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Читайте также:
  1. A) Traits of character/personal traits
  2. Chapter I. Grammar. General characteristics
  3. Character and Appearance
  4. Characteristics
  5. Characteristics of an Effective Team
  6. Characterize the attitude of the British to sport. Complete the given passage, making use of the following word combinations from the box. Extend the statements.
  7. Characterize the main political parties in the U.K. (Labour, Conservative and Liberal-Democratic). Comment on the results of the elections of May 2005
  8. English Character
  9. Negative feelings seem to change character with intensity.


aggressive [¶¢gresiv] агрессивный
agile [æd ail] подвижный
ambitious [æm¢biò¶s] амбициозный человек, имеющий огромное желание добиться успеха, богатства
arrogant [ær¶g¶nt] высокомерный
to be on friendly terms with   быть с кем-то в хороших отношениях
boring [bÉrih] скучный
brave [breiv] храбрый
calm [ka:m] тихий, спокойный
careful [ke¶f¶l] заботливый
careless [ke¶l¶s] невнимательный, беззаботный
celebrated [sel¶breit¶d] знаменитый, прославленный
cheerful [tòi¶f¶l] счастливый, веселый
clumsy [klÙmzi] неуклюжий, бестактный
conceited [k¶n¢si:tid] тщеславный, самодовольный
concerned [k¶n¢s¶:nd] обеспокоенный, заботливый
convincing [k¶n¢vinsih] убедительный
cowardly [kau¶dli] малодушный, трусливый
cruel [¢kru:¶l] жестокий
emotional [im¶uò¶n¶l] эмоциональный
energetic [en¶¢d etik] энергичный
enthusiastic [in¢qju:ziæstik] восторженный
exciting [ik¢saitih] волнующий
exuberant [ig¢zju:b¶r¶nt] роскошный
fortunate [fÉ:tò¶nit] удачливый
funny [fÙni] смешной, забавный
generous [d ener¶s] щедрый
greedy [¢gri:di] жадный
hard-working   трудолюбивый
hopeful [h¶upf¶l] многообещающий
ignorant [ign¶r¶nt] невежественный, несведущий
indifferent [indif¶r¶nt] равнодушный
inert [i¢n¶:t] инертный
irregular [i¢regjul¶] неправильный, ненормальный
kind [kaind] добрый
lazy [leizi] ленивый
lucky [lÙki] счастливый, удачный
masterly [ma:st¶li] умелый
mean [mi:n] плохой
moderate [mod¶r¶t] – [mÉd¶rit] умеренный
noisy [nÉizi] шумный
obstinate [Ébst¶n¶t] упрямый
occasional [¶¢kei n¶l] случайный, редкий
optimistic [Épt¶¢mistik] оптимистичный
patient [peiò¶nt] терпеливый, спокойный
persuasive [p¶¢sweisiv] убедительный
pessimistic [pes¶mistik] пессимистичный
polite [p¶¢lait] вежливый
pretentious [pri¢tenò¶s] претензионный
pushy [puòi] пробивной; очень активный и сильный для того, чтобы что-то осуществить
quick-witted   смышленый, сообразительный
quiet [kwai¶t] спокойный, тихий
quite [kwait] вполне, совершенно
reasonable [ri:z¶n¶b¶l] благоразумный, умеренный
risky [riski] опасный, рискованный
rude [ru:d] грубый
sensitive [¢sens¶tiv] чувствительный
shy [òai] застенчивый
skillful [skilf¶l] искусный, умелый, мастеровой
sociable [s¶uò¶b¶l] дружелюбный
stingy [stind i] скупой
stupid [stju:p¶d] глупый
stubborn [stÙb¶n] упрямый
touchy [tÙtòi] обидчивый, чувствительный (слишком)
trait [treit] черта
well-bred   остроумный
witty [witi] хорошо воспитанный
vain [vein] тщеславный
unaware [Ùn¶¢we¶] незнающий
unflappable [Ùn¢flæp¶b¶l] хладнокровный
yielding [ji:lih] уступчивый


Ex.1. a) Write down the opposite of each of the words on the left. Choose from the words on the right.

Model: Are you strong or weak?

I am strong. I’m not weak.

I am clever. I’m not stupid.


1. clever 1. rude
2. quite 2. mean
3. polite 3. pessimistic
4. funny 4. boring
5. optimistic 5. noisy
6. concerned 6. stupid
7. careful 7. calm
8. hard-working 8. serious
9. generous 9. yielding
10. exciting 10. indifferent
11. stubborn 11. careless
12. aggressive 12. cheerful
13. brave 13. cowardly
14. touchy 14. lazy


b) Write down the synonym of each of the words on the left. Choose from the words on the right.


1. optimistic 1. hopeless
2. big-headed 2. inert
3. obstinate 3. keen
4. clumsy 4. moderate
5. well-known 5. irregular
6. fortunate 6. patient
7. ignorant 7. convincing
8. enthusiastic 8. conceited
9. masterly 9. unaware
10. reasonable 10. skillful
11. occasional 11. stubborn
12. passive 12. agile
13. self-controlled 13. lucky
14. persuasive 14. celebrated


Ex. 2. What features of character should a teacher (businessman; lawyer; psychologist manager) posses and why?

Model: If you are in business teaching

you’ve got to be …


Ex.3. Translate the sentences from English into Russian.


1. She is a careless and two-faced person. I consider her very unpleasant, but not at all stupid. 2. She can’t be called attractive but she is very warm-hearted and generous. Handsome is as handsome does, you know. 3. You don’t know him as well as I do. He is well-bred and pleasant to deal with, though he’s a but pretentious. 4. They made a strange couple. She is full of joy and gaiety and he looks so sullen. 5. He was an eccentric, arrogant, exuberant, vain and charming fellow. 6. His most engaging trait was his good humour. 7. He could not bear to throw his money about. He was not exactly mean, but he was not generous. “Neither a borrower nor a lender be” he quoted from Polonius. 8. She has a wonderful charming personality.


Notes: sullen [sÙl¶n] – угрюмый,

engaging [in¢geid ih] – привлекательный,

to throw about –

Ex.4. Answer the following questions.


What would you say of a person:

1. Who always says what he thinks? 2. Who never boasts? 3. Who is always ready to share what he has got with others? 4. Who is fond of praising himself? 5. Who always achieves his aim? 6. Who is hard to get along with? 7. Who is easily hurt? 8. Who grasps things easily? 9. Who makes friends easily? 10. Who is never shy with strangers? 11. Who works a lot? 12. Who can not behave? 13. Who never says what’s on his mind? 14. Who cannot be trusted?


Ex.5. Ask your fellow student about his acquaintance or an imaginary person.


1. what is he like, what sort (kind) of man he is; 2. if he is an honest, clever man; 3. if he is easily pleased; 4. if your friend thinks that he is not of a forgiving nature; 5. if he is easy or hard to deal with; 6. if he is a man of character; 7. if he takes everything easy; 8. if he is of cheerful disposition; 9. if your friend can form an idea of his character.


Ex.6. Read and translate the text. Render it in no more than 10 sentences. What do you think will come out of the relationship? Give your end to the story.



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