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Необходимость издания данного сборника текстов назрела давно. Студенты специальности 080502/8 «Экономика и управление на предприятии (туризма и гостиничного хозяйства)» сдают итоговый экзамен по иностранному языку с основами ИЭД. Итоговый экзамен практически по двум дисциплинам «Иностранный язык» и «Информационно-экскурсионная деятельность предприятий туризма (на английском языке)» введен в нашем филиале в 2004 году.
С тех пор на кафедре накопилось большое количество материала для подготовки к итоговому экзамену, в частности к первому вопросу – устной теме. По сути, первый вопрос представляет собой проведение заочной экскурсии.
Авторы пособия поставили перед собой цель – систематизировать имеющийся материал, обобщить его и в значительной степени обновить.
Данное пособие отлично подходит для подготовки к итоговому экзамену по иностранному языку с основами ИЭД. Его можно использовать для проведения семинаров по дисциплине «Информационно-экскурсионная деятельность предприятий туризма (на английском языке)». Им можно пользоваться на всех занятиях по дисциплинам «Иностранный язык» и «Деловой иностранный язык». Пособие выпущено на английском языке.
St.Petersburg is situated on the East coast of the Gulf of Finland in the delta of the Neva River, on 42 islands. The territory of the city is 606 square km, with suburbs it is about 1,439 square km. The distance from north to south is 60km; from west to east is 30km. The city is called the Venice of the North for its numerous rivers (50), canals (31), bridges (more than 530), and embankments (23). The main water way of the city is the Neva River.
The population of the city is 5m; with suburbs it is about 7m people.
The climate is damp and maritime. The weather is highly changeable. The average annual temperature is +4.3. The average annual temperature in July is +17.8 and in January is -7.8. St.Petersburg is 3 hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time and is in the same time zone as Moscow.
Saint Petersburg is rather young to compare with all European capitals. It was founded by Russian Tsar Peter the Great in 1703.
The first name was St.Petersburg. The city was founded on the banks of the Neva River in the Eastern part of the Gulf of Finland and it was like a key to Paradise. So the city wasn’t named after Tsar but after St.Peter - the keeper of the keys to Paradise.
The city changed its name for three times: first – during World War I in 1914. The German name was changed into Petrograd and a little later, in 1924 the city got its name - Leningrad. In 1991 citizens voted for giving back the original name – St.Petersburg.
St.Petersburg was the capital of Russia for more than 200 years (from 1714 to 1918).
During World War II Leningrad was blockaded for about 900 days. The siege lasted from 8 September 1941 to 27 January 1944. 500,000 victims of siege were buried in the Peskaryov cemetery.
Nowadays St.Petersburg is the second largest city in Russia. It is called the cultural capital of Russia. There are 230 museums, about 100 theatres, exhibitions, clubs, universities, colleges, schools, libraries, and parks. The Pushkin Drama Theatre, the Alexandrinsky Drama Theatre, the Mariinsky Opera House are pearls of the Russian art.
The Summer Gardens, which were laid in 1704, are the oldest and most fascinating in the city. Rare trees, bushes and flowers grow there. Beautiful marble statues made by Italian sculptors and an amazing cast iron grille made by Pyotr Yegorov decorate the Summer Gardens. There is a bronze monument to the prominent Russian fabulist Ivan Krylov (by sculptor Klodt) in the Summer Gardens. The city is famous for its magnificent architectural ensembles of the 18-19 centuries.
In St.Petersburg tourists usually start sightseeing from Palace Square, the largest and most beautiful one. One cannot help admiring the ensemble in Palace Square: the Winter Palace (built by Rastrelli) was the residence of Russian tsars. The Hermitage, one of the oldest art museums in Russia, occupies the Winter Palace and four other buildings. There one can see masterpieces of the outstanding artists. The majestic palaces, cathedrals, churches and other buildings, built by famous architects, decorate St.Petersburg which is really worth seeing.
Дата добавления: 2015-09-11; просмотров: 102 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав |