Читайте также:
Ex. 1. Words and word combinations to be remembered:
activity | деятельность | |
agricultural | сельскохозяйственный | |
aim at | прицеливаться, стремиться | |
applied arts | прикладные искусства | |
assistant professor | ст. преподаватель | |
associate professor | [¶¢souòiit] | доцент |
award | [¶¢wÉ:d] | награда |
calculate | [`kælkjuleit] | считать, подсчитывать |
contribute | вносить вклад | |
courage | [¢kLrid ] | смелость, храбрость |
date | [deit] | дата, число, датировать |
decorative | [dek¶¢retiv] | декоративный |
department | [di¢pa:tm¶nt] | отделение, факультет |
educational | [,edju`keiòn¶l] | учебный, образовательный |
effort | [¢efÉt] | усилие |
enrolment | [in¢rÉulm¶nt] | зачисление |
establishment | [is¢tæbliòm¶nt] | учреждение, заведение |
exist | [ig¢zist] | жить, существовать |
expand | [iks¢pænd] | расширять |
external | [eks¢t¶:nl] | заочный, внешний |
faculty | [`fæk¶lti] | факультет |
graduate | [`grædjuit] | выпускник |
graduate (from) | [`grædjueit] | заканчивать (вуз) |
grant the status of | получить статус | |
hold (held, held) | проводить, держать | |
instructor | преподаватель, ассистент | |
internal | внутренний, дневной | |
invader | [in¢veid¶] | захватчик |
law | [[lÉ:] | право, закон |
majority | [m¶¢d Ériti] | большинство |
make a decision | [di¢si: ¶n] | принимать решения |
manifest | проявлять, показывать | |
memorial | памятный | |
methodology | методика | |
numerous | [`nju:m¶r¶s] | многочисленный |
pedagogy | педагогика | |
primary | [`praim¶ri] | начальный |
psychology | [sai`kÉl¶d i] | психология |
publish | [¢pLbliò] | опубликовать |
quality | [`kwÉ:liti] | качество |
region | регион, область | |
resume | ||
research | [ri¢s¶:tò] | научное исследование |
scholar | [`skÉl¶] | стипендиат, ученый |
scientific | [sain`tifik] | научный |
set up | возводить, строить | |
staff | штат, персонал | |
statesman | [¢steitsm¶n] | государственный деятель |
subsequently | [`sLbsikwentli] | впоследствии |
substantial | [s¶ b¢stænòl] | существенный |
temporary | [`temp¶r¶ri] | временный |
train | обучать, готовить |
Ex. 2. Practise the pronunciation of the international words and give their meanings in Russian:
university, institute, republic, period, process, personnel [p¶:s¶¢nel], professor, status [¢steit¶s], candidate [¢kændidit], instructor [in¢strLkt¶], assistant.
Ex. 3. Read and translate the international words paying attention to the indexes of the parts of speech:
academy(m) – academic(a),
profession(n) – professional(n) – professor(n),
special(a) – specialist(n) – speciality(n) – specialize(v) – specialization(n),
education(n) – educational(a) – educator(n),
tradition(n) – traditional(a),
pedagogy(n) – pedagogical(a),
act(v) – active(a) – activity(n),
center(n) – central(a),
calculate(v) – calculating(a) – calculator(n),
biology(n) – biological(a).
Ex. 4. Match the English adjectives with their Russian equivalents:
1. numerous a. важный
2. scientific б. главный
3. skilled в. многочисленный
4. modest г. ведущий
5. important д. квалифицированный
6. former е. существенный
7. chief ж. скромный
8. substantial з. бывший
9. leading и. научный
10. memorial к. прикладной
11. primary л. временный
12. educational м. памятный
13. temporary н. образовательный
14. applied о. начальный
Ex. 5. Using the English adjectives of exercise 3 make up word combinations with the following nouns:
Institutions, achievements, engineers, graduates, specialists, teachers, departments, specialities, staff, research, establishments, arts, schools, students.
Ex. 6. Match the English word combinations with their Russian equivalents:
1. to achieve rather modest results | 1. принимать способных студентов |
2. to improve the educational process | б. сделать все возможное |
3. to enrol(l) capable students | в. наградить (присвоить)звание Героя Советского Союза |
4. to take full-time or part-time courses | г. основать высшее учебное заведение |
5. to expand scientific research | д. проявить храбрость и героизм |
6. to increase the student enrolment plan | е. учиться на дневном или заочном отделении |
7. to found a higher academic institution | ж. расширять научные исследования |
8. to award the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union | з. увеличивать план приема студентов |
9. to do one’s best | и. совершенствовать учебный процесс |
10. to manifest courage a heroism | к. достичь довольно скромных результатов |
Ex. 7. Insert the words of your active vocabulary (they are given below) and translate the sentences into Russian:
1. In the course of time the University increased the student ……. plan.
2. He works as an ……. at the foreign languages department.
3. This University trains ……. professionals for educational institutions.
4. Our ……. decided to recommend your book for publication.
5. You have ……. achievements in your work, haven’t you? - No, I’m afraid our achievements are rather ……. as yet.
6. Where do your ……. graduates work now?
7. These achievements will ……. to further expanding of research.
8. The University is an important center of training ……. for the country.
9. Every year thousands of ……. receive diplomas of higher education and start working in different ……. of science and education.
10. The history of our higher educational institution ……. to the year of 1910.
(former, staff, enrolment, skilled, substantial, graduates, contributes, department, date back, modest, assistant professor)
Ex. 8. Read the text and comment on the figures mentioned in it.
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