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Family traditions make it possible for the family's distinctive history to pass on to the next generation which oftentimes expands the family story. Aside from these, it cultivates a special connection between family members and between generations. Each special family tradition creates warmth and closeness among family members; it is a special tie that bonds them all. Familiar and predictable family experience brought about by family traditions fosters the feeling of safety and security. It gives each member something to look forward to and the assurance one needs.
Continuing family traditions are essential in enhancing family values and strengthening the bond which ties each family. Old and newly introduced family traditions no matter how grand or simple it is, brings about the sense of belongingness, emphasizes good values and more importantly, creates happy family memories.
Traditions offer numerous benefits to our families, including but not limited to the fact that they:
Provide a source of identity. Traditions and rituals often tell a story about a family. On the macro level, traditions can teach children where their family came from or give them insights into their cultural or religious history (e.g. eating tamales on Christmas Eve to celebrate your Mexican heritage). On a more micro level, traditions can serve as reminders of events that have shaped your family and your children (e.g. every year your family rents the same lake house, and each time you go it reminds you of all the experiences you’ve had on previous trips).
Traditions, and the stories they tell about one’s family, play an important role in shaping a child’s personal identity. Psychologist Marshal Duke has found that children who have an intimate knowledge of their family’s history are typically more well-adjusted and self-confident than children who don’t. There’s something about understanding your past and knowing you belong to something bigger than yourself that instills confidence.
Strengthen the family bond. Researchers have consistently found that families that engage in frequent traditions report stronger connection and unity than families that haven’t established rituals together. Traditions provide an all-too-rare chance for face-to-face interaction, help family members get to know and trust each other more intimately, and create a bond that comes from feeling that one is part of something unique and special.
Offer comfort and security. Family traditions and rituals are the antidote to the harried feeling that comes from our fast-paced and ever-changing world. It’s comforting to have a few constants in your life.
Traditions can thus be particularly effective during times of change and grief. Maybe you’ve moved your family to a new state and everything is new and strange for your kids, but at least they know that every Tuesday is still pizza night and every Saturday morning they can still count on going on a bike ride with dad. If someone special passes away, by taking your children to a tree you planted in their honor each month, children can acknowledge their feelings of sadness and feel that the deceased has not been forgotten.
Researchers have found that family traditions and rituals can provide comfort and security to children, even if a main source of their stress originates from within the family itself. For example, one study found that “families of alcoholics are less likely to transmit alcoholism to the next generation if they maintain the family dinnertime ritual and do not allow a parent’s alcoholism to interfere with this time together.”
Teach values. One of the main purposes of rituals, whether religious or secular, is to impart and reinforce values. The same goes with family traditions. Through daily family prayer, the importance of faith is re-enforced; through nightly bedtime stories, the value of education, reading, and life-long learning is inculcated; and through regular family dinners or activities, the centrality of familial solidarity is instilled.
Create lasting memories. In her book Ask the Children, Ellen Galinsky, cofounder of the Families and Work Institute, describes a survey in which she asked children what they would remember most about their childhood. Most of the kids responded by talking about simple, everyday traditions like family dinners, holiday get-togethers, and bedtime stories.
Those positive childhood memories can help make your child a happier and more generous adult. While psychologists used to consider nostalgia a sign of depression, recent research has shown that reflecting fondly on one’s past actually provides a myriad of positive benefits including counteracting loneliness, boosting generosity towards strangers, and staving off anxiety.
The family is the place for training our hearts. Therefore, we have to love and live together with our brothers and sisters in schools and in the nation. Education from parents is education for the school, society and nation. Parents have to bequeath all emotional aspects to their children and successors. They have to lay the emotional foundation for their offspring by demonstrating how they should live in the family, in the society, and for the nation, just as how the parents have been living.
When you are together with your children, you and your spouse should never fight. Pledge to each other that you will never show animosity in front of them. My wife and I made that promise. As a result, our children are sure that their parents never quarrel and that they love each other more than any other couples in the world. Educate your children to become the hope of the world surpassing any king or queen. Your sons should want to live like their father, and your daughters should want to live like their mother. That is true education.
77777 Upbringing of children. Each person's knowledge of how to bring up a child usually comes from their surroundings and their own upbringing. Psycologists define several models of upbringing in a family. The first one is non-interference. It’s a model of upbringing, when a child is left to his own resources. Some parents think it is good for children to be allowed to run wild without control or supervision. They say that this enables children's personalities to develop naturally and that they will learn to be responsible for the mistakes they make, cope with problems, be self-relient, and store experience. Making mistakes the child correct them by himself. This method is not good because the child can become impersonal to his parents. Achild who didn’t have caring, responsive and sympathetic parents will become timid and suspicious. Non-interference can also lead to juvenile delinquency (подростковая преступность), with the children ending up in the courts, or it might simply make children self-centered (эгоистичный), without any consideration for others. Another model of upbringing is dictation. When parent are always repressing and demanding. Adults supress the child’s initiative. As a result resistence develops in a child. If a child is weak, he becomes repressed, mistrustfull, fearful, irresolute. A child start being afraid of punishment for faults so much, that he becomes inactive and unmotivated. And a child loses natural sense of adventure and curiosity. This model is also not very good. One more wrong model of upbringing is when parents are too caring, they try to protect a child from all the difficulties and give him everything he asks. A child becomes immature, self-centered, impudent and arrogant and unable to cope with difficulties. From his childhood sorrounded with care, this person starts feeling weak in any situation where it’s necessary to make a decision. Very often when a child becomes a teenager, he can have an emotional explosion, which results in problems with his peers and even in breaking of relationships with family. The last and the best model of upbringing is cooperation. It consists in creating of relationships in a family, based on united interests and purposes, general activities, mutual support in any initiative. Parents are just, reasonable, approving and tolerant.
The foundation of such upbringing is “we”. The child is quite self-relied, and independent, but adults are always beside him ready to help and support in any moment, to calm down and explain what is not understood. Such families are united by the same values and traditions. Members of such families celebrate holidays, work and have rest together. Children become good-natured, confident, unselfish, industrious and can get along with others.
Upbringing affects identity formation, creating prosperous conditions for mental, physical and social person development. It's very important period of time in child's life, but some parents do not understand it and do not pay much attention on it. Modern parents prefer making their career instead of rising children. Very often babysitting or grandparents implements parents role. And it's one of the main problems of todays society when adults do not care about their children!
Parents should spend more time with their children otherwise they begin to move away from each other. Sometimes the child do not trust his or her parents and prefer to believe strangers so it may cause different problems in the future. And very often children replace adult's love by computer games or television. They want to fill that emptiness which appears when parents can't find common language or don't talk at all with the child.
Every child needs to know that somebody loves his or her and always can give a hand in difficult situations, encouraged and understand. I mean that some parents condemn certain proceeds of their children. They even do not want to understand the cause of such behavior and punish them. In my opinion, it is wrong way of upbringing.
In a conclusion I'd like to mention that for me, ideal upbringing is when the child spends more time with both parents and the last ones don't fight and quarrel. As it affects child's mental health. Ideal upbringing is when all family gather for some vacations, travel, help each other in different situations and support each other.
What does mean the term 'Ideal upbringing' for modern society? The meaning of this term changes without fail with development of society.
On the one hand, there is classical upbringing, which is true at all times, it includes love, care about child or children, warmth and so on.
On the other hand, nowadays we watch other attitude of parents to their children. Most adults are busy on their jobs, work and other problems that they have. In general, adults are full of their own affairs and absolutely do not pay attention how children left to their own. They grow up with lack of love, attention, caress... There is no wonder how children are cockered and rude with other people.
Finally, I would like to say that the base of upbringing, in my opinion, is love, care, caress, warmth. In the future, when our generation will be parents, we should especially pay attention to our kids. We should be their friends, psychologists. In the end, we should to be role models for them. I hope we will cope to this problem.
888888 Studying Abroad Education is an important part of our life. Many young people tend to get education abroad nowadays and this rush is gaining popularity at an amazing rate. Parents eagerly send their children to western countries in pursuit of overseas diploma. The majority of students want to study in English-speaking countries and it is easy to understand why. Firstly, they can improve their foreign language skills. Secondly, knowing English at a good level gives plenty of job opportunities. Thirdly, such countries as England, the United States and Canada are full of places of interest. There are, of course, certain drawbacks. For example, high prices of foreign education. Parents need to spare at least 10 or 15 thousand US dollars each year for tuition fees. This amount is often out of average families’ budget. Nevertheless, most parents try their best to give their children prestigious education. And it’s usually worth it. Studying abroad guarantees respect of others, stable career, bright future, lifelong friends from all over the world, and lots of useful skills. Besides, living abroad, students experience a totally different life. They contact people from other cultural backgrounds, which is rather interesting. It is important to remember, that studying abroad is never easy. It requires hard work and a lot of effort. However the reward is the future of excellent opportunities.
Now many people from our country want to study abroad. This goal is justified (оправданный). After all, education abroad is not only prestigious (престижный), but it is also profitable (выгодный). Education abroad gives not only great experience (опят), but also the freedom (свобода) of choice (выбор)! First of all, this kind of education gives the opportunity (возможность) to work and progress in any international sphere.
Education abroad allows us (позволять) to get a prestigious job right after graduation (выпуск, окончание обучения) and, therefore, to get a high income (доход). In addition, it’s a daily (ежедневный) language practice and live communication with native speakers (носители языка).
In addition to the above mentioned (вышеперечисленное), education abroad gives a better understanding of European culture, makes interesting and useful (полезный) contacts to expand your vocabulary.
Priceless (бесценный) experience of communication, knowledge of the culture and language — these are the building blocks (кирпичики) that will help later in life to find a career, business communication and define (определять) further targets (дальнейшие цели).
Making study abroad a part of their education is the most effective and accessible means for students to develop needed skills because it pushes a student to get out of her comfort zone to experience another culture, language, environment and education system. It teaches students to appreciate difference and diversity firsthand, and enables them to recognize — and then dismiss — stereotypes they may have held about people they had never met.
Learning how to interact with people from other countries and cultures equips future leaders in all sectors to address urgent issues — from curing diseases and finding energy solutions, to fighting terrorism and hunger — shared across borders.
But study abroad has to be done correctly. It shouldn’t be a separate or tangential part of education, but rather an integrated part of the curriculum, incorporating proper cross-cultural preparation and supportive reintegration to help students understand and internalize what they learn.
With more flexible and accessible options, the barriers posed by financial need, disabilities, race and ethnicity and sexual orientation are crumbling. Excellent programs and inspiring role models exist for every type of student. Every parent, teacher, professor, adviser and employer should support making international experience an essential and affordable component of a well-rounded education
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