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Читайте также:
  1. Analysis
  2. Analysis for this excerpt: There are idioms in this sentence. «State pair» – in this sentence means favorite glasses, which aunt Polly used to wear only when she went out.
  3. Answer the questions using the words and word-combinations in brackets.
  4. B) Spend a few minutes individually thinking of further arguments you will use to back up your own opinion on the usefulness and types of punishment.
  5. Copy out the sentences with the active words and word-combinations from the chapters. Translate them into Russian.
  6. Factor Analysis
  7. Hints. Useful Language
  8. I. Study the meaning of the following words and word-combinations.
  9. II. Useful Glossary
  1. The text comes from the novel by …
  2. The given extract does not constitute a single artistic whole.
  3. It serves as the exposition to …
  4. The basic theme of the extract (and the whole book) is …
  5. The theme is disclosed through the representation of …
  6. The place of action is …
  7. The conflict in the given fragment is between … and … (internal conflict, external conflict).
  8. The plot is based on the collision between … and …
  9. The outcome of the conflict forcibly (переконливо) stresses the message conveyed by the whole text that …
  10. The leading idea runs through the text and is reinforced by various stylistic devices which are distributed through the text; they are …
  11. From the point of view of the manner of presentation the extract is mainly description combined with narration.
  12. The narrative is done in direct speech (indirect speech with some insertions of direct speech).
  13. The style of the author’s third person narrative is tense (стиснутий) and coloured with sparkles of fine irony.
  14. Compositionally the text under analysis falls into 3 (4-5) fragments, each with its own topic.
  15. The opening fragment is the description of … done in the epic (humorous, dramatic, lyrical…) key.
  16. The opening part initiates the reader into the setting and introduces the characters.
  17. The second fragment is a description of …
  18. The third fragment deals with the narration about …
  19. The tonal colouring of the extract is polyphonic.


III. assignment for a comprehensive stylistic analysis of the text from …

  1. Read the passage given for analysis to the end.
  2. State the novel, story, excerpt comes from.
  3. Define the basic theme of the excerpt and by-themes if any.
  4. Give the gist of the plot and formulate the idea that can be gathered from the surface plot of the text and its title.
  5. Specify the genre of the text and its key (a plot story; a plotless story; a mixed type; the epic key; the dramatic key; the lyrical key; the humorous key; the ironical key; the satirical key).
  6. Identify the components of the plot composition (structure): a. the exposition, b. the beginning of action, i.e. the beginning of the collision and the collision itself (complications), c. the development of action, d. the climax, e. the denouement.
  7. Point out the forms of narration (the 1st person narrative, 3rd person narrative, description, dialogue, monologue and represented speech).
  8. Give a general comment on the language and style: the vocabulary, syntax (simple sentences, complex sentences, etc.).
  9. Indicate the leading stylistic devices of the text; interpret additional information and stylistic effects created by them.
  10. Single out the stylistic devices, which make the expression of the main idea more profound.



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Read the text and do the tasks that follow. | Follow-up | Match the words with their definitions. | DISTINGUISHING AND DEFINING VALUES | The text below has no verbs. Improve the text by placing the verbs from the list in suitable places. Use the appropriate forms of verbs. | Read the text and do the tasks that follow. | Follow-up | LEARNING AND TEACHING STYLES | Supplement 2. Guidelines on Projects as Formats of Independent Studies Activities. | The Outline of Theme One Project Activities |

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