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The Big Stores of London

Читайте также:
  1. City of London
  2. First Day of the London Tube
  4. Getting about London
  5. Introducing London
  6. New York and London
  7. Stores data in patterns of positive and negative magnetic polarity in metallic particles on the surface of disk platters.
  8. Text 2A. London and its history
  9. The London Dungeon


The big stores of London are vast buildings, many storyes high, equipped with speedy lifts and escalators, with well-planned lighting, ventilation and heating.

Departments are carefully named; “Budget Dresses” are really cheap dresses – but no customer likes to be a “cheap” shopper. “Mother to be” or “Lady-in-Waiting” will often be found instead of the conventional “Maternity Wear”. Then there are new words for the new trends in fashion – “Mix-and-Match”, “Unisex” which are used alongside the more old-fashioned names. “Ready-to-Wear”, “Haberdashery”, “Millinery”, “Gowns” and sometimes the words derived from the French – Mantles [ma:ntlz] for coats, “Layette” [l¶ijεt] for baby-wear.

Another feature of London’s shopping life is the chain-stores, in which the goods are displayed up open counters. A wide variety of goods is offered-foodstuffs, household goods, clothing and stationary. These chain-stores have branches in most British towns of importance. For example, one very well-known firm of chemists has shops in many parts of London (and elsewhere); here you may buy not only medicines but also cosmetics and toilet supplies.

Most of the food stores, called supermarkets, operate on the self-service system: you go in, pick up a basket, walk round the shop and choose what you want. At the exit there is a check-out point, a cash-desk where you pay for all your goods together.


store = large shop [stÉ:] BRIT – универмаг, US – магазин
vast [va:st] громадный
equipped [i¢kwipt] оборудованный
speedy [¢spi:di] скоростной
heating [¢hi:tih] отопление
department [di¢pa:tm¶nt] отдел (in shop)
cheap [tòi:p] дешевый
conventional [k¶n¢vεnònl] обычный, общепринятый
trend [trεnd] направление
fashion [fæòn] мода
to mix [miks] смешивать
to match [mætò] сочетаться
alongside [¶¢lÉh¢said] рядом с (position)
haberdashery [hæb¶¢dæò¶ri] BRIT- галантерейные товары
millinery [¢milin¶ri] дамские шляпы
gowns = dresses [gaunz] платья
to derive [di¢raiv] происходить (from)
feature [¢fi:tò¶] черта, особенность
chain, ~/~ store [tòein] цепь, филиал (магазина)
goods [gu:dz] товары
counter [¢kaunt¶] прилавок (in shop, cafe)
household [¢haush¶uld] дом, домаш- ний, хозяйственный
stationery [¢steiòn¶ri] канцелярские принадлежности
elsewhere [εls¢wε¶] где-нибудь еще
supplies, supply [s¶¢plaiz] принадлежности, запас
self-service [¢sεlf¢s¶:vis] самообслуживание
sasket [¢ba:sk¶t] корзина
exit [¢εksit] выход
point [¢pÉint] пункт, точка
cash, ~/~ desk [kæò] наличные (money), касса

Ex.1. Comprehension questions.

1) What kind of stores are the features of London’s shopping life?

2) Why are the departments in the stores carefully named?

3) Which stores have branches in most British towns of importance?

4) What is characteristic of the British chemist’s shops?

5) How do supermarkets operate?


Ex.2. Find in the text equivalents to the following words and phrases.

1) новые направления в моде; 2) многоэтажные здания; 3) продуманно названные; 4) «экономичное платье»; 5)общепринятый; 6)старомодный; 7)выставлять; 8)широкий выбор товаров; 9)филиал, значительные города; 10)фармацевтическая фирма; 11)туалетные принадлежности; 12)хозяйственные товары; 13)работать по принципу самообслуживания; 17)контрольный пункт.


Ex.3. Make up questions to which the following sentences might be the



1. These are stores where a wide variety of goods is displayed on open


2. They sell cheap dresses there.

3. You pay for all your goods together at the exit.

4. In this department they sell clothes suitable (подходящий) for both sexes.

5. Your local chain store has the same supply as in London.





shop (Am E: store)   магазин
shopping area [ε¶¢ri¶] торговый центр
shopping mall [mÉ:l] рынок
department store   универсальный магазин
chain store   один из филиалов торгующей организации
mail-order firm [¢meil ¢É:d¶ f¶:m] фирма «товары почтой», торгующая по заказам, сделанным по каталогу
stall [stÉ:l] киоск
booth [bu:q] ларек
rag fair [¢ræg¢fε¶] «толкучка»
shop-window (window-display)   витрина
counter [¢kaunt¶] прилавок
show-case [¢ò¶ukeis] витрина-прилавок
check-out point   контрольный пункт
cash-desk, cashier   [¢kæòi¶] касса; кассир
salesman (shop assistant) [¢seilzm¶n] продавец
saleswoman [¢seilzwum¶n] продавщица
customer (shopper) consumer consumer goods [¢kLst¶m¶] [k¶n¢sju:m¶] покупатель, клиент потребитель потребительские товары
shopping queue,line [kju:] очередь
to do one’s shopping   делать покупки
to go shopping   идти по магазинам
to buy (bought, bought)   покупать
to sell (sold, sold)   продавать
to pay (paid, paid)   платить
to deliver [di¢li:v¶] доставлять
to display [dis¢plei] выставлять
to be in stock   быть в продаже, в наличии
to be out of stock   не иметься в продаже
cheap   дешевый
expensive   дорогой
to cost (cost, cost)   стоить
price, at a price [¢prais] цена, по цене
discount, at a discount [dis¢kaunt] скидка со скидкой
sale [¢seil] распродажа
mark-down [¢ma:k¢daun] уценка
boutique [bu¢tik] маленький магазин модной одежды и аксессуаров
change [tòeindz] сдача
bargain [ba:gin] выгодная покупка (с точки зрения цены для покупателя), сделка





Ex. 1. Give Russian equivalents to the following, paying attention to the use of prepositions.

1) To buy by mail-order, 2) at a counter, 3) the original price, 4) to pay on delivery, 5) the discounted price, 6) to calculate the cost of purchases, 7) to lower the price by 10%, 8) to own a chain of department stores, 9) to sell a wide variety of goods, 10) to go shopping.


Ex. 2. Match the definitions in column A with the terms in column B


1. covered shopping area a) boutique
2. available immediately for sale b) out of stock
3. a person, assisting shoppers c) shopping mall
4. not available immediately for sale d) department store
5. reduction in price e) salesman (woman)
6. a big shop with lots of departments f) in stock
7. a small shop of fashionable clothes g) a mark-down

Ex. 3. Fill in the blanks with the corresponding words (from the list below)

In general the way of … may vary. It way be a … shop, where the … goes from … to … selecting and putting into a … things he wishes to buy. Then he takes the basket to the … where the prices of the … are added up. If it is not a self-service …, and most small shops are not, the … helps the customer to select. You pay.. to the … and he gives you back the ….


change, counter, cashier, store, money, shopping, self-service, counter, basket, purchases, shop-assistant, customer, check-out point.


Text A

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