. – He went to France so as to learn French.2. He went to the shop to buy some bread. 3. She opened the window to air the room. 4. She studied hard to be the first.
Ex. 2. Paraphrase the sentences as in the example.
1. He shut the door because he didn’t want to wake the baby. – He shut the door in order not/ so as not to wake the baby.
2. She took a taxi because she didn’t want to miss the train.
3. She wrote down his address because she didn’t want to forget it.4. I put the ticket into my inside pocket because I didn’t want to lose it.
5. We took a compass because we didn’t want to lose our way.
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Ex. 3. Paraphrase the sentences as in the example.
1. She will save money to buy a flat. – She will save money so that she will/can/may buy a flat. 2. He will go to the gym to be fit. 3. I will revise hard for the test to succeed. 4. She set the alarm clock to get up early. 5. He left early to catch the train. 6. He got a taxi in order not to be late. 7. I arrived early in order not to miss anything. 8. I’ll pick you up from the station. You won’t need to take a bus.
Ex. 4. Tom is going for a long walk in the country. He has decided to take these things with him; his camera, some chocolate, an umbrella, a towel, a map and some lemonade. He is taking these things because:
perhaps he’ll need a drink
perhaps he’ll want to have a swim
perhaps he’ll want to take some photographs
perhaps he’ll lose his way
perhaps it will rain
perhaps he’ll get hungry
Say why Tom has decided to take these things.
1. He’s going to take his camera in case he wants to take some photographs.
2. …. 3 …. 4 ….5 ….6 ….
Ex. 5. Make sentences as in the example.
1. It was possible that John would phone. So I didn’t go out. – I didn’t go out in case John phoned. 2. It was possible that he would come to London one day. So I gave him my address. 3. It was possible that I wouldn’t see her again. So I said goodbye. 4. It was possible that I would forget the name of the street. So I wrote it down. 5. It was possible that they hadn’t received my first letter. So I wrote them a second letter.
Ex. 6. Choose the correct item.
1. He arrived at the office before the others so that/in case he could start work early. 2. These tools are for/to mending my car. 3. She went shopping not to/so as not to be short of food. 4. He took a sandwich so that/ in case he got hungry. 5. I’ll give you my phone number in order that/in case you need any information. 6. He speaks French so that/in case they can understand him. 7. She worked hard so that/for she could go to university. 8. She is saving money to/ so that she can go on holiday. 9. Shall we book a table if/ in case the restaurant is busy? 10. My mother gives me piano lessons so that/ in case I can become a musician. 11. He left early in case/for fear he might miss the train. 12. My father works hard not to/in order not to lose his job. 13. They caught a taxi to/so that go to the station. 14. I’ll give you my address in case/sothat you want to write to me. 15. The little boy hid for fear of/ in order not being punished. 16. I’ll take my gloves so that/in case my hands get cold.
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Ex.7. Fill in the correct tense.
1. She opened the letter immediately in case it … (be) important. 2. Don’t leave those matches there in case the children … (play) with them. 3. He turned on the TV so that he … (can) watch the news. 4. The police surrounded the area so that the robbers … (not/escape). 5. He took some extra money in case he … (need) it. 6. She leant Spanish so that she … (can) get a job in Spain.
Ex.8. Translate into English.
1.Я оставлю тебе свой адрес, чтобы ты мог прислать мне открытку. 2. Миссис Браун купила конфет на случай, если к ней придут внуки. 3. Добавь перец в суп, чтобы сделать его вкуснее. 4. Возьми больше денег, чтобы они у тебя не закончились. 5. Учитель объяснил упражнение ещё раз на случай, если некоторые ученики не поняли. 6. Дебби спрятала свой дневник, чтобы никто его не прочитал. 7. Мы купили ещё кофе, чтобы не ходить в магазин в воскресенье. 8. Чайник используется для кипячения воды. 9. Она надела тёплое пальто из опасения, что простудится.
Ex. 9. Choose the correct item. Learn the text.
It was midnight on Sunday 9th March and I was on duty. I had my walky-talky with me for/so that I could contact my partner if I needed him. I noticed that the door of number 14 Lime Avenue was open. I approached the house quietly inorder to/so that investigate. I entered cautiously not to/so as not to alert the intruder. He had a large sack for /to carry the stolen goods. I caught him by surprise and arrested him. I took him to the station to/for questioning. He admitted everything, but we recorded his statement for fear / so that he might change his story later.
If – in case
1. We’ll buy some more food ifTom comes. 2. We’ll buy some more food in case Tom comes. | 1. Мы купим ещё еды, если придёт Том. (сначала он придёт) 2. Мы купим ещё еды, на случай, если придёт Том. (сначала купим) |
Ex. 10. Put in ” if “or “in case”.
1. This letter is for Ann. Can you give it to her … you see her? 2. This letter is for Ann. Can you take it with you … you see her? 3. We have fitted a burglar alarm to the house … somebody tries to break in. 4. The alarm will ring … somebody tries to break into the house. 5. Go to the lost property office … you lose you bag. 6. John might phone tonight. I don’t want to go out … he phones.
Ex. 11. Translate into English.
1. Я положу эту записку на стол на случай, если он вернётся рано. 2. Заходите к нам, если будете в Лондоне. 3. Позвони мне, если тебе понадобится помощь. 4. Я нарисую карту на случай. Если ты не сможешь отыскать дом.
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