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Бийский технологический институт (филиал)

государственного образовательного учреждения высшего профессионального образования

«Алтайский государственный технический университет им. И.И. Ползунова»



Л.Г. Коновалова, Е.Н. Дьяченко, А.А. Кудрявцева, О.Г. Паршина



Допущено научно-методическим советом БТИ АлтГТУ для внутреннего использования

в качестве учебного пособия по английскому языку для студентов
механических специальностей


Издательство Алтайского государственного технического университета им. И.И. Ползунова

УДК 621:802 (075)

ББК 81.2 Англ

Рецензенты: кандидат педагогических наук,

профессор БПГУ им. В.М. Шукшина Н.И. Беляева;


доцент кафедры иностранных языков БТИ АлтГТУ,

кандидат филологических наук Н.Б. Глотова


Работа подготовлена на кафедре иностранных языков


Коновалова, Л.Г.

Mechanical Engineering Faculty: учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов механических специальностей /Л.Г. Коновалова, Е.Н. Дьяченко, А.А. Кудрявцева, О.Г. Паршина; Алт. гос. техн. ун-т, БТИ. – Бийск: Изд-во Алт. гос. техн. ун-та, 2008. – 61 с.

Данное учебное пособие предназначено студентам механического факультета, обучающимся по специальностям: «Технология машиностроения» (ТМ), «Высокоэнер-гетические устройства автоматических систем» (ВУАС), «Ракетные двигатели» (РД), «Сервис транспортных и технологических машин и оборудования (автомобильный транспорт)» (АТ), «Управление качеством» (УК), а также преподавателям, работающим в техническом вузе и преподающим английский язык на данных специальностях факуль-тета.

Учебное пособие рассчитано на студентов-механиков всех форм обучения, а также адресовано всем, кто желает развить умения и навыки устной речи, чтения и перевода текстов по механическим специальностям.



УДК 621:802 (075)

ББК 81.2 Англ



Рассмотрено и одобрено на заседании научно-методического совета
Бийского технологического института

Протокол № 7 от 26 июня 2008 г.


Ó Л.Г. Коновалова, Е.Н. Дьяченко, А.А. Кудрявцева, О.Г. Паршина, 2008

Ó БТИ АлтГТУ, 2008


1 Тема: «OUR INSTITUTE». 4

2 Тема по специальностям РД, ВУАС.. 8

3 Тексты для студентов специальности РД.. 14

4 Тексты для студентов специальности ВУАС.. 23

5 Тема по специальности УК.. 31

6 Тексты для студентов специальности УК.. 34

7 Тема по специальности ТМ... 41

8 Тексты ПО специальности ТМ... 44

9 Тема по специальности АТ. 51

10 Тексты ПО специальности АТ. 54




Упражнение 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. What is the full name of our Institute?

2. When was the Institute founded?

3. What subjects do the students study at the Institute?

4. Where do students get their vocational training?

5. Will you name the places where final year students can work upon graduating?


Biysk Technological Institute formerly named Biysk Branch of the Altai Polуtechnical Institute was founded in 1959. Now the full name of the Institute is Biysk Technological Institute of the Altai State Technical University named after I.I. Polzunov. It has four faculties: the Faculty of Information Science, Automatic Engineering and Management, the Mechanical Engineering Faculty, the Chemical Technology and Machine-building Engineering Faculty and the Economics Faculty.

The Institute has three departments: day-time, evening and extra-mural. It also provides the second higher education in Economics. More than four thousand students study here.

The Institute occupies four large buildings. There are many modern rooms and well-equipped laboratories at the Institute. They include modern apparatuses and all the instruments that are necessary for laboratory works and experiments.

The standard of teaching is high. The teaching staff includes more than 30 Doctors of Sciences, 130 Candidates of Sciences and 270 instructors. The Institute teaching staff and students carry out research in various fields of science and technology.

Twice a year students have their examinations. They study subjects of general and special education such as Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Technical Drawing, Economics, Elements of Machines, Electrical Engineering, Strength of Materials, Informatics, Biotechnology, Computer Graphics, etc. To be able to read information in scientific journals and books students must know foreign languages which are also taught at the Institute. The students are given the opportunity to master spoken English at the Video classes. The students get their vocational training at the plants, factories and industrial enterprises.

Upon graduating the final year students are awarded the qualification of an engineer, an economist or an economist-manager. The graduates may work at educational institutions, various research centers and laboratories, in industry, business, banks and so on. Those who wish may continue their education at the post-graduate studies.

Biysk Technological Institute is a fully accredited state establishment. It provides a high quality education in a wide range of engineering specialities to thousands of students throughout the vast territory of the Altai region. The Institute is rather young. It celebrated its 45th anniversary in 2004. The academic reputation of Biysk Technological Institute is well established, and more and more school leavers give their preference to this Institute each year.


Упражнение 2. Прочитайте диалоги по ролям.



– How are you getting on at the Institute?

– I am getting on well at the Institute.

– What faculty are you studying at?

– I study at the Chemical Technology and Machine Building Engineering Faculty.

– How is your brother getting on at college?

– Unfortunately, he isn’t doing very well at college.




– What is the total number of students at the faculties, including the evening and extra-mural departments?

– The overall number of students is more than four thousand.

– What subjects are taught at the Institute?

– There are different subjects taught at the Institute depending on the faculty and the year.

– Did you pass all your sessional exams?

– Yes. I could hardly manage them. I was sure I would fail at least two of them.


Упражнение 3. Обсудите проблемные темы.


Denis, a student at Technological Institute, was going to become a chemist. But in his third year he suddenly realized that chemistry was not his vocation and that he would rather take up a course of economics. Now he is thinking about studying at the Faculty of Information Science.

1. What did Denis want to become first?

2. What did he realize in his third year?

3. Does he think of changing the faculty to study at?

4. Dramatize a talk between Denis and his dean.



Andrew is an institute student. He has an important exam in a few days. He felt bad this morning. After breakfast he looked at his books but could not concentrate. He looked at himself in the mirror. What he saw was not very nice. His eyes were red, his face was pale. His sister said, «What you need is fresh air. You are studying too much». They went for a walk in the park. Andrew felt much better and found he could concentrate on his books.

1. What was Andrew?

2. What was wrong with him on the eve of his exams?

3. Did he and his sister go to the park or to the cinema?

4. Dramatize a talk between Andrew and his sister.

Упражнение 4. Воспроизведите диалоги (работа в парах).



- What did the Dean speak about?

- He spoke of how to become a good student.

- Did you find the talk useful?

- Yes, very much. He said: «Every student should remember that being a student is a full-time job and like any other job it requires time, effort, concentration and appropriate techniques and habits».

- And do you agree with him?

- I think, he is right.


- When will your exams begin?

- Oh, they are not far off. Here is the time-table of my exams.

- You are nervous, aren’t you?

- Of course, I am. Everybody is.

- Are you reading for your exams now?

- Yes, I am. I always take notes of the lectures but I can fail in the mathematics, I’m afraid.

- Let’s hope for the best. Good luck.



- Hello, are you taking your exams?

- I’ve already passed my last exam.

- What did you get in mathematics?

- I got a four. You passed your exams, too, didn’t you?

- No, I didn’t. I failed in physics.

- What a pity. I am so sorry for you. How did it happen?

- It’s difficult to explain. My memory failed me and I forgot the simplest things. I think it was the result of a sleepless night.

- That’s what I always told you. Don’t put off your work to the very last. What are you going to do now?

- I’ll have to take my exam in physics for the second time. I’ve just been to the faculty office and the dean has already set the time.

- I hope you’ll get a good mark next time. Good luck.


Упражнение 5. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What year student are you?

2. What Institute do you study at?

3. What faculty do you study at?

4. What are the three forms of education at your Institute?

5. Is it difficult to study and work at one and the same time?

6. What faculty can one choose when entering the Institute?

7. Who is in charge of training students?

8. What equipment is the Institute provided with?

9. What general and special subjects do you study at the Institute?

10. What is your aim?

11. Where can you work after graduating from the Institute?

12. Where do you dream to work?

13. How many exams do you take each session?

14. Who delivers lectures to you on different subjects?

15. How long does the course of studies last?

16. When will you graduate from the Institute?

17. What is your future speciality?

18. What exams are you afraid most of all?

19. Is it important for you what mark you get at the exam?

20. What are the subjects you give most attention to?

21. Are you good at Chemistry?

22. Do you consider knowing foreign language to be necessary for you as a future engineer?

Упражнение 6. Задайте вопросы своему товарищу.

- What his idea of a good student is?

- What his working day begins with?

- What questions he likes to discuss with the friends?

- How many classes and lectures he has?

- How he gets to the Institute?

- When he entered the Institute?

- When he will have his exams (vacation)?

- Whether he prefers to study at home or at the library?

- Why it is necessary to develop good study habits?

- Why some students fail at the exams?

Упражнение 7. Прочитайте названия специальностей института и подберите к ним соответствующий перевод.


1) Applied Information Science in Economics a) Бухгалтерский учет, анализ и аудит
2) Information Systems Engineering b) Прикладная информатика в экономике
3) Information Science and Measuring Engineering c) Экономика и управление на предприятии (машиностроение)
4) Economics and Industrial Management d) Информационно-измерительная техника и технологии
5) Accounting and Auditing Science e) Информационные системы и технологии
6) High Energy Automatic Systems Engineering f) Управление качеством
7) Rocket Engines Engineering g) Технология машиностроения
8) Mechanical Engineering h) Автомобильный транспорт
9) Motor-Car Transport Engineering i) Высокоэнергетические устройства автоматических систем
10) Quality Management j) Ракетные двигатели
11) Commodity Research and Expert Examination k) Коммерция (торговое дело)
12) Chemical Industry Automatic Engineering l) Химическая технология полимерных композиций, порохов и твердых ракетных топлив
13) Biotechnology m)Химическая технология органических соединений азота
14) Nitrogen Substances Chemical Engineering n) Технология бродильных производств и виноделие
15) Polymer Compounds, Powders and Rocket Propellants Chemical Engineering o) Биотехнология
16) Wine Making and Fermentative Processes Engineering p) Машины и аппараты пищевых производств
17) Food Production Engineering q) Товароведение и экспертиза товаров
18) Trade Management r) Автоматизированное производство химических предприятий
19) Enterprise Management s) Экономика предпринимательства

Упражнение 8. Составьте рассказ, следуя предложенной схеме. Продолжите написание рассказа.

My name is … I am a … year student at the … faculty of the … Institute. My Institute was founded in …. There are … faculties at the Institute, including the faculty of …, … and …. The overall number of students studying at the Institute in the daytime, evening and extra-mural departments is about … thousand.

Упражнение 9. Подготовьте сообщение по теме «Our Institute».


Запомните слова:

High Energy Automatic Systems Engineering [haI 'en«dZI:t«'mQtIk 'sIst«mz endZI'nI«rIN] Высокоэнергетические устройства автоматических систем
Rocket Engines Engineering ['rkIt 'endZInz endZI'nI«rIN] Ракетные двигатели
to introduce [ÁIntr«'dju:s] oneself представляться
to be interested ['Intr«stId] in интересоваться чем-либо
to take examinations [IgzæmI'neISn] сдавать экзамены
to study ['stÃdI] at учиться в (на)
Mechanical Engineering Faculty [mI'kænIk«l endZI'nI«rIN 'fæk«ltI] механический факультет
to possess [p«'zes] обладать
to meet modern requirements [mI:t 'md«n rI'kwaI«m«nts] отвечать современным требованиям
to provide [pr«'vaId] предоставлять, обеспечивать
enterprise ['ent«praIz] предприятие
extra-mural ['ekstr«'mju«r«l] заочный
level [levl] уровень
to be in charge [tSa:dZ] of быть ответственным за, отвечать за
highly-qualified ['haIlI 'kwlIfaId] высококвалифицированный
to be engaged [In'geIdZd] быть занятым
speciality [speSI'ælItI] специальность
general and special subjects ['dZener«l «nd speS«l 'sÃbdZIkts] общеобразовательные и специальные предметы
to defend diploma [dI'fend dI'ploum«] защитить диплом
to graduate ['grædjueIt] from закончить (институт)
graduate ['grædjuIt] выпускник
opportunity [Ǎp«'tju:nItI] возможность
facilities [f«'sIlItI] оборудование
salary ['sæl«rI] зарплата
take into consideration [teIk 'int«k«nsId«'reISn] принимать во внимание
High Energy Automatic Systems Engineering Rocket Engines Engineering
mold [mould] – формировать to deal [di:l] with – иметь дело с
equipment [I'kwIpm«nt] – оборудование motive ['moutIv] – движущийся
stamping ['stæmpIŋ] – штамповка unit ['ju:nit] – часть, элемент, устройство
drawing ['dr:Iŋ] – вытяжка, протяжка vehicle ['vi: Ikl] – транспортное средство, машина
squeezing ['skwIzIŋ] – отжим lubricant ['lu:brIk«nt] – смазочный материал
extrusion [Iks'tru:Zn] – прессование, выдавливание to make a contribution [kəntrı'bju:S«n] to – сделать вклад в



forging ['f:dZIŋ] – ковка, штамповка viscoelasticity [ÈvIskouÇelQsÈtIsItI] – вязкоупругость
to cast [ka:st] – отливать combustion [k«m'bÃstS«n] – горение
to forge [f:dZ] – ковать, штамповать rotary ['rout«rI] – ротационный, вращательный
to machine [m«'SI:n] – подвергать машинной обработке reciprocating [rI'sIpr«keItIŋ] – возвратно-поступательный
slug [slÃg] – заготовка internal combustion engine [In't«:nl k«m'bÃstS«n 'endZIn] – двигатель внутреннего сгорания
billet ['bIlIt] – вальцованная заготовка, чурбан turbo-jet ['tə:boudZet] – турбореактивный
die [daI] – штамп, плашка turbo-prop – турбовинтовой
powder ['paud«] – порох, порошок shaft [Sa:ft] – вал, ось
  axial ['æksI«l] – осевой
  to have an advantage [«d'va:ntIdZ] over – иметь преимущество над
  ratio ['reISIou] – коэффициент
  liquid-fuelled rocket ['lIkwId 'fju«l 'rkIt] – ракета на жидком топливе
  to launch [l:ntS] – запускать (ракету)


Упражнение 1. Прочтите следующие слова и догадайтесь об их значении:

to start, interest, examination, technological, faculty, student, rocket, engine, energy, automatic, institute, speciality, occupation, to train, lecturer, sphere, exploitation, type, product, production, industry, to machine, engineer, manage, cylinder, characteristic, compressor, aviation


Упражнение 2. найдите синонимы:

1) start a) manufacture
2) be interested in b) occupation
3) speciality c) be busy
4) possess d) equipment
5) opportunity e) be fond of
6) be engaged f) use
7) facilities g) feature
8) application h) have
9) production i) begin
10) characteristic j) chance


Упражнение 3. найдите антонимы:

1) highly-qualified a) graduate
2) simple b) ignorance
3) enter c) fixed
4) develop d) difficult
5) knowledge e) dependent
6) moving f) low-qualified
7) advantage g) neglect
8) independent h) discontinuous
9) constant i) disadvantage

Упражнение 4. Определите, к каким частям речи принадлежат следующие слова и переведите их:

entrance, examination, technological, faculty, requirement, specialist, educational, opportunity, automatic, lecturer, equipment, productivity, pressure, successfully, possible, researcher, independent, importance.


Упражнение 5. Переведите следующие сочетания слов, обращая внимание на существительные в функции определения:

entrance exams, a second-year student, Mechanical Engineering Faculty, high-level technical basis, automatic rotor lines, traditional manufacturing equipment-cutting machines, molded plastic products production, building material production, metal-forming process, high power-weight ratio, water supply, research center.

Упражнение 6. Назовите четыре формы неправильных глаголов:

bear, go, be, know, meet, choose, have, build, make, cast, give, get, teach, run, speak, find, begin, read, tell, put, take, deal with.


Упражнение 7. Повторите времена и залог английского глагола и переведите следующие видовременные формы глаголов на русский язык:

we study – we do not study – it is studied – he can study; they asked – they are asked; they are made – they have been made; we will choose – they will be chosen; he used – it was used – it has been used.

Упражнение 8. Задайте вопросы к словам, выделенным курсивом.

1. Our Institute possesses a high-level technical basis.

2. The Institute provides three forms of education.

3. We study various general and special subjects.

4. There are two basic types of a rotary engine.

5. Engines are based on a piston moving.


Упражнение 9. Прочтите внимательно тексты по специальности, переведите их на русский язык.



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