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She gave the butler a significant glance; he was at that moment helping Michael to a glass of dry white wine, and he left the room.

Читайте также:
  1. A few days later Michael told her he had engaged Avice Crichton.
  2. Abraham Wilson sat there a moment, his face defiant; then he slowly rose to his full height of six feet four inches.
  3. Analysis for this excerpt: There are idioms in this sentence. «State pair» – in this sentence means favorite glasses, which aunt Polly used to wear only when she went out.
  4. At last the crowd was got rid of and Julia, having undressed, began to take off her make-up. Michael came in, wearing a dressing-gown.
  5. But Michael rose from his chair.
  6. CHAPTER 15 Sousa-Templeton Fights With The Little Prince; Cornell-Estrada Cuts Short The White Tiger King.
  7. CHAPTER 19 Murphy-Shackley Fights At Xiapi-Brighton; Bullard-Lundmark Perishes At The White Gate Tower.
  8. Chapter 5 THE WHITE RIDER
  9. Chapter 5 The White Rider
  10. CHAPTER 75 Yale-Perez Has A Scraped-Bone Surgery; Dabney-Prager In White Robe Crosses The River.

"Michael and I never eat bread. It was stupid of Jevons not to realize that you might want some."

"Of course bread is only a habit," said Michael."It's wonderful how soon you can break yourself of it if you set your mind to it."

"The poor lamb's as thin as a rail, Michael."

"I don't eat bread not because I'm afraid of getting fat. I don't eat it because I see no point in it. After all, with the exercise I take I can eat anything I like."

He still had at fifty-two a very good figure. As a young man, with a great mass of curling chestnut hair, with a wonderful skin and large deep blue eyes, a straight nose and small ears, he had been the best-looking actor on the English stage. The only thing that slightly spoiled him was the thinness of his mouth. He was just six foot tall and he had a gallant bearing. It was his obvious beauty that had engaged him to go on the stage rather than to become a soldier like his father. Now his chestnut hair was very grey, and he wore it much shorter; his face had broadened and was a good deal lined; his skin no longer had the soft bloom of a peach and his colour was high. But with his splendid eyes and his fine figure he was still a very handsome man. Since his five years at the war he had adopted a military bearing, so that if you had not known who he was (which was scarcely possible, for in one way and another his photograph was always appearing in the illustrated papers) you might have taken him for an officer of high rank. He boasted that his weight had not changed since he was twenty, and for years, wet or fine, he had got up every morning at eight to put on shorts and a sweater and have a run round Regent's Park.

"The secretary told me you were rehearsing this morning, Miss Lambert," the young man remarked. "Does that mean you're putting on a new play?"

"Not a bit of it," answered Michael. "We're playing to capacity."

"Michael thought we were getting a bit ragged, so he called a rehearsal."

"I'm very glad I did. I found little bits of business had crept in that I hadn't given them and a good many liberties were being taken with the text. I'm a great stickler for saying the author's exact words, though, God knows, the words authors write nowadays aren't much."

"If you'd like to come and see our play," Julia said graciously, "I'm sure Michael will be delighted to give you some seats."

"I'd love to come again," the young man answered eagerly. "I've seen it three times already."

"You haven't?" cried Julia, with surprise, though she remembered perfectly that Michael had already told her so. "Of course it's not a bad little play, it's served our purpose very well, but I can't imagine anyone wanting to see it three times."

"It's not so much the play I went to see, it was your performance."

"I dragged that out of him all right," thought Julia, and then aloud: "When we read the play Michael was rather doubtful about it. He didn't think my part was very good. You know, it's not really a star part. But I thought I could make something out of it. Of course we had to cut the other woman a lot in rehearsals."

"I don't say we rewrote the play," said Michael, "but I can tell you it was a very different play we produced from the one the author submitted to us."

"You're simply wonderful in it," the young man said.

("He has a certain charm.") "I'm glad you liked me," she answered.

"If you're very nice to Julia I dare say she'll give you a photograph of herself when you go."

"Would you?"

He blushed again and his blue eyes shone. ("He's really rather sweet.") He was not particularly good- looking, but he had a frank, open face and his shyness was attractive. He had curly light brown hair, but it was plastered down and Julia thought how much better he would look if, instead of trying to smooth out the wave with brilliantine, he made the most of it. He had a fresh colour, a good skin and small well-shaped teeth. She noticed with approval that his clothes fitted and that he wore them well. He looked nice and clean.

"I suppose you've never had anything to do with the theatre from the inside before?" she said.

"Never. That's why I was so crazy to get this job. You can't think how it thrills me."

Дата добавления: 2015-09-11; просмотров: 90 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

William Somerset Maugham 14 страница | II EXERCISES | II EXERCISES | Recall the situations from the book where the active vocabulary is used. | II. EXERCISES | II. EXERCISES | II. EXERCISES | Act IV. | Michael touched a button and in a moment his secretary came in. | But Michael rose from his chair. |

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